Monday, October 10, 2011

CST Session 10/10/11

Night session.  When I arrived Brendan was very happy to see me.  He leaves a particular light on when I come over and even though I was already there he went and turned the light on and headed to his room.  Well tonight was an excellent session!!!

It started with some left leg work in which when I got to his foot he pulled it away due to sensitivities.  We laughed with him.  The second time I went to touch his foot he pulled it away and started laughing - he was joking!  It was great to witness Brendan act this way. 

After working his leg, his mom started on his right leg.  She never really got past the upper thigh when he pulled her hands away.  Meanwhile I was on his stomach and back of his head.  He had a tightness in the middle abdominals and much of it was relieved.

Then I started on his head.  We primarily worked the right side:  temporal, sphenoid, TMJ, eye, parietal, T-junction and O/A.  Brendan actively directed the session.  We did 45 minutes concentrating on the right side effecting his sphenoid, temporal, nose, eye, parietal.  It was amazing how many times he wanted "more".  Brendan has never allowed this much pressure over this period of time - it was amazing to see.  His mom was very impressed as well as she has never seen him allow this much work.

When we were done I could hear him upstairs; so I went back up and asked him if he wanted more.  To my surprise he said yes!  We did another half an hour concentrating again on the right side - primarily sphenoid, eye, temporal and parietal areas.  We ended with a few O/A's which made him laugh. 

We counted numerous times as the pressure was great!  He even yelled "10" when we got there.  This shows how much children are allowing.  When they get use to counting children will speed up the count to finish because the pressure is increasing.  Brendan did this numerous times - allowing the pressure to generate. 

This was a great night.  Brendan could tell us what needed to be done.  I also had to let him know his head - after almost 2 hours - needed to rest as it would no longer move.  The body can get very tired producing the shifts we are engaging and whether your an adult or child - eventually the body will be exhausted.

I told him we would see him on Thursday and if he needed anything before that to tell his mom to call.  He was happy and ready to go to sleep when I left.  Big night for Brendan!!!!

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