Brendan's mood has been up and down. One minute he's happy, the next he is mad about something. His temper is short throughout the day. He broke a brand new CD that his friend just gave to him as a Xmas gift. So, I took the rest of the movies and CDs away and had him pay me one dollar. Of course, this made him mad and he tried to kick me (while he was in a sitting position). He missed of course. He calmed down after about 15 minutes.
At night, he is in much better spirits. He is a night-owl like me. We thrive during the night and are not morning people. He is still sleeping from midnight to noon. I think after all of these years that he hardly slept, he is catching up on it all.
This is Brendan's story. Participating in this blog are his parents, his Cranial Sacral Therapist, his Homeopath and Brendan.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Yes, there has been a large energetic shift in the world since January 21 again. The autistic child will feel the shift and they are very aware of all the feelings of others around them. If you have an autistic child beware of your feelings, do not try and fix your child's problems (they feel that energetic feeling), clear your negative feelings and calm your energy and ones around you and the child will also feel the calmness and react the same.
What is Awesomism?
December 8, 2011AWESOMISM IS SEEING BEYOND the “disorder” to a brilliance of your child’s difference.
AWESOMISM IS KNOWING your child for who they really are, complete with the amazing clarity, wisdom and gifts that they are bringing to your life.
AWESOMISM IS AN OPPORTUNITY to move beyond limitation and into potentials and possibilities!
AWESOMISM IS A POWERFULLY POSITIVE way to experience autism.
THE CHILDREN OF AWESOMISM (telepathically told from autistic children) by Suzy Miller
1. Our behaviors rarely mean what you think they mean.
2. We experience so much more than meets the eye.
3. We feel our way through life, instead of think our way through.
4. What you say means very little to us unless it matches how you feel.
5. We are right-brained, creative and connected to something bigger.
6. We are communicating long before we talk.
7. We constantly reflect the inner life of those around us~ even you!
8. The best way to connect with us is by being present.
9. We are showing the world what no longer serves humanity.
10. We are different but we are not disordered.
Once you understand and apply this awareness our life together becomes an awesome gift to be shared!
Parent update 12/27/11
Hmmm......Brendan was doing okay for part of the day, then he got agitated when we were in the dining room. He kept looking about, and since I didn't see anything per se to upset him, so I got the Holy Water and sprayed it around, and then he was fine.
Then about one hour later when we were upstairs, he became mischevious. He went into my bathroom and hurled my curling iron at the shower door. For some reason he is obsessed with trying to break our shower door. I was not happy, and told him no more movies upstairs. So, we went down stairs. But, when we go into the living room, he grabbed my crafts bag and swung it around and hit it on the entertainment center. All of my beads (for making bracelets)flew out! The beads were in containers, but he hit it so hard, that it broke open the container and everything flew out. When he makes me this mad and is out of control, I tell him to lie down on the carpet. He usually lies down face down which is safer for him and me because then he can't kick or hit anything or anyone.
After he calmed down a little (about 15 min) then he got up and I gave him the MP 30C remedy. I gave it to him every hour for four hours straight. This seemed to work.
When his Dad got home later in the evening, I went out for a few hours. Amazing how a few hours away can recharge your batteries. Overall, the whole day, he would get mad at me. It didn't matter whether I said something or not, looked at him or not...he was just mad at me. We have spent 11 days straight together (with me only be gone for a total of 9 hours off and on during those days) so I think we both just needed a break from eachother. His Dad did remind me that he is 12 years old....(pre-teen attitude). Ah..yes..I remember that time in matter what your parents say or don't say, you just don't like it! ;)
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.......
Then about one hour later when we were upstairs, he became mischevious. He went into my bathroom and hurled my curling iron at the shower door. For some reason he is obsessed with trying to break our shower door. I was not happy, and told him no more movies upstairs. So, we went down stairs. But, when we go into the living room, he grabbed my crafts bag and swung it around and hit it on the entertainment center. All of my beads (for making bracelets)flew out! The beads were in containers, but he hit it so hard, that it broke open the container and everything flew out. When he makes me this mad and is out of control, I tell him to lie down on the carpet. He usually lies down face down which is safer for him and me because then he can't kick or hit anything or anyone.
After he calmed down a little (about 15 min) then he got up and I gave him the MP 30C remedy. I gave it to him every hour for four hours straight. This seemed to work.
When his Dad got home later in the evening, I went out for a few hours. Amazing how a few hours away can recharge your batteries. Overall, the whole day, he would get mad at me. It didn't matter whether I said something or not, looked at him or not...he was just mad at me. We have spent 11 days straight together (with me only be gone for a total of 9 hours off and on during those days) so I think we both just needed a break from eachother. His Dad did remind me that he is 12 years old....(pre-teen attitude). Ah..yes..I remember that time in matter what your parents say or don't say, you just don't like it! ;)
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.......
Monday, December 26, 2011
Parent update 12/26/11
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Brendan and his Dad stayed home since they were both still recovering from being ill. I was able to go solo to drop off gifts at my parents house and visit with family for a few hours. So,that was nice.
Brendan seems to be well today. He has had some crying spells and I got one headbutt today. I think the headbutt was because I thought he would want to go for a drive (just to get out of the house), and even though he said 'yeah', I don't think he really wanted to go. He has communication tools to use and can say 'yeah' or 'nah' if he doesn't want to do something, but he doesn't always use these tools (which results in frustration and headbutts/hitting).
He enjoyed opening his gifts. But the funny part was, when he was given a 'clothes box' to open he would just look at it and say 'clothes', stare at it with no enthusiasm, and then proceed to reluctantly open it. This was the first time I've seen it do this when opening gifts. The gift bags and cards were open more heartily!
I hope this week I can get him back on schedule. Over the last month (and this continues), he wont' go to sleep until 1am or 2am. Then he gets up at 11am and won't come downstairs until noon or later. Not good once school begins. We'll see.....
Brendan seems to be well today. He has had some crying spells and I got one headbutt today. I think the headbutt was because I thought he would want to go for a drive (just to get out of the house), and even though he said 'yeah', I don't think he really wanted to go. He has communication tools to use and can say 'yeah' or 'nah' if he doesn't want to do something, but he doesn't always use these tools (which results in frustration and headbutts/hitting).
He enjoyed opening his gifts. But the funny part was, when he was given a 'clothes box' to open he would just look at it and say 'clothes', stare at it with no enthusiasm, and then proceed to reluctantly open it. This was the first time I've seen it do this when opening gifts. The gift bags and cards were open more heartily!
I hope this week I can get him back on schedule. Over the last month (and this continues), he wont' go to sleep until 1am or 2am. Then he gets up at 11am and won't come downstairs until noon or later. Not good once school begins. We'll see.....
Friday, December 23, 2011
Parent update 12/23/11
Well, I accidently gave Brendan a remedy that was too strong. I was suppose to give him the NP 1M and gave him the NP 10M. So, I've been wating to see if he will have some reaction to it. So far, he has had a few crying spells, but that's it so far. Whew! At least I hope that is it! I prayed that I was meant to give him the 10M since the 1M bottle apparently was found on the floor at Kathleen's. Makes you wonder.......
Thursday, December 22, 2011
CST Session 12/22/11
Brendan's mom called us to let us know Brendan may not be coming as he slept in. We told her to ask him if he wanted to come. When they arrived his mom said he has never gotten dressed so fast. He was happy to be here.
We started working again on the colon. He loved it and if I moved my hand he would wait for me to put it back. There were many shifts in the lower groin, abdomen and colon. As shifts occurred Brendan would smile; then go into deep concentration at times waiting for the next shift. He could still feel the small ball remaining.
His mom did the ghHW methodology while I worked his colon and Linda supported the rest of the intestines. We also were lucky to have Tim here today whom Brendan allowed to work on his head. A lot was going on for Brendan and he accepted it all.
The connection between the frontal lobe and colon has greatly subsided. There were small tugs remaining; but it is believed this may be due to the small ball remaining in his colon. We will continue to monitor this and refine what we think about the worm vs. frontal lobe relationship.
When we use the ghHW method our clients are provided a mask to protect their eyes. Today Brendan put his mask on and did not remove it until the very end of his session. He laughed intermittently and was calm and happy.
He is a wonderful kid and blossoming. We ask him many questions now and he always provides an answer. His ability to make sounds is easier and easier.
We wished him Merry Christmas and he left with his mom smiling brightly! God Bless you Brendan and may the holiday season bring you the gifts you are wishing for!
We started working again on the colon. He loved it and if I moved my hand he would wait for me to put it back. There were many shifts in the lower groin, abdomen and colon. As shifts occurred Brendan would smile; then go into deep concentration at times waiting for the next shift. He could still feel the small ball remaining.
His mom did the ghHW methodology while I worked his colon and Linda supported the rest of the intestines. We also were lucky to have Tim here today whom Brendan allowed to work on his head. A lot was going on for Brendan and he accepted it all.
The connection between the frontal lobe and colon has greatly subsided. There were small tugs remaining; but it is believed this may be due to the small ball remaining in his colon. We will continue to monitor this and refine what we think about the worm vs. frontal lobe relationship.
When we use the ghHW method our clients are provided a mask to protect their eyes. Today Brendan put his mask on and did not remove it until the very end of his session. He laughed intermittently and was calm and happy.
He is a wonderful kid and blossoming. We ask him many questions now and he always provides an answer. His ability to make sounds is easier and easier.
We wished him Merry Christmas and he left with his mom smiling brightly! God Bless you Brendan and may the holiday season bring you the gifts you are wishing for!
Parent update 12/22/11
Brendan did poop on Tuesday night. I didn't see any worm(s) per se. But there was a encasing looking thing. It looked a little like the skin of a sausage. But it was just a piece of it, not tubular.
Anyway, I asked Brendan if the worm was in his poop and he said yes. Then when he was getting ready for bed (he always pees before bedtime) he walked into the bathroom but carefully peered into the toilet (never did that before). I told him the poop and worm are gone. Then he sat on the toilet.
Yesterday (Weds), he just wanted to lay on the couch all day and watch movies. He was very tired. It's as if passing the worm exhausted him.
Today (Thurs), Kathleen and Linda worked on him. Not all of the worm has passed. I will let Kathleen explain about his frontal lobe/worm connection. I gave him hte NP remedy. Brendan is happy right now.
Anyway, I asked Brendan if the worm was in his poop and he said yes. Then when he was getting ready for bed (he always pees before bedtime) he walked into the bathroom but carefully peered into the toilet (never did that before). I told him the poop and worm are gone. Then he sat on the toilet.
Yesterday (Weds), he just wanted to lay on the couch all day and watch movies. He was very tired. It's as if passing the worm exhausted him.
Today (Thurs), Kathleen and Linda worked on him. Not all of the worm has passed. I will let Kathleen explain about his frontal lobe/worm connection. I gave him hte NP remedy. Brendan is happy right now.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Night Session 12/19/11
What a night!! Brendan's father and I had a chance to speak while Brendan prepared for bed. It is always interesting to obtain a father's perspective and I so appreciate the moments we have to share information and experiences. When I went upstairs Brendan was already in bed and pointed to the spot on the bed I sit on.
Sitting next to him I told him there were some questions I would like to ask him. Earlier in the day I had worked on a spectrum child and when using the ghHW method I saw a large "worm" moving rapidly through his body. It shocked me at first due to it's size and ability to pass through areas one would think is difficult; but it dove deep and would surface then do it again. The 'worm' was heading downward towards the abdomen.
I asked Brendan about 'worms' and he told me they were present in him as well. About a year and a half ago we started on a detox program with some of the kids and the first portion went extremely well. All kids reacted positively and there bowels improved significantly. We had won the war with the bowels. Every child who has ever done this 10 day program has had permanent changes in their ability to eliminate and/or poop.
When we got to the second portion (we have various supplements to test the kids with); we did not have the correct match for Brendan. We tried one but he ended up having an allergic reaction. Due to pressing physical outbursts we were desperately looking for the right combination to calm Brenda down. Everything we tried did not seem to work or appeased him temporarily. We kept going in other directions and never completed the second half of the protocol.
Now it comes to pass - last night while working on Brendan with his mom and the ghHW method I saw a two-headed parasite located in his colon area. We continued the ghHW method and the parasite was screaming. As we backed into his colon Brendan and I could physically feel the 'worm' shrivel up. Brendan held my hand for a long time while it was over his colon and when the worm no longer moved Brendan became very happy.
I believe children can feel the movement of these 'worms' through their body and the goal is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As we neared the end of the session Brendan stated he had to go 'poo' (most parasites/worms eliminate through the bowels). We let him go and he stayed in the bathroom for a very long time. In fact he stayed so long I left. Saying goodbye to Brendan his mom and I agreed she would look at the stool as soon as Brendan eliminated himself. Unfortunately he did not pass any stool last night; but his mother remains vigilant.
During this session we became aware of another strong connection: I had one of my hands on Brendan's frontal lobe and the other on his colon; which brought to our attention the strength of the two areas tied together (the same was felt in the other child). As the frontal lobe shifted the 'worm' shriveled. The more the frontal lobe shifted the more the 'worm' became smaller and dryer. As this was happening we realized the worm may potentially be directing the frontal lobe or better yet; the frontal lobe maybe so engaged with the activities of the 'worm' it ceases to perform other duties.
One other difference noted between the two children: Brendan did not have the gooey, slimy like substance throughout his system as did the other child. Perhaps this is why the 'worm' became like the witch from the Wizard of Oz: when the water was thrown upon the witch she melted. Perhaps with the correct remedies and connections we are seeing the shrinking and ultimate elimination of the 'worm' and all it is connected to.
We will continue to work on this and provide information as it becomes available.
Sitting next to him I told him there were some questions I would like to ask him. Earlier in the day I had worked on a spectrum child and when using the ghHW method I saw a large "worm" moving rapidly through his body. It shocked me at first due to it's size and ability to pass through areas one would think is difficult; but it dove deep and would surface then do it again. The 'worm' was heading downward towards the abdomen.
I asked Brendan about 'worms' and he told me they were present in him as well. About a year and a half ago we started on a detox program with some of the kids and the first portion went extremely well. All kids reacted positively and there bowels improved significantly. We had won the war with the bowels. Every child who has ever done this 10 day program has had permanent changes in their ability to eliminate and/or poop.
When we got to the second portion (we have various supplements to test the kids with); we did not have the correct match for Brendan. We tried one but he ended up having an allergic reaction. Due to pressing physical outbursts we were desperately looking for the right combination to calm Brenda down. Everything we tried did not seem to work or appeased him temporarily. We kept going in other directions and never completed the second half of the protocol.
Now it comes to pass - last night while working on Brendan with his mom and the ghHW method I saw a two-headed parasite located in his colon area. We continued the ghHW method and the parasite was screaming. As we backed into his colon Brendan and I could physically feel the 'worm' shrivel up. Brendan held my hand for a long time while it was over his colon and when the worm no longer moved Brendan became very happy.
I believe children can feel the movement of these 'worms' through their body and the goal is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As we neared the end of the session Brendan stated he had to go 'poo' (most parasites/worms eliminate through the bowels). We let him go and he stayed in the bathroom for a very long time. In fact he stayed so long I left. Saying goodbye to Brendan his mom and I agreed she would look at the stool as soon as Brendan eliminated himself. Unfortunately he did not pass any stool last night; but his mother remains vigilant.
During this session we became aware of another strong connection: I had one of my hands on Brendan's frontal lobe and the other on his colon; which brought to our attention the strength of the two areas tied together (the same was felt in the other child). As the frontal lobe shifted the 'worm' shriveled. The more the frontal lobe shifted the more the 'worm' became smaller and dryer. As this was happening we realized the worm may potentially be directing the frontal lobe or better yet; the frontal lobe maybe so engaged with the activities of the 'worm' it ceases to perform other duties.
One other difference noted between the two children: Brendan did not have the gooey, slimy like substance throughout his system as did the other child. Perhaps this is why the 'worm' became like the witch from the Wizard of Oz: when the water was thrown upon the witch she melted. Perhaps with the correct remedies and connections we are seeing the shrinking and ultimate elimination of the 'worm' and all it is connected to.
We will continue to work on this and provide information as it becomes available.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Parent update 12/17/11
Brendan got sick Thursday night. He started sneezing after dinner so I had my suspicion. This is probably why he slept for 12 hours the night before. He is taking cold remedies and seems to be doing okay. Just a head cold, no fever and cough so far. : )
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Parent update 12/14/11
Brendan did fantastic today!! He made it in time do to the dance skit with his class. The kids actually had to wait one hour before it was their turn to go on stage. He did his part perfectly. Then he was also part of a select group of kids who got to do the rumba at the end of the program! They got into costume which was a straw hawaiian hat and moroccas (not sure what the costumes had to do with Xmas, but who cares it was fun). He was so happy! The crowd was clapping and cheering them on. His old speech therapist and OT were also in the audience. They were so proud of him too. They loved that he was having so much fun and doing the dance moves.
he rest of his evening has gone well. He looks tired, so I am hoping he'll get to sleep before 11pm. (sigh) What a difference one week makes! :)
he rest of his evening has gone well. He looks tired, so I am hoping he'll get to sleep before 11pm. (sigh) What a difference one week makes! :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Parent update 12/13/11
Well, Brendan has been in a good mood the last few days. However, he isn't falling asleep until midnight no matter how early we get him into bed. Then he can't get up until 9:30am the next morning. He then proceeds to stay in bed until noon. When he stays in bed, he is not sleeping. He has the sheets up to his neck and just lays in bed. He seems okay, but lethargic. Needless to say, he has missed the last two days of school. He only has three days of school left until Xmas break. Not sure what is going to happen. He's suppose to be in a dance skit tomorrow with his class at the county school holiday party. But, sadly with the way things are going, he'll probably miss it.
He did have an ABA session today. His Dad said he did well and said "kick ball" to the therapist. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
He did have an ABA session today. His Dad said he did well and said "kick ball" to the therapist. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
Sunday, December 11, 2011
CST Session 12/8/11
Brendan came in today in an agitated state. He knocked a tv off the table and punched a couple of pictures. His mom told us his day started off good but when she picked him up from school - he was not himself.
Our homeopath immediately gave him a remedy to settle him down that has worked in the past; however, the remedy did nothing. Brilliant as she is our homepath asked about giving him a remedy for polar shifts. She recognized that some shifts were happening around the 12th of December and felt perhaps this could help him.
Brendan was on the table when she gave him the remedy and the results were astounding. We watched him go from a highly frustrated and irritable kid to a calm and happy child. It was amazing. She asked him if he wanted more and he said yes. We also turned on the MRS 2000 machine which is in alignment with the earth's frequency. Brendan remained calm the rest of the time he was here. We finished with cranial vault (skull) work.
When he left the homeopath handed his mom a bottle of water with the remedy in it. Brendan took it and placed it over his heart. He was clearly very happy to have this remedy. We look forward to see how he does over the next few days. This may be a remedy we try on multiple spectrum children when there are shifts.
What began as a difficult couple of hours ended in harmony. We hope Brendan continues to feel the way left.
Our homeopath immediately gave him a remedy to settle him down that has worked in the past; however, the remedy did nothing. Brilliant as she is our homepath asked about giving him a remedy for polar shifts. She recognized that some shifts were happening around the 12th of December and felt perhaps this could help him.
Brendan was on the table when she gave him the remedy and the results were astounding. We watched him go from a highly frustrated and irritable kid to a calm and happy child. It was amazing. She asked him if he wanted more and he said yes. We also turned on the MRS 2000 machine which is in alignment with the earth's frequency. Brendan remained calm the rest of the time he was here. We finished with cranial vault (skull) work.
When he left the homeopath handed his mom a bottle of water with the remedy in it. Brendan took it and placed it over his heart. He was clearly very happy to have this remedy. We look forward to see how he does over the next few days. This may be a remedy we try on multiple spectrum children when there are shifts.
What began as a difficult couple of hours ended in harmony. We hope Brendan continues to feel the way left.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Parent update 12/10/11
Today we were suppose to go to Lodi to see his RDI specialist. Unfortunately, I woke up with swollen eyes and hives all over in the middle of the night. So, I OD on Benadryl and did not wake up until 11am! Brendan also got up late. So, it was best that we didn't go.
Brendan has been off today, but no headbutting or hitting. Yay! He was very indecisive on where he wanted to go. First he wanted to go to Target, then ToysRUs. He couldn't make up his mind. After driving around, we finally ended up at Target but he was progressively agitated. He did get out of the car but was going to headbutt me and stopped. I told him to get back in the car and we left. He wanted to got to the park, so we went there instead and hiked about a mile to the creek. It was so peaceful there just listening to the water. Then we stopped off to buy a little (but live) Xmas tree. He was so happy. He also wanted to get lights and ornaments. His old ABA therapist was scheduled to Brendansit tonight so Paul and I could go out to dinner. So, I thought decorating the minitree would be fun for them.
Brendan was so happy to see her. They always have fun together. Anyway, we went to dinner and then Paul went to buy a monitor for Brendan's computer because his stopped working and I went to the dollar store near our house. The therapist called me to say that Brendan was in the bathroom and saying his belly hurt. So, I came home. When he walked out of the bathroom his whole face was swollen! I immediately gave him Benadryl and a remedy for hives. Found out his Dad had a pint of B&J ice cream in the freezer that had milk, soy, wheat and eggs! Everything he is allergice to. Oh! and it also had rum balls! Brendan had wanted some so she gave him a little. Poor Brendan! The therapist felt so bad but it wasn't her fault. It shouldn't have been in there anyway. (sigh)
So, after about one hour, the swelling started to subside. So, I got him ready for his bath. Well, he ended up getting sick to his stomach in the bath. To make a long story short, he fell asleep on his bed while his Dad and I cleaned up the mess. It was good that he got it out of his system. I will be sleeping in his room tonight to make sure the swelling goes down and he is breathing okay.
Brendan has been off today, but no headbutting or hitting. Yay! He was very indecisive on where he wanted to go. First he wanted to go to Target, then ToysRUs. He couldn't make up his mind. After driving around, we finally ended up at Target but he was progressively agitated. He did get out of the car but was going to headbutt me and stopped. I told him to get back in the car and we left. He wanted to got to the park, so we went there instead and hiked about a mile to the creek. It was so peaceful there just listening to the water. Then we stopped off to buy a little (but live) Xmas tree. He was so happy. He also wanted to get lights and ornaments. His old ABA therapist was scheduled to Brendansit tonight so Paul and I could go out to dinner. So, I thought decorating the minitree would be fun for them.
Brendan was so happy to see her. They always have fun together. Anyway, we went to dinner and then Paul went to buy a monitor for Brendan's computer because his stopped working and I went to the dollar store near our house. The therapist called me to say that Brendan was in the bathroom and saying his belly hurt. So, I came home. When he walked out of the bathroom his whole face was swollen! I immediately gave him Benadryl and a remedy for hives. Found out his Dad had a pint of B&J ice cream in the freezer that had milk, soy, wheat and eggs! Everything he is allergice to. Oh! and it also had rum balls! Brendan had wanted some so she gave him a little. Poor Brendan! The therapist felt so bad but it wasn't her fault. It shouldn't have been in there anyway. (sigh)
So, after about one hour, the swelling started to subside. So, I got him ready for his bath. Well, he ended up getting sick to his stomach in the bath. To make a long story short, he fell asleep on his bed while his Dad and I cleaned up the mess. It was good that he got it out of his system. I will be sleeping in his room tonight to make sure the swelling goes down and he is breathing okay.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Homeopath- 12/9/11
Yes yesterday was very interesting. Brendan definitely was having anger issues. BUT as I have heard from the Suzy Miller web page the reaction of Brendan does not surprise me. She says that the Autistic children can feel energy changes. It has been said by many that we are going thru a big energy shift change this next year. The Lunar eclipse is Dec 10th and the magnetic energy will most likely be altered . It does seem that Brendan is worse during these shift changes they talk about. So Yesterday I gave Brendan a remedy made from the Magnetic Poles. A very low dose 15c. It did seem to make a difference. And Brendan said it made him feel better. He wanted to take it very often in the session and held the bottle close to his chest as he exited the office. It is no doubt that Autistic children are sensitive to energetic levels and changes. Brendan is a great example of that. I wonder how many other children in our office are feeling it. I know Kathleen is feeling it and another mom that is energetically sensitive was feeling off sorts yesterday. She also took the MP remedy and felt a warmness and calming immediately. Last year at this time Dec 21, 2010 to Jan 3rd, which was another big energy shift, Brendan was very angry and broke a lot of glass. It is said they are trying to break up the energy. Suzy Miller says that Autistic children can also spin in circles or scream loud noises to break up energy. Tomorrow will be very interesting as it is the Lunar Eclipse.
Parent update 12/9/11
Yesterday (Thursday) was a disaster! In school, Brendan hit and kicked everyone, but not out of anger...he thought it was funny. Then when we got to Kathleen's he tried to break her TV and put his foot through one of her picture frames shattering the glass. He proceeded to think it was funny and hit me a couple of times...and Kathleen which is rare.
We got him on the table and put the magnetic mat on. This started to calm him down. But what really seemed to calm him down the most was the remedy Linda gave to him. I'll let her explain that in her blog. The rest of the night he was okay. I just kept giving the remedy to him until he went to bed. I reminded him that hitting and kicking people is NOT funny. It is very hurtful. Also, if he didn't behave in school the next day, he wasn't getting any treats (going to the store).
This morning his Dad reported that he seemed fine. I picked him up from school with knots in my stomach not sure what to expect. But they reported that he did fine. We ent to the store and then hung out at home waiting for his friends to arrive. He was lounging on the bed listening to his music. Then I told him we need to go downstairs because his friends were due to show up. He came downstairs and then proceeded to get mad and headbutted me very hard. I had him lay down on the carpet to calm down. Since he didn't seem to be calming down, I had to cancel his friends visit. My friends kids who are also on the spectrum were apparently also acting up and she almost had to cancel with us. I have to get the remedy to her to see if it helps her kiddos calm down.
After he had calmed down (yes, I gave him more of the remedy) he wanted to go to the park. So, I got his stuff ready. Then he proceeded to break two of his CDs that he just bought. SO, we did not go. I was not happy plus I had a headache from the headbutt. So, he stayed in theliving room and I went into the dining room to give both of us some space. After 15 minutes, he came over and signed that he was sorry. His mood has been up and down tonight. We'll see how he does tomorrow........
We got him on the table and put the magnetic mat on. This started to calm him down. But what really seemed to calm him down the most was the remedy Linda gave to him. I'll let her explain that in her blog. The rest of the night he was okay. I just kept giving the remedy to him until he went to bed. I reminded him that hitting and kicking people is NOT funny. It is very hurtful. Also, if he didn't behave in school the next day, he wasn't getting any treats (going to the store).
This morning his Dad reported that he seemed fine. I picked him up from school with knots in my stomach not sure what to expect. But they reported that he did fine. We ent to the store and then hung out at home waiting for his friends to arrive. He was lounging on the bed listening to his music. Then I told him we need to go downstairs because his friends were due to show up. He came downstairs and then proceeded to get mad and headbutted me very hard. I had him lay down on the carpet to calm down. Since he didn't seem to be calming down, I had to cancel his friends visit. My friends kids who are also on the spectrum were apparently also acting up and she almost had to cancel with us. I have to get the remedy to her to see if it helps her kiddos calm down.
After he had calmed down (yes, I gave him more of the remedy) he wanted to go to the park. So, I got his stuff ready. Then he proceeded to break two of his CDs that he just bought. SO, we did not go. I was not happy plus I had a headache from the headbutt. So, he stayed in theliving room and I went into the dining room to give both of us some space. After 15 minutes, he came over and signed that he was sorry. His mood has been up and down tonight. We'll see how he does tomorrow........
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Parent update 12/7/11
Brendan slept for 7 hours Monday night and woke up mad on Tuesday. But, by the time I took him to school, he was in better spirits.
His class is doing a dance skit for the Xmas party which his teacher said, he happily participated in. He did cranky during his afternoon ABA session. His therapist noticed that he was communicating as much by actively using his iTouch or communication binder. But then again, he was up very early and it was his first full day back in to his routine in almost two weeks.
Last night he slept for 11 hours! Had a good day overall.
His class is doing a dance skit for the Xmas party which his teacher said, he happily participated in. He did cranky during his afternoon ABA session. His therapist noticed that he was communicating as much by actively using his iTouch or communication binder. But then again, he was up very early and it was his first full day back in to his routine in almost two weeks.
Last night he slept for 11 hours! Had a good day overall.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Parent update 12/4/11
I gave Brendan the remedy yesterday afternoon and then again at night. We only had one incident yesterday at bathtime. He apparently did not want to take one and got mad about it. He headbutted me a few times. I redirected him to his commuication tools and told him to show me what he wants and that headbutting me isn't going to help me understand what he needs. He wanted to watch movies upstairs in our room. So we did. He was fine after that.
He has many tools to use to communicate. He is just quick tempered and instead of remembering that he can show me what he wants, he headbutts his displeasure.
Brendan's been a mole these last two days. He hasn't left the house. Has chosen to stay in his pajamas all day, lie in our bed (sometimes with his head under the covers) and watch movies or listen to music. He just seems to need to be in a controlled environment right now. My only concern is that he won't want to go to school tomorrow because it will be too chaotic for him after being in solitude all weekend. His mind and body just needed to rest this weekend.
He has many tools to use to communicate. He is just quick tempered and instead of remembering that he can show me what he wants, he headbutts his displeasure.
Brendan's been a mole these last two days. He hasn't left the house. Has chosen to stay in his pajamas all day, lie in our bed (sometimes with his head under the covers) and watch movies or listen to music. He just seems to need to be in a controlled environment right now. My only concern is that he won't want to go to school tomorrow because it will be too chaotic for him after being in solitude all weekend. His mind and body just needed to rest this weekend.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
12/2/11 homeopath -
I am having Brendan re-dose his constitutional remedy - np200c. to see if this calms him down. If this does not work we will try and go to a higher level. And/or add detoxing remedies sac and cup 6c as needed.
Kathleen thinks he is detoxing the Anesthesia remedies. If this is so and we add the sac and cupr 6c and do not see results we will re-dose the Anesthesia remedies one level at a time to try to push this out.
Kathleen thinks he is detoxing the Anesthesia remedies. If this is so and we add the sac and cupr 6c and do not see results we will re-dose the Anesthesia remedies one level at a time to try to push this out.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Parent update 12/2/11
Brendan slept for 11 hours! His Dad said that he didn't look puffy this morning and was in a good mood. He finally made it back to school today by 11am (he missed the last three days due to puffiness/itching).
When I picked him up, he did not look happy. When we got inside the car, he indicated that he wanted to go to Target. On the drive there, he was very quiet. Then he changed his mind and wanted to go to ToysRUs. He was fine in the store until he realized they didn't have what he wanted. He chose something else. However, this is the first time in a while that he had difficult waiting in line. He was getting very agitated and kept looking back at the DVDs. So I asked him if he wanted to select something else, he said, "yeah". So we went back to the DVDs. He looked again and ended up keeping what he had already picked. We got back in line. There was only one person in line. Unfortunnately, this elderly woman was moving like molasses. I tried to remain calm and unfazed by the extremely slow transaction. Brendan was starting to get loud and make noises. Finally it was our turn. By then, he couldn't control himself and headbutted me. He immediately stopped, looked a little shocked that he did it, and signed that he was sorry. Because I could tell he really was, I accepted his apology. We made our purchase and left.
He continued to be agitated on the drive home. Indicating he wanted to go to the park to hike. Well, I had heels on (having just come from work), so I told him we had to go home first so I could change my clothes. We made it home with him protesting all the way. [Of course after having to endure the molasses lady, I hit every single red light on the way home.] Once inside he was still a little agitated. Not wanting to keep him out of close proximity, i had him come upstairs with me so I could change. When we came back downstairs I told him we can go for a hike and then to his friends house. He signed he wanted to stay home. I said fine, cancelled our visit with his friend, but he continued to be agitated. So, I led him into the living room, got out the tunnel and he climbed inside. He calmed down after a few minutes. I just sat nearby and told him I would stay with him.
After 20 minutes, he started giggling. So, I made up a song about trees (he is currently fixated on pine trees) and it made him happy. Normally he tells me to stop singing (it's not like I have a bad voice, I use to sing in a choir for heaven's sake!). After another 10 minutes, he came out to get something to eat. Then we went to the park.
Instead of chosing the park where we go hiking, he chose to go to the park that has a vending machine inside their community center. He likes to get chips. Vending machines are a good place to teach about counting money. Anyway, we had to go in the building the long way because the side door was locked. A dance class of very small, loud, crying children was in process. He made it through the chaos of small ballerinas that were swarming the hallway, through a maze of chairs that were blocking the hallway due to redecorating for the holidays, and finally to the vending machine...all without incident...and without headphones. I think he was so determined to get to his chips, that he didn't notice the noise.
He's been fine the rest of the night so far. Yes! He is still up. Bath ritual is taking 2.5 hours again. But he seems so peaceful in the water, that I don't rush him. Who knows. Maybe it feels like he is in the womb. Hopefully, he'll get another good night of sleep.
When I picked him up, he did not look happy. When we got inside the car, he indicated that he wanted to go to Target. On the drive there, he was very quiet. Then he changed his mind and wanted to go to ToysRUs. He was fine in the store until he realized they didn't have what he wanted. He chose something else. However, this is the first time in a while that he had difficult waiting in line. He was getting very agitated and kept looking back at the DVDs. So I asked him if he wanted to select something else, he said, "yeah". So we went back to the DVDs. He looked again and ended up keeping what he had already picked. We got back in line. There was only one person in line. Unfortunnately, this elderly woman was moving like molasses. I tried to remain calm and unfazed by the extremely slow transaction. Brendan was starting to get loud and make noises. Finally it was our turn. By then, he couldn't control himself and headbutted me. He immediately stopped, looked a little shocked that he did it, and signed that he was sorry. Because I could tell he really was, I accepted his apology. We made our purchase and left.
He continued to be agitated on the drive home. Indicating he wanted to go to the park to hike. Well, I had heels on (having just come from work), so I told him we had to go home first so I could change my clothes. We made it home with him protesting all the way. [Of course after having to endure the molasses lady, I hit every single red light on the way home.] Once inside he was still a little agitated. Not wanting to keep him out of close proximity, i had him come upstairs with me so I could change. When we came back downstairs I told him we can go for a hike and then to his friends house. He signed he wanted to stay home. I said fine, cancelled our visit with his friend, but he continued to be agitated. So, I led him into the living room, got out the tunnel and he climbed inside. He calmed down after a few minutes. I just sat nearby and told him I would stay with him.
After 20 minutes, he started giggling. So, I made up a song about trees (he is currently fixated on pine trees) and it made him happy. Normally he tells me to stop singing (it's not like I have a bad voice, I use to sing in a choir for heaven's sake!). After another 10 minutes, he came out to get something to eat. Then we went to the park.
Instead of chosing the park where we go hiking, he chose to go to the park that has a vending machine inside their community center. He likes to get chips. Vending machines are a good place to teach about counting money. Anyway, we had to go in the building the long way because the side door was locked. A dance class of very small, loud, crying children was in process. He made it through the chaos of small ballerinas that were swarming the hallway, through a maze of chairs that were blocking the hallway due to redecorating for the holidays, and finally to the vending machine...all without incident...and without headphones. I think he was so determined to get to his chips, that he didn't notice the noise.
He's been fine the rest of the night so far. Yes! He is still up. Bath ritual is taking 2.5 hours again. But he seems so peaceful in the water, that I don't rush him. Who knows. Maybe it feels like he is in the womb. Hopefully, he'll get another good night of sleep.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
CST Session 12/1/11
Brendan came in for his regular session today looking tired. He went into the kids room and we could tell he was looking for something. The "tunnel" we have was folded and placed against the wall - when we pointed to it and said that was what he wanted.
In the past few months Brendan has been coming in and periodically going through this tunnel. Today was very unique as he went through the tunnel numerous times but each time stayed longer inside the tunnel. He would stop for five minutes and then move another foot; then stop for 20 minutes and again move. At one point when he started getting agitated I said "Push". He immediately came forward and was calm. It was as if we were watching him come down the birth canal (the tunnel can mimic the birth canal).
We believe in reversals. Reversals are defined as: the body mimicking a trauma or completing a biological process in order to effect recovery. When reversals are effective all aspects of the trauma reverse leaving a clean slate. Reversing any trauma is key to recovery. (More on this in an upcoming blog).
Brendan had a traumatic birth with his delivery via c-section. The first week of his life was spent in the NICU where he received various anesthesia's and underwent numerous medical procedures.
He spent the entire session going through the tunnel (we never went to the therapy room). When he left he was smiling and wanted to the take the tunnel home with him. We let him and we look forward to an update from his mom.
In the past few months Brendan has been coming in and periodically going through this tunnel. Today was very unique as he went through the tunnel numerous times but each time stayed longer inside the tunnel. He would stop for five minutes and then move another foot; then stop for 20 minutes and again move. At one point when he started getting agitated I said "Push". He immediately came forward and was calm. It was as if we were watching him come down the birth canal (the tunnel can mimic the birth canal).
We believe in reversals. Reversals are defined as: the body mimicking a trauma or completing a biological process in order to effect recovery. When reversals are effective all aspects of the trauma reverse leaving a clean slate. Reversing any trauma is key to recovery. (More on this in an upcoming blog).
Brendan had a traumatic birth with his delivery via c-section. The first week of his life was spent in the NICU where he received various anesthesia's and underwent numerous medical procedures.
He spent the entire session going through the tunnel (we never went to the therapy room). When he left he was smiling and wanted to the take the tunnel home with him. We let him and we look forward to an update from his mom.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Lymph Session 11/30/11
Today Brendan came in with his father for a lymphatic and ghHW session. Both axilla's (underarms) were blocked; as well as the left clavicle node(s). These are two of the major lymphatic drainage areas. Began by lymphing his legs, abdomen, arms and then neck and head. Once we got onto the underarms and head he began laughing. This happens quite often when the lymphatic system starts draining.
The ghHW protocol included lymph and relaxation with existing remedies. A new remedy was tried on the settings of brain. Linda will update on the homeopathic side.
Brendan stayed about an hour and a half and left in a happy mood. A lot of toxins and fluids drained from his neck, face and skull. He feels better - and we will see him tomorrow for his regular appointment.
The ghHW protocol included lymph and relaxation with existing remedies. A new remedy was tried on the settings of brain. Linda will update on the homeopathic side.
Brendan stayed about an hour and a half and left in a happy mood. A lot of toxins and fluids drained from his neck, face and skull. He feels better - and we will see him tomorrow for his regular appointment.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thoughts on rash
Sorry to see Brendan is going through this. Just some thoughts being discussed are the detox. Following Brendan's birth their were difficulties and he spent quite some time in the hospital being treated. Recently we began a detox of the various anesthesias given to him.
In conjunction with ghHW the detox is happening much quicker than normally. Could this be a result of the body trying to flush out so much toxins in such a short period. We are going to do a complete lymph session on Brendan this Thursday - to address the rash; as well as the remedy.
Lymphatic work is wonderful as it opens the major drainage areas of which there are four. One of these is the underarms (or axilla's) - which is where Brendan's rash primiarly is. Could his lymph be backing up and unable to push the amount of toxins releasing? If so, we will be able to tell very quickly as lymphatic work changes the surrounding area immediately (you can actually watch tissue/skin change colors as you are performing the work).
Most importantly is getting Brendan feeling better quickly. Will keep you posted.
In conjunction with ghHW the detox is happening much quicker than normally. Could this be a result of the body trying to flush out so much toxins in such a short period. We are going to do a complete lymph session on Brendan this Thursday - to address the rash; as well as the remedy.
Lymphatic work is wonderful as it opens the major drainage areas of which there are four. One of these is the underarms (or axilla's) - which is where Brendan's rash primiarly is. Could his lymph be backing up and unable to push the amount of toxins releasing? If so, we will be able to tell very quickly as lymphatic work changes the surrounding area immediately (you can actually watch tissue/skin change colors as you are performing the work).
Most importantly is getting Brendan feeling better quickly. Will keep you posted.
Parent update 11/29/11
Spoke with Dermatologist. She said if the area I am applying the ointment has no rash, then it is not the ointment and something else. So, maybe something he ate? Detox???
He woke up with swollen eyes and a puffy face. Of course he is in an irritable state. Slammed the keyboard and keys went flying everywhere. Gonna be a long, long day.
He woke up with swollen eyes and a puffy face. Of course he is in an irritable state. Slammed the keyboard and keys went flying everywhere. Gonna be a long, long day.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Parent update 11/28/11
Poor Brendan. Not a good day at all. He had a bad day at school, stomping, yelling, and his face was itchy. I asked him if he needed Benadryl when I picked him up from school and he said, 'yes'. He's been fussy, headbutting me and hit me a couple of times today. His face looks swollen from scratching it so much.
My guess is it could be the topical antibiotic ointment that we have to apply to his underarm twice a day to keep the sores from getting worse. We've tried natural stuff first, but none of them made it go away completely. A slight possibility of using the antibiotic was a possible rash. The chances were slim but his body is so sensitive. It could be something else, but for now, I am stopping the ointment, still giving him Benadryl but have also started him on an homeopathic remedy for the rash. I hope he gets better.
Although his behavior is reminiscent of months ago, I think it is because of his rash. Who wouldn't be cranky!
My guess is it could be the topical antibiotic ointment that we have to apply to his underarm twice a day to keep the sores from getting worse. We've tried natural stuff first, but none of them made it go away completely. A slight possibility of using the antibiotic was a possible rash. The chances were slim but his body is so sensitive. It could be something else, but for now, I am stopping the ointment, still giving him Benadryl but have also started him on an homeopathic remedy for the rash. I hope he gets better.
Although his behavior is reminiscent of months ago, I think it is because of his rash. Who wouldn't be cranky!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Parent update 11/27/11
Brendan woke up in a better mood this morning. We went on a long hike. But throughout the day he has scratched his face, has been irritable and louder than usual (lots of screaming). He is not screaming in pain, just screaming!
I will do my best to work on head again tonight to see if it helps.
I will do my best to work on head again tonight to see if it helps.
CST Session 11/21/11
Night session. Upon arrival Brendan was watching t.v.; but immediately got up and prepared for going upstairs. Once settled work began on his left leg - he did very well. While his mom worked his right leg I started on his chest and throat area. He liked it alot - lots of heat.
From there we went to his head. His head really needed to be released - especially the left side (parietal, temporal, sphenoid and occipital). We sang while we worked on this. Brendan was exceptional - allowing a lot of heat - and some big shifts to occur.
He has come to the point he know what needs to be done. He can point and tell you exactly what bothers him. We take all our cues from him. It is time we started to do extensive mouth work. We will begin slowly and see how much he can handle as it will effect his entire system (from head to toe).
He wants to talk - he is saying more and more sounds. There is a new technique suggested and founded by our homeopath regarding the laser and neurofeedback. I asked Brendan if he wanted to try this and for the first time in a long time he did not answer. We will wait until his next office appointment to see what he says. We will explain more on this as we do it.
He also wants the laser work done at home (we usually only do this in the office). Going forward we will be doing at the night visits as well. His mom can do that while I will concentrate on his mouth.
When I left he had gotten up to go to the bathroom - which is pretty common during a night session. He usually gets up one time and will then complete his session. I left before he came out of the bathroom - will have to make sure in the future to stay until he gets out so we can evaluate how he is prior to leaving.
Wished him and his family a happy holiday! Am looking forward to see how he did through the holiday.
Blessings and great harvests to all!!
From there we went to his head. His head really needed to be released - especially the left side (parietal, temporal, sphenoid and occipital). We sang while we worked on this. Brendan was exceptional - allowing a lot of heat - and some big shifts to occur.
He has come to the point he know what needs to be done. He can point and tell you exactly what bothers him. We take all our cues from him. It is time we started to do extensive mouth work. We will begin slowly and see how much he can handle as it will effect his entire system (from head to toe).
He wants to talk - he is saying more and more sounds. There is a new technique suggested and founded by our homeopath regarding the laser and neurofeedback. I asked Brendan if he wanted to try this and for the first time in a long time he did not answer. We will wait until his next office appointment to see what he says. We will explain more on this as we do it.
He also wants the laser work done at home (we usually only do this in the office). Going forward we will be doing at the night visits as well. His mom can do that while I will concentrate on his mouth.
When I left he had gotten up to go to the bathroom - which is pretty common during a night session. He usually gets up one time and will then complete his session. I left before he came out of the bathroom - will have to make sure in the future to stay until he gets out so we can evaluate how he is prior to leaving.
Wished him and his family a happy holiday! Am looking forward to see how he did through the holiday.
Blessings and great harvests to all!!
Parent update 11/27/11
Thanksgiving was great this year! We were able to visit my parents for three hours!!! Brendan usually only lasts about one hour, so it doesn't give us much time to visit. He was good the whole time.
On Saturday, we were watching movies and when I picked the wrong one, he said "the other one". It came out mumbled, but enough so I got the jest of it. Then later that night when I was tickling him, and stopped, he said, "Do again".
On Friday and Saturday, he has become more agitated, mad, etc.... He was scratching his face on both sides. I worked on his head last night. This morning he was in a somewhat better mood.
On Saturday, we were watching movies and when I picked the wrong one, he said "the other one". It came out mumbled, but enough so I got the jest of it. Then later that night when I was tickling him, and stopped, he said, "Do again".
On Friday and Saturday, he has become more agitated, mad, etc.... He was scratching his face on both sides. I worked on his head last night. This morning he was in a somewhat better mood.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Parent update 11/23/11
Brendan had a great CST session Monday night. I'll let Kathleen go into it in more detail as only she can do. What I can tell is the whole right side of his face needed to shift. This would explain why he has been so cranky these last few days and saying his head hurts.
Since this session, he has been in much better spirits. His face looks more relaxed and he says he feels better.
Since this session, he has been in much better spirits. His face looks more relaxed and he says he feels better.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Parent update 11/20/11
Brendan did have a low grade fever Thursday night. But the next morning, he looked fine and was happy. So, he went to school. However, about an hour later, his teacher called to say that Brendan was crying and not feeling well. His Dad picked him up and he has been resting all weekend. His fever never came back and he has not become worse. So, the detox and immune work we did at Thursdays CST session helped.
He has been restless, panicky, mad (some headbutts), picking the skin on his knees, and impatient. Haven't seen him like this in awhile. He fell asleep at 8:30pm while watching movies in my bed. He just got up at 2am and was in better spirits. I HOPE he will go back to sleep.
He has been restless, panicky, mad (some headbutts), picking the skin on his knees, and impatient. Haven't seen him like this in awhile. He fell asleep at 8:30pm while watching movies in my bed. He just got up at 2am and was in better spirits. I HOPE he will go back to sleep.
Friday, November 18, 2011
CST Session 11/17/11
Brendan came in today looking a little sick. When I first noticed him on the table he looked clamly. I asked him if he was not feeling well and he said "yes". I told him we would do the lymph and detox first so we can see if this would flush out whatever was making him not well.
While his mom did the ghHW method, I worked on his body. First we did the legs - let both legs to feet be completed. Big improvement. After his mom finished the detox he looked much better. His mom continued with immune system and finished with relaxation.
While we were working on him I sang him a song (I love you, you love me.........); and did he laugh. He laughed and laughed and kept asking me to sing again. His mom said she had not seen a smile that big in a long time. We also sang songs from the Sound of Music - he also liked them as well.
He left the session very happy; but somewhat restless as well. Singing was new and exhausting for him as his expressions were genuine and large; with the use of muscles not usually engaged to such an extent.
Blessings abound for Brendan and we thank God everyday!
While his mom did the ghHW method, I worked on his body. First we did the legs - let both legs to feet be completed. Big improvement. After his mom finished the detox he looked much better. His mom continued with immune system and finished with relaxation.
While we were working on him I sang him a song (I love you, you love me.........); and did he laugh. He laughed and laughed and kept asking me to sing again. His mom said she had not seen a smile that big in a long time. We also sang songs from the Sound of Music - he also liked them as well.
He left the session very happy; but somewhat restless as well. Singing was new and exhausting for him as his expressions were genuine and large; with the use of muscles not usually engaged to such an extent.
Blessings abound for Brendan and we thank God everyday!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Parent update 11/15/11
Brendan has had a good, stable, peaceful few days. It is SO NICE to be able to write that!! He's been very tired, but overall, in a good mood. His report came back again with positive comments...participates, waits patiently, does his work, etc. Such a huge difference from over a year ago when the school was calling me almost daily to report bad behavior. He is loving his field trips to the store with his class. It has been quite a motivator in getting him to bed earlier and awake earlier, "If you don't get some sleep you'll miss your field trip." Good things are happening. : )
Thursday, November 10, 2011
CST Session 11/10/11
It is always a pleasure to see Brendan enter our new place in a happy mood. For a while now, things have been good and getting better everyday.
Today, Brendan went through the tunnel twice, sat on the couch a bit and walked around before heading to the therapy room. He was comfortable. Work began on his right leg through to his foot; then the left leg while his mom did the ghHW method. Brendan requested and really liked the anaesthesia remedy. He used this remedy for a majority of the session; even using it on his ears (multiple times). The remedy for putting his body in a relaxed state is always used at the end of his sessions. He likes it.
The session ended with cranial vault work - always do this - it makes a really big difference. He is loving the O/A more and more. His mom saw his face relax while in the middle of the O/A. She knows what it feels like and can really appreciate Brendan's expressions. He was content! He wanted more! We are going deeper and deeper - the deeper we go the more relaxed and unrestricted Brendan becomes.
I think there are moments when the state of "relaxation" is really felt by Brendan. In the past when Brendan would begin to feel relaxed his reaction was to 'jump' out of it. It was a foreign feeling; something he was not use to. Overtime Brendan has become more comfortable in a relaxed state. This state has brought out of him better communication, improved social skills and a marked change in engagement whether that be at school, store, doctor's office, etc.
Keep the faith in what you are doing with your child; because one of the greatest joys is to see Brendan smile!! Many great things are on his horizon!
Today, Brendan went through the tunnel twice, sat on the couch a bit and walked around before heading to the therapy room. He was comfortable. Work began on his right leg through to his foot; then the left leg while his mom did the ghHW method. Brendan requested and really liked the anaesthesia remedy. He used this remedy for a majority of the session; even using it on his ears (multiple times). The remedy for putting his body in a relaxed state is always used at the end of his sessions. He likes it.
The session ended with cranial vault work - always do this - it makes a really big difference. He is loving the O/A more and more. His mom saw his face relax while in the middle of the O/A. She knows what it feels like and can really appreciate Brendan's expressions. He was content! He wanted more! We are going deeper and deeper - the deeper we go the more relaxed and unrestricted Brendan becomes.
I think there are moments when the state of "relaxation" is really felt by Brendan. In the past when Brendan would begin to feel relaxed his reaction was to 'jump' out of it. It was a foreign feeling; something he was not use to. Overtime Brendan has become more comfortable in a relaxed state. This state has brought out of him better communication, improved social skills and a marked change in engagement whether that be at school, store, doctor's office, etc.
Keep the faith in what you are doing with your child; because one of the greatest joys is to see Brendan smile!! Many great things are on his horizon!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Parent update 11/9/11
Brendan slept through the night and when he woke up, he still looked tired. He was pretty much tired the whole day. And yet, he didn't fall asleep until midnight.
Today, he went on another field trip. The same group (students/aides) walked to Safeway to buy groceries for their cooking project. One of his aides said he had so much fun going to Safeway.
This afternoon we took him to the dermatologist because he keeps getting his sores on his underarms. For awhile, coconut oil with tea tree oil seemed to help. But it would never completely go away. The the doctor gave us an ointment. This still didn' work. So now we are onto a antibiotic gel. This is a chronic condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. But what was amazing is how well Brendan did at the doctor's. He sat quietly while watching a DVD (with regular headphones so as not to disturb other). He did have a few loud outbursts, but I would remind him that he needs to be quiet, and he would put his finger to his lips (like shushing), and then he would be quiet. In the past when I would ask him to be quiet, he would get mad and headbutt me. Then he was very good with the doctor and even laid down on the table so she could check his sores. H as so mature!!! I was very proud of him. : )
Today, he went on another field trip. The same group (students/aides) walked to Safeway to buy groceries for their cooking project. One of his aides said he had so much fun going to Safeway.
This afternoon we took him to the dermatologist because he keeps getting his sores on his underarms. For awhile, coconut oil with tea tree oil seemed to help. But it would never completely go away. The the doctor gave us an ointment. This still didn' work. So now we are onto a antibiotic gel. This is a chronic condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. But what was amazing is how well Brendan did at the doctor's. He sat quietly while watching a DVD (with regular headphones so as not to disturb other). He did have a few loud outbursts, but I would remind him that he needs to be quiet, and he would put his finger to his lips (like shushing), and then he would be quiet. In the past when I would ask him to be quiet, he would get mad and headbutt me. Then he was very good with the doctor and even laid down on the table so she could check his sores. H as so mature!!! I was very proud of him. : )
CST Session 11/7/11
Tonight when I arrived Brendan was laying on the couch, eating and watching TV. He looked exhausted; but he wanted more food and he finished up what was left in the pan. Then he wanted his session done on the couch while he finished watching his program.
After completing the right leg - which he allowed from thigh to toe - he decided he wanted to go upstairs to his bedroom and finish the session. We all went up - after going to the bathroom, taking a few swings - he got into bed. I then did his left leg - from thigh to toe. He pulled away only once while on his foot; but did allow the completion. His legs are more and more attached.
Autistic children know that their arms/hand and legs/feet are a part of them - but they do not necessarily feel them; hence we can see fine motor skill issues. For the arms; it is in opening the connections from C7/T1 through the brachial plexus (between shoulder and neck) and down the arms to the fingers. Each joint must be addressed and the signals need to pass through. In advanced cases mouth and jaw work must be completed in order for connection to occur. This restriction is very similar for carpal tunnel and tendonitis issues. As for the legs the pelvis must be somewhat balanced and the connection from the lumbar spine down to the toes must take place. When this connection is working a child feels grounded, their gait improves and they can feel both feet touching the ground. Usually one hand/foot will connect prior to both connecting. For legs can leave a feeling of imbalance; for arms will use the one feeling more connected.
Brendan fell asleep quickly. We continued to work on his head. I hope he sleeps through the night.
After completing the right leg - which he allowed from thigh to toe - he decided he wanted to go upstairs to his bedroom and finish the session. We all went up - after going to the bathroom, taking a few swings - he got into bed. I then did his left leg - from thigh to toe. He pulled away only once while on his foot; but did allow the completion. His legs are more and more attached.
Autistic children know that their arms/hand and legs/feet are a part of them - but they do not necessarily feel them; hence we can see fine motor skill issues. For the arms; it is in opening the connections from C7/T1 through the brachial plexus (between shoulder and neck) and down the arms to the fingers. Each joint must be addressed and the signals need to pass through. In advanced cases mouth and jaw work must be completed in order for connection to occur. This restriction is very similar for carpal tunnel and tendonitis issues. As for the legs the pelvis must be somewhat balanced and the connection from the lumbar spine down to the toes must take place. When this connection is working a child feels grounded, their gait improves and they can feel both feet touching the ground. Usually one hand/foot will connect prior to both connecting. For legs can leave a feeling of imbalance; for arms will use the one feeling more connected.
Brendan fell asleep quickly. We continued to work on his head. I hope he sleeps through the night.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Parent update 11/6/11
Brendan had a good weekend. On Saturday, he went on a long hike with his Dad (about 3miles). Then when I got home from work, he wanted to go see the donkeys. The donkey came right up to him (I think he knows him by now) and Brendan was very gentle when he pet him on the head. Then we stopped by Jamba Juicde on the way home. It was so nice outside taht we sat outside and drank our drinks. It was so nice just to hang out with him and peoplewatch. He seemed so grown up!
Today, he was a little off because he got up at 4am. So, he wasn't in a good mood and he wasn't very nice to me (eg., hugging me really hard, jumping around mad). So by 1pm, I had him take a nap. When he woke up, he was calm and happy again.
At bedtime, I always give him a kiss on the cheek. Usually he trys to mimic me by putting his lips on my cheek but make a clicking sound with this tongue (which sounds like a kiss). Tonight he actually kissed me on the cheek. : )
Tommorrow, he goes on his first field trip with some of his classmates to the store. I a hoping he has a good time. : )
Today, he was a little off because he got up at 4am. So, he wasn't in a good mood and he wasn't very nice to me (eg., hugging me really hard, jumping around mad). So by 1pm, I had him take a nap. When he woke up, he was calm and happy again.
At bedtime, I always give him a kiss on the cheek. Usually he trys to mimic me by putting his lips on my cheek but make a clicking sound with this tongue (which sounds like a kiss). Tonight he actually kissed me on the cheek. : )
Tommorrow, he goes on his first field trip with some of his classmates to the store. I a hoping he has a good time. : )
Thursday, November 3, 2011
CST Session 11/3/11
Today Brendan came in extremely happy. He jumped around in our kids room and then on his own walked to the therapy room. He laid down and asked for his eye shades (we use these to shade their eyes from the laser). This was the first time he requested them and put them on.
We immediately began the ghHW process with lymph. We always begin with lymph to get the fluids flowing. From there we did detox, brain, fascia, 5htp and relaxation. Throughout the session he laughed - sometimes really really hard. It is great to see him so happy! We ask him each time what setting to put it on and he responds with a yes or no. Usually he just says yes to the one he choses. He definitely knows what he wants.
Cranial sacral work is always done in conjunction with the ghHW method. When Linda is unavailable his mom steps in and works the laser. Anyone can learn to do it - it is obtaining the proper settings for each individual which becomes important. Brendan continues to love head work - the O/A is getting deeper and the releases are greater. He always wants cranial vault work prior to the end of his session. It is extremely important for integration.
Things have changed dramatically in the past year for Brendan. We went through a very tough period when he was hitting his mother and father; sometimes his teacher. He was lashing out with great anger - even managing to punch a hole in the wall of his bedroom; as well as damaging anything that was glass in the house. His mom pretty much removed all glass (including pictures w/glass frames) to assure he would not hurt himself. He broke many DVD's.
To see Brendan today is a great joy! I praise his Mom and Dad for going through the toughest of times to reach where we are today. It is their dedication to their son that has made all the difference. We have been extremely supportive - inclusive of going to their home - during the toughest of times. It is very clear Brendan knows we are here for him - good or bad. He can rely on all of us and I think it gives him great comfort.
As we move forward in his recovery we will continue to add items from the toughest of times in order to understand where he was and how far he has come. We anticipate great things for Brendan.
As others are reading this blog, do not lose faith in your journey. Please find a team who will work with you unconditionally - not on their agenda - but on your child's. It is then the best of changes will happen.
Go Brendan!!!!!!!
We immediately began the ghHW process with lymph. We always begin with lymph to get the fluids flowing. From there we did detox, brain, fascia, 5htp and relaxation. Throughout the session he laughed - sometimes really really hard. It is great to see him so happy! We ask him each time what setting to put it on and he responds with a yes or no. Usually he just says yes to the one he choses. He definitely knows what he wants.
Cranial sacral work is always done in conjunction with the ghHW method. When Linda is unavailable his mom steps in and works the laser. Anyone can learn to do it - it is obtaining the proper settings for each individual which becomes important. Brendan continues to love head work - the O/A is getting deeper and the releases are greater. He always wants cranial vault work prior to the end of his session. It is extremely important for integration.
Things have changed dramatically in the past year for Brendan. We went through a very tough period when he was hitting his mother and father; sometimes his teacher. He was lashing out with great anger - even managing to punch a hole in the wall of his bedroom; as well as damaging anything that was glass in the house. His mom pretty much removed all glass (including pictures w/glass frames) to assure he would not hurt himself. He broke many DVD's.
To see Brendan today is a great joy! I praise his Mom and Dad for going through the toughest of times to reach where we are today. It is their dedication to their son that has made all the difference. We have been extremely supportive - inclusive of going to their home - during the toughest of times. It is very clear Brendan knows we are here for him - good or bad. He can rely on all of us and I think it gives him great comfort.
As we move forward in his recovery we will continue to add items from the toughest of times in order to understand where he was and how far he has come. We anticipate great things for Brendan.
As others are reading this blog, do not lose faith in your journey. Please find a team who will work with you unconditionally - not on their agenda - but on your child's. It is then the best of changes will happen.
Go Brendan!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Parent update 11/2/11
What a week this has been! Brendan was able to enjoy Halloween this year. He's only celebrated three Halloween's his entire lifetime because he was always sick.
The class made their own costumes (white handprints upside down, with black eyes ~ ghosts!). He was so proud of his shirt. I showed it to everyone and anyone. Then he was so excited about the party at school. We got there late, but as we walked up to the building (main county site located off campus), he saw all the kids out in the play area, music playing, kids dancing. He was so excited to join the party that he ran to the front of the building. The staff said he really enjoyed himself.
Then the kids went trick-or-treating amongst the county classrooms. It was the first time he ever got to do this. But the neatest thing was (his ABA therapist shared this with me since he was there) that a teacher asked Brendan if he was having fun, and he replied "yeah". Unfortunately, another child distracted the teached as Brendan was answering so she didn't hear him. He took his iTouch, located the icon "Yes", went in front of her and pushed the icon!!! This is huge for him to be using his iTouch like this. I was thrilled!! Then later that night, it was the first time he got to hand out candy to the kiddos who came to our door. Most Halloween nights in the past have been cold and rainy. So, we would have to leave a bowl of candy out on the porch. Since Brendan was always sick at this time, we couldn't risk the cold air coming in each time the doorbell rang. He looked so grown-up handing out candy.
Now, the most amazing thing that has happened this week has occured during his ABA sessions in the afternoon. Spelling and writing have never been his favorite things to do. But the last three sessions he has not only spelled correctly, but his writing is so much more legible. I was able to read all the words. They say, "spell balloon" and he does, "spell apple", etc.... What they noticed is that he seems very interested in doing this and really paying attention. I think we may have finally reached the point where he is realizing that he can spell, and write, and communicate by doing this!! I've been waiting a long time for this to happen. I knew someday, he'll realize the importance of learning words by sight, being able to spell the words, and then writing (or typing) the words.
Before Brendan goes to sleep, I always tell him that I love him and that he is my favorite person in the whole world. After I say, "I love you", he has been saying "ove you". Tonight when I said, "You are my favorite person in the whole world", he said, "ole worl". Great things are happening !!! Thank you Kathleen and Linda!!!!
The class made their own costumes (white handprints upside down, with black eyes ~ ghosts!). He was so proud of his shirt. I showed it to everyone and anyone. Then he was so excited about the party at school. We got there late, but as we walked up to the building (main county site located off campus), he saw all the kids out in the play area, music playing, kids dancing. He was so excited to join the party that he ran to the front of the building. The staff said he really enjoyed himself.
Then the kids went trick-or-treating amongst the county classrooms. It was the first time he ever got to do this. But the neatest thing was (his ABA therapist shared this with me since he was there) that a teacher asked Brendan if he was having fun, and he replied "yeah". Unfortunately, another child distracted the teached as Brendan was answering so she didn't hear him. He took his iTouch, located the icon "Yes", went in front of her and pushed the icon!!! This is huge for him to be using his iTouch like this. I was thrilled!! Then later that night, it was the first time he got to hand out candy to the kiddos who came to our door. Most Halloween nights in the past have been cold and rainy. So, we would have to leave a bowl of candy out on the porch. Since Brendan was always sick at this time, we couldn't risk the cold air coming in each time the doorbell rang. He looked so grown-up handing out candy.
Now, the most amazing thing that has happened this week has occured during his ABA sessions in the afternoon. Spelling and writing have never been his favorite things to do. But the last three sessions he has not only spelled correctly, but his writing is so much more legible. I was able to read all the words. They say, "spell balloon" and he does, "spell apple", etc.... What they noticed is that he seems very interested in doing this and really paying attention. I think we may have finally reached the point where he is realizing that he can spell, and write, and communicate by doing this!! I've been waiting a long time for this to happen. I knew someday, he'll realize the importance of learning words by sight, being able to spell the words, and then writing (or typing) the words.
Before Brendan goes to sleep, I always tell him that I love him and that he is my favorite person in the whole world. After I say, "I love you", he has been saying "ove you". Tonight when I said, "You are my favorite person in the whole world", he said, "ole worl". Great things are happening !!! Thank you Kathleen and Linda!!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
CST Session 10/20/11
Wow the progress Brendan is making! Since my last writing we have done at least three sessions on Brendan. It is fascinating to watch him come into our new building and be happy upon entrance. He comes in and lights right up. Spends a little time in the kids room - couple of times crawling through the tunnel - and then heads on his own to the therapy room. He immediately gets on the table, answers yes to blankets and music and we begin.
The last session he got on the table with his earphones on. When we started the ghHW protocols he removed the earphones pretty quickly. We are still working his legs, abdomen, throat and cranial vault. There is deeper and deeper shifts happening and it is by his reactions that he can feel the deeper shifts. He really seems to enjoy them.
In our focus on speech we are trying to do as much as we can around the ears and temporal lobes. The gauze pad is breaking up - the squares are getting larger. We would like the squares to disappear completely; as they are a tight weaving of brain tissues and I believe create compression and suppression of the brain itself and impair its' functions.
We will continue to decompress in conjunction with the ghHW method. We are going to try adding one or two new things in the coming weeks. The purpose is to accomplish decompression as fast as physically and humanely possible.
The last session he got on the table with his earphones on. When we started the ghHW protocols he removed the earphones pretty quickly. We are still working his legs, abdomen, throat and cranial vault. There is deeper and deeper shifts happening and it is by his reactions that he can feel the deeper shifts. He really seems to enjoy them.
In our focus on speech we are trying to do as much as we can around the ears and temporal lobes. The gauze pad is breaking up - the squares are getting larger. We would like the squares to disappear completely; as they are a tight weaving of brain tissues and I believe create compression and suppression of the brain itself and impair its' functions.
We will continue to decompress in conjunction with the ghHW method. We are going to try adding one or two new things in the coming weeks. The purpose is to accomplish decompression as fast as physically and humanely possible.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Parent update 10/25/11
Got another weekly report card for Brendan. Good again!!! Participated in group activities, had lunch in main cafeteria, waits in line patiently, finished his work on time, and related well to others. : )
Last night he said his right ear hurt. So, I worked on it. He's been going to sleep later (11pm), but sleeping through the night.
Last night he said his right ear hurt. So, I worked on it. He's been going to sleep later (11pm), but sleeping through the night.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Parent update 10/20/11
Brendan was very happy after his CST session today. I had considered cancelling his ABA session in the afternoon because I thought he might be a little tired after this session. But, he seemed fine and was smiling alot on the way home. When the therapist showed up, I advised him the if Brendan seems tired, to end the session early. I then had to leave for a work meeting and was hopeful, that Brendan would be fine.
When I came home later this evening, Brendan's Dad gave me an update. The ABA therapist did end the session early because Brendan was to distracted. Then Brendan wanted to go for a hike. So, the went to Santa Teresa Park and hiked the furthest they ever have. I noticed Brendan seems to want to try new things (doesn't seem to get as stuck in the doing the same routines) and he has more endurance with physical activity.
Tonight he wanted me to work on the top of his head and then his forehead. He just fell asleep about 10 minutes ago. He looks so peaceful. : )
When I came home later this evening, Brendan's Dad gave me an update. The ABA therapist did end the session early because Brendan was to distracted. Then Brendan wanted to go for a hike. So, the went to Santa Teresa Park and hiked the furthest they ever have. I noticed Brendan seems to want to try new things (doesn't seem to get as stuck in the doing the same routines) and he has more endurance with physical activity.
Tonight he wanted me to work on the top of his head and then his forehead. He just fell asleep about 10 minutes ago. He looks so peaceful. : )
Homeopath update 10/20/11
Hi All,
Today our session began with Brendan using the ghHW method with a remedy Nat-p. (This remedy is chosen specifically for Brendan. It is not to be used for every Autistic child. Every person needs their own Constitutional Remedy.) Brendan has been using this remedy with this method for the last few weeks. The healing has been quite tremendous. His advancement in school has been better everyday and his sleep has been improving to a full nights rest. YEA!!
Today we finally gave Brendan the Nat-p remedy by mouth. We integrated the remedy thru the body with Cranial Sacral work. (Integrating the remedy with the Cranial work really seems to help the remedy process thru the body without aggravations. We can also get an idea of how the remedy is flowing thru the body.) Brendan really liked it.
A new study published last week looks at the effect of anesthesia on children under two years old. It has long been known that surgical anesthesia involves using drugs known to cause neurological degeneration in young animals - but few studies have ever been done to see if it does the same to children (aren't children young animals?), and the authors feel those earlier studies were inadequate. In this study, they used more advanced methods, starting with a large group of 8,548 children born between 1976 and 1982 in Rochester, MN. 350 of them were exposed to anesthesia before age 2, and they were compared to 700 controls (children not undergoing surgery at that age).
The authors concluded that repeated surgeries (but not just one) before the age of two was a significant risk factor for the later development of learning disabilities. Almost three times the expected number of the children exposed to multiple anesthesias later needed an IEP for speech or language difficulty, but the number needing intervention for behavioral problems was not more than expected. In a test of cognitive skills, those with multiple exposures to anesthesia also had significantly lower cognitive (IQ) and memory scores. This and other articles on the subject all indicate that more research is needed.
Will the Feingold diet help a child whose brain has been affected by early anesthesia? We don't know, but neither does anybody else. We suggest it is worth trying; we suggest that since food dyes and other additives have already been shown to be toxic to neurons (Lau 2006), these children certainly don't need to be adding insult to injury. We hope to receive feedback from parents who do (or don't) have observable success using the diet for such children.
The new study:
Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes After Early Exposure to Anesthesia and Surgery, Randall PF, et al,Pediatrics, Volume 128, Number 5, November 2011.
MedLine || See full text Username = myfile / Password = 4Studies
Review of previous studies on anesthesia and babies:
Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain., Stratmann G., Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2011 Sep 30. MedLine
We also tried a new remedy made from General Anesthesia with the ghHW method. The idea came from an article in the Feingold Association News letter stating that research has been concluded that children having received Anesthesia before the age of 2 is proven to have learning disabilities. See Below For Article.
Brendan really liked the Anesthesia remedy. We will wait to see the results.
Cognitive behavior after anesthesia
A new study published last week looks at the effect of anesthesia on children under two years old. It has long been known that surgical anesthesia involves using drugs known to cause neurological degeneration in young animals - but few studies have ever been done to see if it does the same to children (aren't children young animals?), and the authors feel those earlier studies were inadequate. In this study, they used more advanced methods, starting with a large group of 8,548 children born between 1976 and 1982 in Rochester, MN. 350 of them were exposed to anesthesia before age 2, and they were compared to 700 controls (children not undergoing surgery at that age).
The authors concluded that repeated surgeries (but not just one) before the age of two was a significant risk factor for the later development of learning disabilities. Almost three times the expected number of the children exposed to multiple anesthesias later needed an IEP for speech or language difficulty, but the number needing intervention for behavioral problems was not more than expected. In a test of cognitive skills, those with multiple exposures to anesthesia also had significantly lower cognitive (IQ) and memory scores. This and other articles on the subject all indicate that more research is needed.
Will the Feingold diet help a child whose brain has been affected by early anesthesia? We don't know, but neither does anybody else. We suggest it is worth trying; we suggest that since food dyes and other additives have already been shown to be toxic to neurons (Lau 2006), these children certainly don't need to be adding insult to injury. We hope to receive feedback from parents who do (or don't) have observable success using the diet for such children.
The new study:
Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes After Early Exposure to Anesthesia and Surgery, Randall PF, et al,Pediatrics, Volume 128, Number 5, November 2011.
MedLine || See full text Username = myfile / Password = 4Studies
Review of previous studies on anesthesia and babies:
Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain., Stratmann G., Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2011 Sep 30. MedLine
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Parent update 10/16/2011
Brendan had an excellent session last Thursday with Kathleen. He persistently wanted me to use the laser on his left ear for most of the session. He was very quiet at times like he was deep in thought. He left happy.
Overall, he has had a good weekend. He has been weepy/emotional intermittently. Sometimes it was because he said his head hurt or his belly was bothering him. Other times, I had no clue why was he was fussy, restless, and crying.
Yesterday, we went to Lodi to see the RDI therapist. I was so amazed at how well he did. She tried three different things with him. First one was, Brendan and the RDI therapist picked out animal cards. But this time, she identified the animal by what they looked like they were doing, eg. running, swinging, working, roaring, etc. Then after they played a game with them, she had him clean up the cards by asking for them by what they were doing. For example, give me the animal that is working, or hopping, etc. I should add the cards weren't really obvious. He would have had to remembered what she said earlier. Anywya, he got them all right. He also didn't become frustrated when doing this which in the past he would have because he would have been slightly confused.
Then she had him play a game where you had to stack these little plastic chairs. Three people played, RDI therapist, Brendan's Dad and Brendan. This was not an easy game. It was a struggle to stack the chairs and try to keep them from falling. This took alot of eye/hand coordination and tons of patience. It was nervewracking to watch. Again, he stuck with it and even wanted to play it a third time.
Lastly, she played ball with him. This time they did ten levels and did something different at each level. For example, bounce the ball once then catch, don't bounce throw the ball, clap and bounce the ball once, etc... She had never done this with him before. I had expected him to get frustrated because of the constant changes at each level...but he didn't! Again, he stuck with it and did an incredible job. Instead of being frustrated, he seemed intrigued by the game.
Tonight we took him to a pumpkin patch in Morgan Hill. Unfortunately, they were closed. There were still people in the pumpkin patch, but they were trying to get them to leave. I tried to explain to him that we had to leave. I thought for sure, he would get mad, but he didn't. The man let him take a few pictures (little did I know, but his camera wasn't working and he didn't get upset about it) and then we left. He was totally fine! We took him to another pumpkin patch, walked around and then he picked out a pumpkin.
Lots of changes going on....great changes!!!
Overall, he has had a good weekend. He has been weepy/emotional intermittently. Sometimes it was because he said his head hurt or his belly was bothering him. Other times, I had no clue why was he was fussy, restless, and crying.
Yesterday, we went to Lodi to see the RDI therapist. I was so amazed at how well he did. She tried three different things with him. First one was, Brendan and the RDI therapist picked out animal cards. But this time, she identified the animal by what they looked like they were doing, eg. running, swinging, working, roaring, etc. Then after they played a game with them, she had him clean up the cards by asking for them by what they were doing. For example, give me the animal that is working, or hopping, etc. I should add the cards weren't really obvious. He would have had to remembered what she said earlier. Anywya, he got them all right. He also didn't become frustrated when doing this which in the past he would have because he would have been slightly confused.
Then she had him play a game where you had to stack these little plastic chairs. Three people played, RDI therapist, Brendan's Dad and Brendan. This was not an easy game. It was a struggle to stack the chairs and try to keep them from falling. This took alot of eye/hand coordination and tons of patience. It was nervewracking to watch. Again, he stuck with it and even wanted to play it a third time.
Lastly, she played ball with him. This time they did ten levels and did something different at each level. For example, bounce the ball once then catch, don't bounce throw the ball, clap and bounce the ball once, etc... She had never done this with him before. I had expected him to get frustrated because of the constant changes at each level...but he didn't! Again, he stuck with it and did an incredible job. Instead of being frustrated, he seemed intrigued by the game.
Tonight we took him to a pumpkin patch in Morgan Hill. Unfortunately, they were closed. There were still people in the pumpkin patch, but they were trying to get them to leave. I tried to explain to him that we had to leave. I thought for sure, he would get mad, but he didn't. The man let him take a few pictures (little did I know, but his camera wasn't working and he didn't get upset about it) and then we left. He was totally fine! We took him to another pumpkin patch, walked around and then he picked out a pumpkin.
Lots of changes going on....great changes!!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Parent update 10/12/11
Brendan had had two great days! He did well in school. In fact, his ABA therapist told me yesterday that Brendan did his school work...and then requested more!! He has never requested more work, ever! During his ABA home session yesterday and today, both therapist commented on how well he is doing. They also noticed more language, communication using his iTouch spontaneously and just getting things correct (eg., telling time, writing is clearer, identifying words such as 'upon', etc...) He's also been in a good mood.
Tonight he wanted me to work on his head. So, I placed my hands where Kathleen had shown me on Monday night. Again, lots of pulsing and heat. Brendan would move my hand away when it got to be to much. Then he would place my hand back on the top of his head and my other hand on the right side of his face with one finger near his ear. I only did this for 15 minutes and then he said, 'all done'. I reminded him that we will see Kathleen tomorrow so she can help finish the shift and he said, 'yeah'. Really looking forward to tomorrow's CST session. : )
Tonight he wanted me to work on his head. So, I placed my hands where Kathleen had shown me on Monday night. Again, lots of pulsing and heat. Brendan would move my hand away when it got to be to much. Then he would place my hand back on the top of his head and my other hand on the right side of his face with one finger near his ear. I only did this for 15 minutes and then he said, 'all done'. I reminded him that we will see Kathleen tomorrow so she can help finish the shift and he said, 'yeah'. Really looking forward to tomorrow's CST session. : )
Monday, October 10, 2011
Supplements - General
After speaking with Brendan's mom she reminded me of something we see over and over. Each child we see has intestinal and gut issues. As much as we work on these areas the children keep coming back with the same problems. We came to understand that each time we saw a child we would process the overloads and by the time we saw a child again the system was already backing up; therefore, we had to again process the overloads; preventing us from moving forward.
We started asking ourselves why does this constantly happen? One reason is overloads. Please check your supplements and medications. If a therapist continually processes overloads it means the child is eating or ingesting something that does not go well with their system. Sometimes it is not the organs - it is the fact the organs are always working to process to much of something.
As you know our bodies, as well as our brains, are very smart. In fact so smart they will constantly try to keep our system in it's best operating condition. If our organs, systems, etc., are spending the majority of their time in a state of exhaustion it is no wonder the body and brain can not spend time dealing with other elements of human growth.
We started asking ourselves why does this constantly happen? One reason is overloads. Please check your supplements and medications. If a therapist continually processes overloads it means the child is eating or ingesting something that does not go well with their system. Sometimes it is not the organs - it is the fact the organs are always working to process to much of something.
As you know our bodies, as well as our brains, are very smart. In fact so smart they will constantly try to keep our system in it's best operating condition. If our organs, systems, etc., are spending the majority of their time in a state of exhaustion it is no wonder the body and brain can not spend time dealing with other elements of human growth.
CST Session 10/10/11
Night session. When I arrived Brendan was very happy to see me. He leaves a particular light on when I come over and even though I was already there he went and turned the light on and headed to his room. Well tonight was an excellent session!!!
It started with some left leg work in which when I got to his foot he pulled it away due to sensitivities. We laughed with him. The second time I went to touch his foot he pulled it away and started laughing - he was joking! It was great to witness Brendan act this way.
After working his leg, his mom started on his right leg. She never really got past the upper thigh when he pulled her hands away. Meanwhile I was on his stomach and back of his head. He had a tightness in the middle abdominals and much of it was relieved.
Then I started on his head. We primarily worked the right side: temporal, sphenoid, TMJ, eye, parietal, T-junction and O/A. Brendan actively directed the session. We did 45 minutes concentrating on the right side effecting his sphenoid, temporal, nose, eye, parietal. It was amazing how many times he wanted "more". Brendan has never allowed this much pressure over this period of time - it was amazing to see. His mom was very impressed as well as she has never seen him allow this much work.
When we were done I could hear him upstairs; so I went back up and asked him if he wanted more. To my surprise he said yes! We did another half an hour concentrating again on the right side - primarily sphenoid, eye, temporal and parietal areas. We ended with a few O/A's which made him laugh.
We counted numerous times as the pressure was great! He even yelled "10" when we got there. This shows how much children are allowing. When they get use to counting children will speed up the count to finish because the pressure is increasing. Brendan did this numerous times - allowing the pressure to generate.
This was a great night. Brendan could tell us what needed to be done. I also had to let him know his head - after almost 2 hours - needed to rest as it would no longer move. The body can get very tired producing the shifts we are engaging and whether your an adult or child - eventually the body will be exhausted.
I told him we would see him on Thursday and if he needed anything before that to tell his mom to call. He was happy and ready to go to sleep when I left. Big night for Brendan!!!!
It started with some left leg work in which when I got to his foot he pulled it away due to sensitivities. We laughed with him. The second time I went to touch his foot he pulled it away and started laughing - he was joking! It was great to witness Brendan act this way.
After working his leg, his mom started on his right leg. She never really got past the upper thigh when he pulled her hands away. Meanwhile I was on his stomach and back of his head. He had a tightness in the middle abdominals and much of it was relieved.
Then I started on his head. We primarily worked the right side: temporal, sphenoid, TMJ, eye, parietal, T-junction and O/A. Brendan actively directed the session. We did 45 minutes concentrating on the right side effecting his sphenoid, temporal, nose, eye, parietal. It was amazing how many times he wanted "more". Brendan has never allowed this much pressure over this period of time - it was amazing to see. His mom was very impressed as well as she has never seen him allow this much work.
When we were done I could hear him upstairs; so I went back up and asked him if he wanted more. To my surprise he said yes! We did another half an hour concentrating again on the right side - primarily sphenoid, eye, temporal and parietal areas. We ended with a few O/A's which made him laugh.
We counted numerous times as the pressure was great! He even yelled "10" when we got there. This shows how much children are allowing. When they get use to counting children will speed up the count to finish because the pressure is increasing. Brendan did this numerous times - allowing the pressure to generate.
This was a great night. Brendan could tell us what needed to be done. I also had to let him know his head - after almost 2 hours - needed to rest as it would no longer move. The body can get very tired producing the shifts we are engaging and whether your an adult or child - eventually the body will be exhausted.
I told him we would see him on Thursday and if he needed anything before that to tell his mom to call. He was happy and ready to go to sleep when I left. Big night for Brendan!!!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Parent update 10/9/11
Brendan had a good weekend. I received his report card (for the week) from his teacher on Friday and he did fantastic!! He also tried a new trail during his hike with his Dad on Saturday. This morning, he woke up mad, still not sure why.... But once he snapped out of it, he was fine the rest of the day. When we were at Memorial Park, again he took a different path. Very cool! Believe it or not, he is already asleep.
Friday, October 7, 2011
CST Session 10/6/11
For the past couple of weeks we have been packing and moving to a new facility. When we were in construction Brendan came by and immediately started jumping and smiling. He liked the new place even though there was construction going on. Due to the incessant pounding Brendan did not stay long but certainly showed his approval.
So today was an interesting day! It was Brendan's first treatment in our new facility. When he arrived he had his head phones on but the kids room immediately caught his eye; particulary a tube tunnel his parents had donated. He expressed an immediate desire to crawl through the tube but our reluctance showed as he had seemingly outgrew it. But to his and our delight Brendan successfully made it through. In order to do this he had to remove his coat and earphones. He did this without hesitation.
After we proceeded to his new treatment room. He was comfortable immediately. We proceeded with working his legs again which was needed (due to our missing some appointments because of our move). We asked Brendan if he wanted the ghHW protocol in conjunction and his response was an immediate yes!
We began with lymph and proceeded to detox. From there we progressed to his ears. After previous short attempts on his ears, Brendan allowed this process 4 times on each ear. What an amazing change!!!
The gauze pad had tightened up again on his left ear; while the right had maintained more openness. The longer we went allowed the right ear to open up completely - passing through the nose and into the throat. Ears, nose and throat go together and a successful release is when all three areas are open. The left side is 50% complete - nose to throat. We are still working on the ear connection.
We ended with working on the cranial vault. He is really beginning to love the O/A. The deeper the release the more he laughs. He also allowed alot of work stabilizing the ears - especially the left one. I worked the left ear to nose connection for quite some time and was impressed with Brendan's ability to handle the amount of pressure being generated. We ended with multiple O/A's which left him in a good mood.
When he got up from the table he was clearly a little out of it. When working with the ears imbalance can happen and it certainly can make one tipsy as it did with Brendan. This was an amazing leap for Brendan and we are extremely impressed. What happened today was a big, big deal!!
So today was an interesting day! It was Brendan's first treatment in our new facility. When he arrived he had his head phones on but the kids room immediately caught his eye; particulary a tube tunnel his parents had donated. He expressed an immediate desire to crawl through the tube but our reluctance showed as he had seemingly outgrew it. But to his and our delight Brendan successfully made it through. In order to do this he had to remove his coat and earphones. He did this without hesitation.
After we proceeded to his new treatment room. He was comfortable immediately. We proceeded with working his legs again which was needed (due to our missing some appointments because of our move). We asked Brendan if he wanted the ghHW protocol in conjunction and his response was an immediate yes!
We began with lymph and proceeded to detox. From there we progressed to his ears. After previous short attempts on his ears, Brendan allowed this process 4 times on each ear. What an amazing change!!!
The gauze pad had tightened up again on his left ear; while the right had maintained more openness. The longer we went allowed the right ear to open up completely - passing through the nose and into the throat. Ears, nose and throat go together and a successful release is when all three areas are open. The left side is 50% complete - nose to throat. We are still working on the ear connection.
We ended with working on the cranial vault. He is really beginning to love the O/A. The deeper the release the more he laughs. He also allowed alot of work stabilizing the ears - especially the left one. I worked the left ear to nose connection for quite some time and was impressed with Brendan's ability to handle the amount of pressure being generated. We ended with multiple O/A's which left him in a good mood.
When he got up from the table he was clearly a little out of it. When working with the ears imbalance can happen and it certainly can make one tipsy as it did with Brendan. This was an amazing leap for Brendan and we are extremely impressed. What happened today was a big, big deal!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Parent update 10/5/11
The last two days for Brendan was a little tough. He was to begin mainstream PE on Monday. To make a long story short, it wasn't a good fit - to many kids, chaos, yelling and pushing amongst the kids, etc. Although I always try to provide Brendan with opportunities to try new things, "mainstreaming" is not a high priority on my list.
I have met many parents over the years that are fixated on mainstreaming their child with typical peers. If your child enjoys it, great! But if it causes them more stress, than what's the benefit of doing it? Typical kids don't always demonstrate appropriate behavior. Sometimes their behavior is worse than our special kids. Why would I want him to be exposed to that? What's more important to me is for Brendan to be happy, enjoy going to school, and to feel good about himself. Mainstreaming into PE would have jeopardized this.
I still recall another parent saying that she spent so much energy in having her child around "typical peers". When her daughter was much older, she told her Mom, "I like being around people like me." Don't we all prefer to be around people similar to who we are? Why should our special kids be any different?
Anyway, last night he was very restless. I felt like he needed some release of some sort but was not sure where to start. So, I asked him and he placed my hands on his stomach. I was there for quite awhile. Alot of heat was released and pulsing. Then he put my hand over his heart. He started to cry softly. He was so sad. I reminded him that he no longer has to go to PE, but that I was very proud of him for trying. I think he also missed Kathleen. He is very fond of her and I think he gets withdrawals when he doesn't see her. As I have stated before, CST has been lifesaving to Brendan and our family. It has helped him feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually. It has helped him to heal in many ways.
Then he wanted me to work on his head especially on the sides and down by his ears. Lots of pulsing. When it got to be to much, he would move my hand away. Then after a break, he would put my hand back on his head. By the time I finished, it was midnight. But he fell asleep peacefully.
He did have a good day at school today which was great to hear. I told him that tomorrow he will see Kathleen. As soon as I said this, he wanted to go to bed early. Almost like tomorrow can't get here fast enough! :)
I have met many parents over the years that are fixated on mainstreaming their child with typical peers. If your child enjoys it, great! But if it causes them more stress, than what's the benefit of doing it? Typical kids don't always demonstrate appropriate behavior. Sometimes their behavior is worse than our special kids. Why would I want him to be exposed to that? What's more important to me is for Brendan to be happy, enjoy going to school, and to feel good about himself. Mainstreaming into PE would have jeopardized this.
I still recall another parent saying that she spent so much energy in having her child around "typical peers". When her daughter was much older, she told her Mom, "I like being around people like me." Don't we all prefer to be around people similar to who we are? Why should our special kids be any different?
Anyway, last night he was very restless. I felt like he needed some release of some sort but was not sure where to start. So, I asked him and he placed my hands on his stomach. I was there for quite awhile. Alot of heat was released and pulsing. Then he put my hand over his heart. He started to cry softly. He was so sad. I reminded him that he no longer has to go to PE, but that I was very proud of him for trying. I think he also missed Kathleen. He is very fond of her and I think he gets withdrawals when he doesn't see her. As I have stated before, CST has been lifesaving to Brendan and our family. It has helped him feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually. It has helped him to heal in many ways.
Then he wanted me to work on his head especially on the sides and down by his ears. Lots of pulsing. When it got to be to much, he would move my hand away. Then after a break, he would put my hand back on his head. By the time I finished, it was midnight. But he fell asleep peacefully.
He did have a good day at school today which was great to hear. I told him that tomorrow he will see Kathleen. As soon as I said this, he wanted to go to bed early. Almost like tomorrow can't get here fast enough! :)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Brendan and Supplements
To date we have been writing about Brendan's sessions and his mother also documents how he is doing following his sessions. Today I want to give some general information and background about our journey with Brendan.
Brendan was not always this happy and I would say content on some levels. Initially we provided CST sessions; however our involvement deepened when he became more and more agitated and his doctor was out of town. Based on some negative changes we were seeing we had his mom bring in all supplements, medications, etc., Brendan was taking. We muscle tested him on each and everyone. What we discovered was Brendan was taking to much zinc on a daily basis. At this point it was decided to stop giving him such large amounts of zinc and improvement was immediately witnessed.
I have heard doctor's describe this as having your child take "a supplement vacation". The reason many see improvements during this time is that it allows for excess to process through the system. Upon reinstating supplements parents again may see similar repercussions.
Parents must be cautioned when providing medication and/or supplementation to their child. Many supplements contain zinc and magnesium. Read the ingredients in every bottle of supplements or medication you provide your child. You may be surprised at the duplication of vitamins, minerals, etc. you will find. If someone tells you your child is low in zinc make sure you are providing your child zinc only. Find the purest supplements - do not purchase supplements with multiple ingredients!
The first thing we did was remove zinc. We did extra CST and lympathic sessions to assure the removal of toxins were taking place. Brendan improved rapidly and conversations with his parents began at a deeper level.
As we continue to document Brendan's journey we will make sure to add information prior to the beginning of this blog.
Brendan was not always this happy and I would say content on some levels. Initially we provided CST sessions; however our involvement deepened when he became more and more agitated and his doctor was out of town. Based on some negative changes we were seeing we had his mom bring in all supplements, medications, etc., Brendan was taking. We muscle tested him on each and everyone. What we discovered was Brendan was taking to much zinc on a daily basis. At this point it was decided to stop giving him such large amounts of zinc and improvement was immediately witnessed.
I have heard doctor's describe this as having your child take "a supplement vacation". The reason many see improvements during this time is that it allows for excess to process through the system. Upon reinstating supplements parents again may see similar repercussions.
Parents must be cautioned when providing medication and/or supplementation to their child. Many supplements contain zinc and magnesium. Read the ingredients in every bottle of supplements or medication you provide your child. You may be surprised at the duplication of vitamins, minerals, etc. you will find. If someone tells you your child is low in zinc make sure you are providing your child zinc only. Find the purest supplements - do not purchase supplements with multiple ingredients!
The first thing we did was remove zinc. We did extra CST and lympathic sessions to assure the removal of toxins were taking place. Brendan improved rapidly and conversations with his parents began at a deeper level.
As we continue to document Brendan's journey we will make sure to add information prior to the beginning of this blog.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Parent update 9/28/11
Brendan's been doing well. He has been needing more sleep. Last couple of nights he has slept for 10 hours. He does wake up at least once, but then goes right back to sleep. It's a deep sleep where he's snoring!
I feel like after has last CST session (when all the drainage occured), his body is detoxing and healing. Thus, all the sleeping. Last night, he said, "go up". He wanted to go upstairs and watch his videos.
Just now, he was shopping on Amazon (no I did not teach him that), and he got very excited about something he found. It was a sign language CD/DVD that describes feelings, and other things. He must have seen this in school. So, we ordered it so we can learn more sign language along with him.
He has been in a good mood.: )
I feel like after has last CST session (when all the drainage occured), his body is detoxing and healing. Thus, all the sleeping. Last night, he said, "go up". He wanted to go upstairs and watch his videos.
Just now, he was shopping on Amazon (no I did not teach him that), and he got very excited about something he found. It was a sign language CD/DVD that describes feelings, and other things. He must have seen this in school. So, we ordered it so we can learn more sign language along with him.
He has been in a good mood.: )
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Parent update 9/24/11
Yesterday, Brendan's teacher called me and said that he was crying and that he indicated his head hurt. They gave him some Motrin and picked him up early. He seemed okay. So, later in the afternoon we went to visit his friends. At the end of one of the videos, some fun music came on. So, while his friends were dancing with their Mom, Brendan danced with me. He was having so much fun. The rest of the day/evening, he was calm and happy. : )
Friday, September 23, 2011
CST Session 9/22/11
Brendan arrived today and after removing shoes and socks went straight into the room and laid on the table. He was quiet and seemed introspective. He again wanted the ghHW. In conjunction with working on his right leg and foot - which his foot was again sensitive he did very well.
We always begin with lympathic work. Today while his mom did the lymph process the damn broke. Backed up lymphatics prevents drainage. Brendan would drain and then it would plug up again causing his head not to feel well. Fluid and toxins flowed from his face very quickly. At first he asked to stop then once the majority of the drainage occurred he wanted to continue. At no time during this session did his lymphatic system back up. This is a first and critical to the lymphatic system operating 24/7 to remove toxins. We also used a higher dosage of his remedy which we believe contributed to this amazing result. Brendan laughed for quite some time once the rush of fluids drained.
In conjunction with body work his mom continued with detox, DNA, some glands (pituitary and pineal which was difficult based on his facial expressions - but he persevered). I believe he is starting to know he is feeling better and also knows what he needs to progress even more. He is making many more sounds and really trying to communicate.
We also did his ears which today for the first time he handled very well. It was also the first time the gauze pad felt like the squares were larger; rather than small and tightly knit. This is a huge difference. The temporal lobe is where Broca and Wernicke reside (speech areas). Now that we are able to do more in this area we are looking forward to upcoming sessions to see various results.
He continues to show empathy towards me. There are tender, caring gestures which make him and I smile. He is connecting more and more. We finished with his mom doing relaxation while I did some cranial vault work. It is critical to make sure everything is integrated prior to him leaving.
He left very happy. We finished with relaxation as he really loves it.
We always begin with lympathic work. Today while his mom did the lymph process the damn broke. Backed up lymphatics prevents drainage. Brendan would drain and then it would plug up again causing his head not to feel well. Fluid and toxins flowed from his face very quickly. At first he asked to stop then once the majority of the drainage occurred he wanted to continue. At no time during this session did his lymphatic system back up. This is a first and critical to the lymphatic system operating 24/7 to remove toxins. We also used a higher dosage of his remedy which we believe contributed to this amazing result. Brendan laughed for quite some time once the rush of fluids drained.
In conjunction with body work his mom continued with detox, DNA, some glands (pituitary and pineal which was difficult based on his facial expressions - but he persevered). I believe he is starting to know he is feeling better and also knows what he needs to progress even more. He is making many more sounds and really trying to communicate.
We also did his ears which today for the first time he handled very well. It was also the first time the gauze pad felt like the squares were larger; rather than small and tightly knit. This is a huge difference. The temporal lobe is where Broca and Wernicke reside (speech areas). Now that we are able to do more in this area we are looking forward to upcoming sessions to see various results.
He continues to show empathy towards me. There are tender, caring gestures which make him and I smile. He is connecting more and more. We finished with his mom doing relaxation while I did some cranial vault work. It is critical to make sure everything is integrated prior to him leaving.
He left very happy. We finished with relaxation as he really loves it.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Parent update 9/19/11
Brendan's sleep was off this weekend. So, he was little cranky on Sunday. But still overall, he had a good weekend. Today he had a great day at school. His report card said that he "participated actively during morning meeting", "he did 4 laps around the park", "he finished his math without complaint" and "he waited patiently for his lunch". Since his afternoon therapy session got cancelled, his Dad took him to visit the donkey. The donkey came up to the fence and Brendan got to pet him. He was very gentle with the donkey. Great day!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Parent update 9/16/11
Brendan woke up in a good mood this morning. When I picked him up from school, they said he had a good day. There was some mexican celebration going on (not sure why), but he got to hit the pinata and danced. : )
Today when we were driving down the street, a little boy was pushing another little girl in a toy car and Brendan pointed and said, "baby". He has said, 'baby' before, but I don't recall him actively pointing one out to me before.
He's been in a good mood all day. We hung out at the park for over an hour and walked along a different trail instead of the usual one we take. He took my picture with his camera. Usually he'll get a picture of me only because I get in front of the camera on purpose. This time he actually pointed it at me and took several pictures. I started to act goofy and he started laughing so hard, he couldn't take my picture! Then we just hung out on the lawn for awhile, it was such a peaceful time.
Today when we were driving down the street, a little boy was pushing another little girl in a toy car and Brendan pointed and said, "baby". He has said, 'baby' before, but I don't recall him actively pointing one out to me before.
He's been in a good mood all day. We hung out at the park for over an hour and walked along a different trail instead of the usual one we take. He took my picture with his camera. Usually he'll get a picture of me only because I get in front of the camera on purpose. This time he actually pointed it at me and took several pictures. I started to act goofy and he started laughing so hard, he couldn't take my picture! Then we just hung out on the lawn for awhile, it was such a peaceful time.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
CST Session 9/15/11
Brendan arrived today in a good mood. He went straight to the table and wanted music. We asked if he would like laser or neurofeedback today - he said laser. We continue with the ghHW methodology; however, today we did not have his remedy; so we went ahead and did it with holy water and set our intention to include the remedy.
In conjunction with working on his right leg and foot we proceeded with ghHW. We always start with lymphatic now as it gets the fluids going and Brendan really likes it. He laughs at various times. Today for the first time Brendan never pulled his right leg away; in fact he pulled away when working on his left foot. This is a major change!
Continuing with ghHW, we then did detox (2x) and then DNA (2x). He laughed periodically and smiled a lot. He stated he really liked both. We then did ears - this was a first - he tolerated the right side longer than the left. He then wanted throat (very short - less than 30 seconds); frontal (about 1-1/2 minutes). We finished with relaxation which was about 2 minutes. He was a little frustrated and I told him to lay down and relax. Took a couple of deep breaths with him.
As he relaxed I worked on his head; O/A, TMJ, temporal, occipital and finished with frontal. He has a patch of tissue running vertically rather than horizontally. After working on this for a few minutes he became very, very happy. It was at this point he was ready to leave. One more thing - today he again tenderly touched my shoulder a number of times.
Got up, put his shoes/socks on and got into the car. Brendan's mom, myself and another friend spoke for a few minutes with Brendan waiting patiently. While sitting in the car he put his ear phones on.
Another good session. I believe Brendan's mother may have commented on this before but wanted to remind people many times children take a day to integrate everything. Sometimes the next day can be a little off; but the days that follow are generally very good.
In conjunction with working on his right leg and foot we proceeded with ghHW. We always start with lymphatic now as it gets the fluids going and Brendan really likes it. He laughs at various times. Today for the first time Brendan never pulled his right leg away; in fact he pulled away when working on his left foot. This is a major change!
Continuing with ghHW, we then did detox (2x) and then DNA (2x). He laughed periodically and smiled a lot. He stated he really liked both. We then did ears - this was a first - he tolerated the right side longer than the left. He then wanted throat (very short - less than 30 seconds); frontal (about 1-1/2 minutes). We finished with relaxation which was about 2 minutes. He was a little frustrated and I told him to lay down and relax. Took a couple of deep breaths with him.
As he relaxed I worked on his head; O/A, TMJ, temporal, occipital and finished with frontal. He has a patch of tissue running vertically rather than horizontally. After working on this for a few minutes he became very, very happy. It was at this point he was ready to leave. One more thing - today he again tenderly touched my shoulder a number of times.
Got up, put his shoes/socks on and got into the car. Brendan's mom, myself and another friend spoke for a few minutes with Brendan waiting patiently. While sitting in the car he put his ear phones on.
Another good session. I believe Brendan's mother may have commented on this before but wanted to remind people many times children take a day to integrate everything. Sometimes the next day can be a little off; but the days that follow are generally very good.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
CST Session 9/13/11
Tonight's session was earlier than usual. Even though we started at 7:30 p.m. Brendan wanted to have his session in his bedroom (early sessions tend to be in the living room while he watches tv). Prior to starting he spent some time showing me pictures on the computer he has taken of his various adventures: the circus, merry-go-round, etc. I learned Brendan can download pictures onto his computer - something I do not know how to do!
Started with his right leg again. He did very well until we got to the calf and ankle. He pulled away; but did get a few more releases in prior to moving on. From there his left leg was done and then we headed up his spine. While I worked on his upper lumbar/lower thoracic areas his mom placed her hand on his lower intestines. There is a distinct pull from the right side of his head, down through his throat, along the spine protuding at the lower thoracics/upper lumbars; landing in the front at his intestines. The interesting thing is this pull is similar as it has turned up in numerous autistic children. Releasing this pull could have profound implications. We will continue working this.
At one point Brendan's mom had one hand across his forehead and the other under the right side of his head; while my hands were on the lumbar/thoracic areas and the intestines. The pressure being generated got to be to much for Brendan so he asked us to stop. He then agreed to let me put one hand on his throat while leaving my other on his lumbar/thoracic area and Brendan placed his fingers on the intestines (mom still had her hands on his forehead/right side). Brendan tolerated this longer as he could remove his hand at any time and diminish the pressure.
When he had enough he jumped right up and went to the bathroom. He did a very healthy poop and then went on his swing. It was clear he had enough and stated he was done. He went downstairs with us and worked on his computer as his mom, dad and I talked. When I left he was happily working on the computer.
Good night! Look forward to seeing him in a couple of days.
Started with his right leg again. He did very well until we got to the calf and ankle. He pulled away; but did get a few more releases in prior to moving on. From there his left leg was done and then we headed up his spine. While I worked on his upper lumbar/lower thoracic areas his mom placed her hand on his lower intestines. There is a distinct pull from the right side of his head, down through his throat, along the spine protuding at the lower thoracics/upper lumbars; landing in the front at his intestines. The interesting thing is this pull is similar as it has turned up in numerous autistic children. Releasing this pull could have profound implications. We will continue working this.
At one point Brendan's mom had one hand across his forehead and the other under the right side of his head; while my hands were on the lumbar/thoracic areas and the intestines. The pressure being generated got to be to much for Brendan so he asked us to stop. He then agreed to let me put one hand on his throat while leaving my other on his lumbar/thoracic area and Brendan placed his fingers on the intestines (mom still had her hands on his forehead/right side). Brendan tolerated this longer as he could remove his hand at any time and diminish the pressure.
When he had enough he jumped right up and went to the bathroom. He did a very healthy poop and then went on his swing. It was clear he had enough and stated he was done. He went downstairs with us and worked on his computer as his mom, dad and I talked. When I left he was happily working on the computer.
Good night! Look forward to seeing him in a couple of days.
Parent update 9/13/11
Over the last 3-4 days, he's been calm, patient and happy. Today Brendan worked with a therapist who he hasn't seen in two months. She was amazed that his writing improved so much. She was also amazed at how much he has progressed in some of his programs (especially the money program). She had asked him to identify coins and count out change, and he was chuckling the whole time he was doing this. She finally asked him, "Is this to easy for you? Is that why you're laughing?" and he said, 'yeah' (smiling and still laughing). He had a great session.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Parent update 9/11/11
I remember this day as if it were just yesterday. Ten years ago as I watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed, little did I know that my personal world was also about to collapse.
On the afternoon of September 11, 2011, already in shock and stunned by the terroist attack. The doctor's at Children's Health Council took my husband and me into a small room and told us our son had autism. Even though I could still see the doctor's talking to us, I heard silence. In that very moment, I knew my world, my dreams, my life, was about to change forever. However, I also realized how many people lost loved ones that day and would never be able to hug them again. Although I was devastated, I knew how very lucky I was that I still had my son to go home to, to hug, to hold, and tell him how much I love him.
My sister said to me about Brendan, "God gave you a gift". How true that came to be. Because of Brendan's special diet, we eat healthier. Because of Brendan's sensitivity to chemicals, we go green as much as possible. Because of Brendan's special abilities and the need to be taught to do things in a certain way, I am more patient and understanding with people in general. When someone says to me, "I don't think he can do this." My reply is, "then we need to teach him in a different way so that he can". Because of Brendan, we are more in tuned to everything around us on a spritiual level. Because of Brendan, my cholesterol went way down due to all the hiking he made me do with him this past year!:) Here we are working so hard to improve his quality of life, when little did I know, he was improving ours as well.
So yes, it is true, God gave us a gift ~ our son Brendan! : )
On the afternoon of September 11, 2011, already in shock and stunned by the terroist attack. The doctor's at Children's Health Council took my husband and me into a small room and told us our son had autism. Even though I could still see the doctor's talking to us, I heard silence. In that very moment, I knew my world, my dreams, my life, was about to change forever. However, I also realized how many people lost loved ones that day and would never be able to hug them again. Although I was devastated, I knew how very lucky I was that I still had my son to go home to, to hug, to hold, and tell him how much I love him.
My sister said to me about Brendan, "God gave you a gift". How true that came to be. Because of Brendan's special diet, we eat healthier. Because of Brendan's sensitivity to chemicals, we go green as much as possible. Because of Brendan's special abilities and the need to be taught to do things in a certain way, I am more patient and understanding with people in general. When someone says to me, "I don't think he can do this." My reply is, "then we need to teach him in a different way so that he can". Because of Brendan, we are more in tuned to everything around us on a spritiual level. Because of Brendan, my cholesterol went way down due to all the hiking he made me do with him this past year!:) Here we are working so hard to improve his quality of life, when little did I know, he was improving ours as well.
So yes, it is true, God gave us a gift ~ our son Brendan! : )
Thursday, September 8, 2011
CST Session 9/8/11
We have a bench out front and when Brendan arrived today he sat on it before coming in. In recollection, a time can not be recalled when he did this by his choosing (sometimes his mom has sat out there and he would sit beside her). As his back was to me it appeared he was engaged in the act of active watching the kids across the street at the school. After a few minutes he came in took off his shoes and socks and got on the table.
He wanted music - hemisync. I started working on his right leg. His mother worked the ghHW method as Linda is out of town. We used his newest remedy. We started with lymphatic as we want as much fluid moving to help in pulling out toxins. Brendan really likes lymphatic work (manually or via laser); it makes him laugh.
While work continued on his right leg his mother continued with detox, serotonin, relaxation, nervous system and brain. Employing the nervous system with ghHW was key as Brendan relaxed from outside in and it took longer for the nervous system to calm down. We ended with relaxation again as clearly there was a definite change with Brendan when done initially. He became peaceful - his body calmed and he smiled alot.
For 75% of the session Brendan let me work on his right foot - an amazing accomplishment. Yay, Brendan!!! This has been very difficult as he would pull away often due to sensitivities.
Twice during the session Brendan reached for me - like he reaches to hug his mother. They were two very tender moments. He also helped direct and guide the laser with his mother. He was very interactive about his session.
When his session was over he layed down for a few minutes. After resting he got up and went to the waiting area. While putting his shoes and socks on my next client came in: Tim a 19 year old with central nervous system issues. Tim said hello as I introduced him to Brendan and to our surprise Brendan reached out and said Hello. This was an impressive moment of seeing Brendan engage and interact spontaneously. It was wonderful to see.
Brendan's mom was delighted to let us know that a few days prior to his appointment he was trying to open something and said "Help me". It was clear, concise and appropriate. A very proud moment.
Brendan left looking peaceful...............almost serene..................he is blossoming!
He wanted music - hemisync. I started working on his right leg. His mother worked the ghHW method as Linda is out of town. We used his newest remedy. We started with lymphatic as we want as much fluid moving to help in pulling out toxins. Brendan really likes lymphatic work (manually or via laser); it makes him laugh.
While work continued on his right leg his mother continued with detox, serotonin, relaxation, nervous system and brain. Employing the nervous system with ghHW was key as Brendan relaxed from outside in and it took longer for the nervous system to calm down. We ended with relaxation again as clearly there was a definite change with Brendan when done initially. He became peaceful - his body calmed and he smiled alot.
For 75% of the session Brendan let me work on his right foot - an amazing accomplishment. Yay, Brendan!!! This has been very difficult as he would pull away often due to sensitivities.
Twice during the session Brendan reached for me - like he reaches to hug his mother. They were two very tender moments. He also helped direct and guide the laser with his mother. He was very interactive about his session.
When his session was over he layed down for a few minutes. After resting he got up and went to the waiting area. While putting his shoes and socks on my next client came in: Tim a 19 year old with central nervous system issues. Tim said hello as I introduced him to Brendan and to our surprise Brendan reached out and said Hello. This was an impressive moment of seeing Brendan engage and interact spontaneously. It was wonderful to see.
Brendan's mom was delighted to let us know that a few days prior to his appointment he was trying to open something and said "Help me". It was clear, concise and appropriate. A very proud moment.
Brendan left looking peaceful...............almost serene..................he is blossoming!
Parent update 9/8/11
Brendan had caught a cold last weekend. Surprisingly, it has remained just a head cold and didn't develop into a full blown flu as it usually does. Just to give you a little past history. Up until the age of 8, if Brendan was around someone with a runny nose or a cough, he would get very sick - and would be sick for two weeks. Then return to school for about a week and a half, and then be sick again for another two weeks. I'm sure our family and friends thought we were germaphobes and the truth is, we were. Watching your child suffer through high fevers, have seizures, asthma attacks, and constant throwing up, was at times unbearable to witness time and time again. We knew Brendan's immune system was extremely weak, but no professional had ever been able to help him get stronger. Finally, when we started CST his immune system began to improve.
Considering I have kept him home from school so far this week, he's been relatively tolerant of having to stay inside and not going to the store. We did go to his CST appointment today and he had a great session. He was so calm and relaxed. So far, he is staying calm and peaceful.
Considering I have kept him home from school so far this week, he's been relatively tolerant of having to stay inside and not going to the store. We did go to his CST appointment today and he had a great session. He was so calm and relaxed. So far, he is staying calm and peaceful.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Parent update 9/2/11
After his CST session yesterday, he did fine in Target. But the rest of the day/evening, he was agitated. He did sleep through the night and seemed to wake up in a decent mood. However, at school they said he got really upset/crying and then he tore his shirt. The rest of the afternoon he was mostly in an agitated state. He would have a few short peaceful moments and then be on the edge of anger again. As I was trying to get him to sleep, he wanted me to work on him (head then belly), but one moment he would want my hands on him firmly and then the next minute he would push my hands off. He was just restless again. He tried to hit me a couple of times but stopped himself. He is still awake in his bed. I'm just leaving him alone and hope he falls asleep.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
CST Session 9/1/11
Brendan was amped and loud when coming in today. He sat in his regular chair and looked around. We are in the process of moving to a new facility and there are many boxes and things look a little different. When asked how he was doing he said 'good', removed his shoes and socks and went straight into the room and got on the table. He was smiling.
Started working on his right leg again. The energetic connection is stronger and now extends into parts of his feet. His right ankle is the least connected at this point. The connection is also staying which is believed to be why he is jumping - as he can feel the bottom of both of his feet hitting the floor. There is a balance happening he had not otherwise felt. Think of yourself when your foot falls asleep and how strange it is to walk or limp on one leg. Brendan has been doing this since we met - walking primarily on his left foot.
When the session started his system was in a pretty excitable state. This is believed to be from the new remedy he has been put on. Whenever something new is introduced we feel it is best to have a session with just cranial and lymphatic work for integration. While working his thoraric spine Brendan audibly sighed when the largest shift occurred. This was successful "stacking".
Stacking happens once the pelvis maintains balance and you can start "re-stacking" the spine. When the pelvis is out of balance the muscles above and below will shift to put one's body in the most balanced position. Usually this results in an unbalanced or asymmetrical system. Symmetry is key. The body must be balanced on both sides creating an overall symmetry from head to toe. When symmetry is achieved the body functions optimally.
We finished working on the cranial vault (skull). Minor shifts were accomplished. Brendan continues to accept deeper and deeper work on his O/A, temporals and sphenoid. He left smiling and happy - going to Target.
Started working on his right leg again. The energetic connection is stronger and now extends into parts of his feet. His right ankle is the least connected at this point. The connection is also staying which is believed to be why he is jumping - as he can feel the bottom of both of his feet hitting the floor. There is a balance happening he had not otherwise felt. Think of yourself when your foot falls asleep and how strange it is to walk or limp on one leg. Brendan has been doing this since we met - walking primarily on his left foot.
When the session started his system was in a pretty excitable state. This is believed to be from the new remedy he has been put on. Whenever something new is introduced we feel it is best to have a session with just cranial and lymphatic work for integration. While working his thoraric spine Brendan audibly sighed when the largest shift occurred. This was successful "stacking".
Stacking happens once the pelvis maintains balance and you can start "re-stacking" the spine. When the pelvis is out of balance the muscles above and below will shift to put one's body in the most balanced position. Usually this results in an unbalanced or asymmetrical system. Symmetry is key. The body must be balanced on both sides creating an overall symmetry from head to toe. When symmetry is achieved the body functions optimally.
We finished working on the cranial vault (skull). Minor shifts were accomplished. Brendan continues to accept deeper and deeper work on his O/A, temporals and sphenoid. He left smiling and happy - going to Target.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Parent update 08/30/11
This is two nights in a row that Brendan was so amped up at bedtime, that he didn't fall asleep until almost 1am. He would look so tired at 9pm and request to go to sleep. But then he would become restless, thrashing about in his bed. He wasn't mad or sad. It was like he couldn't keep himself to lay still (legs thrashing about, body slamming into the bed, etc.). At least he seemed to be having a good time! Both nights I finally got him to sleep by working on him a second time. I worked on his legs tonight to see if I could calm them down. I hope he wakes up in a good mood tomorrow.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Parent update 8/29/11
Brendan had a good day. He did break one video..(sigh). Linda gave me a remedy to see if it will help him sleep through the night. Since both Kathleen and Brendan had a little hesitency in using this remedy, I asked Brendan again if he wanted the remedy. This time he quickly said 'yeah'. I asked him a second time just to make sure. Again, he said 'yeah'. So, I gave him a small sip of the lowest dose (6c). We'll see what tomorrow brings....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Parent update 8/28/11
Off and on this weekend, Brendan was happy, then annoyed. I think he just wasn't feeling all the well due to his sleep being off for so long now. He had been up at
5am Friday and stayed up the whole day. His friends came to visit and he joined us in the living room. Lots of times, he'll stay on his computer to listen to what's going on. He put out his hand to E and she touched it. I think he put his hand out to her, because up until a few minutes before that, she had tears in her eyes. This was due to her DVD player not working. He tried again to hold hands with her, but this time she said, "sorry". He didn't get mad or anything. It was such a cute interaction. Then when they were about to get the car, M was having some difficulty. Brendan came to the door a couple of times and I told him M was having a hard time at the moment but he will be okay. As Kathleen had stated, Brendan is very in tuned to other people.
Today he said 'dirty' when his CD would not work. So, I cleaned it off, and then it was fine. Again, he has attempted this word in the past, but his words are starting to sound so much clearer. : )
Well, here's hoping he sleeps through the night.
5am Friday and stayed up the whole day. His friends came to visit and he joined us in the living room. Lots of times, he'll stay on his computer to listen to what's going on. He put out his hand to E and she touched it. I think he put his hand out to her, because up until a few minutes before that, she had tears in her eyes. This was due to her DVD player not working. He tried again to hold hands with her, but this time she said, "sorry". He didn't get mad or anything. It was such a cute interaction. Then when they were about to get the car, M was having some difficulty. Brendan came to the door a couple of times and I told him M was having a hard time at the moment but he will be okay. As Kathleen had stated, Brendan is very in tuned to other people.
Today he said 'dirty' when his CD would not work. So, I cleaned it off, and then it was fine. Again, he has attempted this word in the past, but his words are starting to sound so much clearer. : )
Well, here's hoping he sleeps through the night.
Friday, August 26, 2011
CST Session 8/25/11
When Brendan arrived he was somewhat agitated and loud. After a few minutes he removed his shoes and socks and went into the therapy room. He started smiling.
As I worked his right leg - mostly knee and ankle, Linda began employing the ghHW method. We knew he needed detoxing from his Monday night visit. We began with lymphatic work - getting the fluids moving so any toxins coming out will move easier through the system. Then we set the laser on detox which Brendan really liked. We continued with the laser using cellular regeneration, blood and DNA.
He smiled pretty much throughout the whole session. In addition periodically he would very gently place his hand on my shoulder. I had not been feeling very well that day and he picked up on it immediately. His compassion and empathy was immense. I thanked him each time as he was sending me healing energy. Brendan knows when someone is not energetically balanced and it can effect him greatly. Each time he placed his hand on my shoulder the pain lessened - I had a headache. By the time his session was done my headache was pretty much gone.
The student becomes the teacher. Brendan has amazing healing energies and if harnessed correctly he can do many things. Over the past year he has placed his hands on his mother when she did not feel well. After much communication (over the past year) we learned most of Brendan's tendencies to headbutt or hit was because he could feel something wrong with someone. It was like he was trying to get the problem to shift.
Brendan continues to make amazing progress. We expect fallout but it is minimal compared to what we dealt with months ago. While there are tough days he is always happy at his cranial sacral appointment. We worked the longest on his right knee and ankle than we ever had. Brendan's system is unwinding and his body, spirit and mind are melding more.
We look forward to see what he accomplishes next. Stay tuned.
As I worked his right leg - mostly knee and ankle, Linda began employing the ghHW method. We knew he needed detoxing from his Monday night visit. We began with lymphatic work - getting the fluids moving so any toxins coming out will move easier through the system. Then we set the laser on detox which Brendan really liked. We continued with the laser using cellular regeneration, blood and DNA.
He smiled pretty much throughout the whole session. In addition periodically he would very gently place his hand on my shoulder. I had not been feeling very well that day and he picked up on it immediately. His compassion and empathy was immense. I thanked him each time as he was sending me healing energy. Brendan knows when someone is not energetically balanced and it can effect him greatly. Each time he placed his hand on my shoulder the pain lessened - I had a headache. By the time his session was done my headache was pretty much gone.
The student becomes the teacher. Brendan has amazing healing energies and if harnessed correctly he can do many things. Over the past year he has placed his hands on his mother when she did not feel well. After much communication (over the past year) we learned most of Brendan's tendencies to headbutt or hit was because he could feel something wrong with someone. It was like he was trying to get the problem to shift.
Brendan continues to make amazing progress. We expect fallout but it is minimal compared to what we dealt with months ago. While there are tough days he is always happy at his cranial sacral appointment. We worked the longest on his right knee and ankle than we ever had. Brendan's system is unwinding and his body, spirit and mind are melding more.
We look forward to see what he accomplishes next. Stay tuned.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Parent update 8/25/11
Brendan had a good CST session using a remedy and laser. The rest of the afternoon he went from being manic (happy) and mischevious to being exhausted. During his manic times, he broke two CDs and a wooden puzzle board. He also peed in his pants three times. A couple of times I think he just waited to long. The last time he thought it was funny so I made him clean it up. Glad to get him to bed. Hoping for a more easy going, compliant child tomorrow (of course, what parent doesn't) : ) At least he was happy today and not mad. Just hope the 'breaking of things' doesn't start up again.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Parent update 08/24/11
Brendan slept soundly through the night on Monday night. He woke up happy and seemed refreshed. He did have a crying spell at school. No one is sure what triggered it. But he was fine the rest of the day and evening.
Last night (or I should say this morning), he woke up at 4am and did not go back to sleep. So, he went to school. Apparently, he fell asleep at his desk. But when he woke up he was fine. He had a good day. His videos arrived today. He has been waiting patiently all week. Having him remove a sticker as we get closer to the delivery date really seems to help. Also, we aren't stalking mailmen anymore. He has a CST session tomorrow and I believe we will be using the laser again.
Last night (or I should say this morning), he woke up at 4am and did not go back to sleep. So, he went to school. Apparently, he fell asleep at his desk. But when he woke up he was fine. He had a good day. His videos arrived today. He has been waiting patiently all week. Having him remove a sticker as we get closer to the delivery date really seems to help. Also, we aren't stalking mailmen anymore. He has a CST session tomorrow and I believe we will be using the laser again.
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