Hmmm......Brendan was doing okay for part of the day, then he got agitated when we were in the dining room. He kept looking about, and since I didn't see anything per se to upset him, so I got the Holy Water and sprayed it around, and then he was fine.
Then about one hour later when we were upstairs, he became mischevious. He went into my bathroom and hurled my curling iron at the shower door. For some reason he is obsessed with trying to break our shower door. I was not happy, and told him no more movies upstairs. So, we went down stairs. But, when we go into the living room, he grabbed my crafts bag and swung it around and hit it on the entertainment center. All of my beads (for making bracelets)flew out! The beads were in containers, but he hit it so hard, that it broke open the container and everything flew out. When he makes me this mad and is out of control, I tell him to lie down on the carpet. He usually lies down face down which is safer for him and me because then he can't kick or hit anything or anyone.
After he calmed down a little (about 15 min) then he got up and I gave him the MP 30C remedy. I gave it to him every hour for four hours straight. This seemed to work.
When his Dad got home later in the evening, I went out for a few hours. Amazing how a few hours away can recharge your batteries. Overall, the whole day, he would get mad at me. It didn't matter whether I said something or not, looked at him or not...he was just mad at me. We have spent 11 days straight together (with me only be gone for a total of 9 hours off and on during those days) so I think we both just needed a break from eachother. His Dad did remind me that he is 12 years old....(pre-teen attitude). Ah..yes..I remember that time in matter what your parents say or don't say, you just don't like it! ;)
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.......
Yikes!!! Thank goodness for the MP!!! I do not know of any universal shifts going on. I will have to check.