Sunday, September 11, 2011

Parent update 9/11/11

I remember this day as if it were just yesterday. Ten years ago as I watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed, little did I know that my personal world was also about to collapse.

On the afternoon of September 11, 2011, already in shock and stunned by the terroist attack. The doctor's at Children's Health Council took my husband and me into a small room and told us our son had autism. Even though I could still see the doctor's talking to us, I heard silence. In that very moment, I knew my world, my dreams, my life, was about to change forever. However, I also realized how many people lost loved ones that day and would never be able to hug them again. Although I was devastated, I knew how very lucky I was that I still had my son to go home to, to hug, to hold, and tell him how much I love him.

My sister said to me about Brendan, "God gave you a gift". How true that came to be. Because of Brendan's special diet, we eat healthier. Because of Brendan's sensitivity to chemicals, we go green as much as possible. Because of Brendan's special abilities and the need to be taught to do things in a certain way, I am more patient and understanding with people in general. When someone says to me, "I don't think he can do this." My reply is, "then we need to teach him in a different way so that he can". Because of Brendan, we are more in tuned to everything around us on a spritiual level. Because of Brendan, my cholesterol went way down due to all the hiking he made me do with him this past year!:) Here we are working so hard to improve his quality of life, when little did I know, he was improving ours as well.

So yes, it is true, God gave us a gift ~ our son Brendan! : )

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