Today Brendan came in extremely happy. He jumped around in our kids room and then on his own walked to the therapy room. He laid down and asked for his eye shades (we use these to shade their eyes from the laser). This was the first time he requested them and put them on.
We immediately began the ghHW process with lymph. We always begin with lymph to get the fluids flowing. From there we did detox, brain, fascia, 5htp and relaxation. Throughout the session he laughed - sometimes really really hard. It is great to see him so happy! We ask him each time what setting to put it on and he responds with a yes or no. Usually he just says yes to the one he choses. He definitely knows what he wants.
Cranial sacral work is always done in conjunction with the ghHW method. When Linda is unavailable his mom steps in and works the laser. Anyone can learn to do it - it is obtaining the proper settings for each individual which becomes important. Brendan continues to love head work - the O/A is getting deeper and the releases are greater. He always wants cranial vault work prior to the end of his session. It is extremely important for integration.
Things have changed dramatically in the past year for Brendan. We went through a very tough period when he was hitting his mother and father; sometimes his teacher. He was lashing out with great anger - even managing to punch a hole in the wall of his bedroom; as well as damaging anything that was glass in the house. His mom pretty much removed all glass (including pictures w/glass frames) to assure he would not hurt himself. He broke many DVD's.
To see Brendan today is a great joy! I praise his Mom and Dad for going through the toughest of times to reach where we are today. It is their dedication to their son that has made all the difference. We have been extremely supportive - inclusive of going to their home - during the toughest of times. It is very clear Brendan knows we are here for him - good or bad. He can rely on all of us and I think it gives him great comfort.
As we move forward in his recovery we will continue to add items from the toughest of times in order to understand where he was and how far he has come. We anticipate great things for Brendan.
As others are reading this blog, do not lose faith in your journey. Please find a team who will work with you unconditionally - not on their agenda - but on your child's. It is then the best of changes will happen.
Go Brendan!!!!!!!
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