Sunday, November 27, 2011

CST Session 11/21/11

Night session.  Upon arrival Brendan was watching t.v.; but immediately got up and prepared for going upstairs.  Once settled work began on his left leg - he did very well.  While his mom worked his right leg I started on his chest and throat area.  He liked it alot - lots of heat.

From there we went to his head.  His head really needed to be released - especially the left side (parietal, temporal, sphenoid and occipital).  We sang while we worked on this.  Brendan was exceptional - allowing a lot of heat - and some big shifts to occur. 

He has come to the point he know what needs to be done.  He can point and tell you exactly what bothers him.  We take all our cues from him.  It is time we started to do extensive mouth work.  We will begin slowly and see how much he can handle as it will effect his entire system (from head to toe).

He wants to talk - he is saying more and more sounds.  There is a new technique suggested and founded by our homeopath regarding the laser and neurofeedback.  I asked Brendan if he wanted to try this and for the first time in a long time he did not answer.  We will wait until his next office appointment to see what he says.  We will explain more on this as we do it.

He also wants the laser work done at home (we usually only do this in the office).  Going forward we will be doing at the night visits as well.  His mom can do that while I will concentrate on his mouth. 

When I left he had gotten up to go to the bathroom - which is pretty common during a night session.  He usually gets up one time and will then complete his session.  I left before he came out of the bathroom - will have to make sure in the future to stay until he gets out so we can evaluate how he is prior to leaving. 

Wished him and his family a happy holiday!  Am looking forward to see how he did through the holiday. 

Blessings and great harvests to all!!

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