What a night!! Brendan's father and I had a chance to speak while Brendan prepared for bed. It is always interesting to obtain a father's perspective and I so appreciate the moments we have to share information and experiences. When I went upstairs Brendan was already in bed and pointed to the spot on the bed I sit on.
Sitting next to him I told him there were some questions I would like to ask him. Earlier in the day I had worked on a spectrum child and when using the ghHW method I saw a large "worm" moving rapidly through his body. It shocked me at first due to it's size and ability to pass through areas one would think is difficult; but it dove deep and would surface then do it again. The 'worm' was heading downward towards the abdomen.
I asked Brendan about 'worms' and he told me they were present in him as well. About a year and a half ago we started on a detox program with some of the kids and the first portion went extremely well. All kids reacted positively and there bowels improved significantly. We had won the war with the bowels. Every child who has ever done this 10 day program has had permanent changes in their ability to eliminate and/or poop.
When we got to the second portion (we have various supplements to test the kids with); we did not have the correct match for Brendan. We tried one but he ended up having an allergic reaction. Due to pressing physical outbursts we were desperately looking for the right combination to calm Brenda down. Everything we tried did not seem to work or appeased him temporarily. We kept going in other directions and never completed the second half of the protocol.
Now it comes to pass - last night while working on Brendan with his mom and the ghHW method I saw a two-headed parasite located in his colon area. We continued the ghHW method and the parasite was screaming. As we backed into his colon Brendan and I could physically feel the 'worm' shrivel up. Brendan held my hand for a long time while it was over his colon and when the worm no longer moved Brendan became very happy.
I believe children can feel the movement of these 'worms' through their body and the goal is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As we neared the end of the session Brendan stated he had to go 'poo' (most parasites/worms eliminate through the bowels). We let him go and he stayed in the bathroom for a very long time. In fact he stayed so long I left. Saying goodbye to Brendan his mom and I agreed she would look at the stool as soon as Brendan eliminated himself. Unfortunately he did not pass any stool last night; but his mother remains vigilant.
During this session we became aware of another strong connection: I had one of my hands on Brendan's frontal lobe and the other on his colon; which brought to our attention the strength of the two areas tied together (the same was felt in the other child). As the frontal lobe shifted the 'worm' shriveled. The more the frontal lobe shifted the more the 'worm' became smaller and dryer. As this was happening we realized the worm may potentially be directing the frontal lobe or better yet; the frontal lobe maybe so engaged with the activities of the 'worm' it ceases to perform other duties.
One other difference noted between the two children: Brendan did not have the gooey, slimy like substance throughout his system as did the other child. Perhaps this is why the 'worm' became like the witch from the Wizard of Oz: when the water was thrown upon the witch she melted. Perhaps with the correct remedies and connections we are seeing the shrinking and ultimate elimination of the 'worm' and all it is connected to.
We will continue to work on this and provide information as it becomes available.
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