Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homeopath update 10/20/11

Hi All,
Today our session began with Brendan using the ghHW method with a remedy Nat-p. (This remedy is chosen specifically for Brendan. It is not to be used for every Autistic child. Every person needs their own Constitutional Remedy.) Brendan has been using this remedy with this method for the last few weeks. The healing has been quite tremendous. His advancement in school has been better everyday and his sleep has been improving to a full nights rest. YEA!!
Today we finally gave Brendan the Nat-p remedy by mouth. We integrated the remedy thru the body with Cranial Sacral work. (Integrating the remedy with the Cranial work really seems to help the remedy process thru the body without aggravations. We can also get an idea of how the remedy is flowing thru the body.) Brendan really liked it.
We also tried a new remedy made from General Anesthesia with the ghHW method. The idea came from an article in the Feingold Association News letter stating that research has been concluded that children having received Anesthesia before the age of 2 is proven to have learning disabilities. See Below For Article.
Brendan really liked the Anesthesia remedy. We will wait to see the results.

Cognitive behavior after anesthesia

A new study published last week looks at the effect of anesthesia on children under two years old. It has long been known that surgical anesthesia involves using drugs known to cause neurological degeneration in young animals - but few studies have ever been done to see if it does the same to children (aren't children young animals?), and the authors feel those earlier studies were inadequate. In this study, they used more advanced methods, starting with a large group of 8,548 children born between 1976 and 1982 in Rochester, MN. 350 of them were exposed to anesthesia before age 2, and they were compared to 700 controls (children not undergoing surgery at that age).

The authors concluded that repeated surgeries (but not just one) before the age of two was a significant risk factor for the later development of learning disabilities. Almost three times the expected number of the children exposed to multiple anesthesias later needed an IEP for speech or language difficulty, but the number needing intervention for behavioral problems was not more than expected. In a test of cognitive skills, those with multiple exposures to anesthesia also had significantly lower cognitive (IQ) and memory scores. This and other articles on the subject all indicate that more research is needed.

Will the Feingold diet help a child whose brain has been affected by early anesthesia? We don't know, but neither does anybody else. We suggest it is worth trying; we suggest that since food dyes and other additives have already been shown to be toxic to neurons (Lau 2006), these children certainly don't need to be adding insult to injury. We hope to receive feedback from parents who do (or don't) have observable success using the diet for such children.

The new study:
Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes After Early Exposure to Anesthesia and Surgery, Randall PF, et al,Pediatrics, Volume 128, Number 5, November 2011.
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Review of previous studies on anesthesia and babies:
Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain., Stratmann G., Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2011 Sep 30. MedLine

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