Thursday, November 10, 2011

CST Session 11/10/11

It is always a pleasure to see Brendan enter our new place in a happy mood.  For a while now, things have been good and getting better everyday. 

Today, Brendan went through the tunnel twice, sat on the couch a bit and walked around before heading to the therapy room.  He was comfortable. Work began on his right leg through to his foot; then the left leg while his mom did the ghHW method.  Brendan requested and really liked the anaesthesia remedy.  He used this remedy for a majority of the session; even using it on his ears (multiple times).  The remedy for putting his body in a relaxed state is always used at the end of his sessions.  He likes it. 

The session ended with cranial vault work - always do this - it makes a really big difference.  He is loving the O/A more and more.  His mom saw his face relax while in the middle of the O/A.  She knows what it feels like and can really appreciate Brendan's expressions.  He was content!  He wanted more!  We are going deeper and deeper - the deeper we go the more relaxed and unrestricted Brendan becomes.

I think there are moments when the state of "relaxation" is really felt by Brendan.  In the past when Brendan would begin to feel relaxed his reaction was to 'jump' out of it.  It was a foreign feeling; something he was not use to.  Overtime Brendan has become more comfortable in a relaxed state.  This state has brought out of him better communication, improved social skills and a marked change in engagement whether that be at school, store, doctor's office, etc.   

Keep the faith in what you are doing with your child; because one of the greatest joys is to see Brendan smile!!  Many great things are on his horizon!

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