Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homeopath 3/2/12

Hello all,
The last few months with Brendan have been very difficult.    Postings have been to a minimum because there was too much to write and  we were just focusing on getting Brendan well.  Brendan was very violent the last few months.  (Brendan was like this before the worst was 1-2 yrs ago.) He head butts his mom  all the time and it can be very painful and damaging.  He has also broken all glass/shinny things  he can find (pictures, CD's, TV's, Computer monitors .  We are not sure why Brendan does this.  It is like he does not like the reflections or the breaking causes a frequency he likes.  We do believe there are shifts going on in the world today so maybe Brendan is too sensitive to this and needs to break up the energy.  The last month Brendan has pick up a new sport... Kicking holes in the walls.  YIKES!  This has been hard for the parents.  As their life is so difficult already with all their extra funds going towards helping Brendan.  Brendan has also been difficult in the bathtub splashing the water out of the tub and throughout the day with continuous growling and screaming.   Mom has also gotten clocked in between the eyes more than a few times.  (Remembering Brendan is over 6 feet, 12yrs old,  and his parents are much shorter.)  I have to hand it to mom and dad who love their son and will never put him in a home.  They love him and see the soo sensitive side of him.  They love their son  and so desperately want back the cute and loving boy they know is underneath on a continuous basis.

Beside trying high doses of remedies like belladonna, aconite and stramomium and his constitutional remedy we started going outside the box.  Brendan's eyes changed color when he was really mad.  It was as if it was not really him.  Even his teachers were concerned that this was not the Brendan they know.  So What is going on???  We do know that Brendan is clairvoyant and can see spirits.  You can see his eyes watching things we cannot see.  After trying to rid spirits from the house and around Brendan we contacted a Energy intuitive, John.  John was able to tell us that Brendan is like a house with all the doors and windows open, inviting all.  (Note: Brendan's verbals are very minimal so maybe this is a way for him to have friends.)   John also said that Brendan has all his filters off.  It is like a radio with all the stations on at the same time.  That definitely would cause anyone to get irritated!!   John also said that Brendan's frontal lobe is not working correctly.  And it is from Vaccinations.  He said with Brendan's Hormones changing and the frontal  lobe not working it is a problem.    John mentioned that Brendan seems like a donkey.  Likes to be around bigger animals and if he hit the bigger animals they will not react.  Smaller animals bother the donkey. (We have written the remedy made from Donkey milk on a piece of paper and it is now put under his pillow)  Maybe that is why Brendan's mother gets Brendan so irritated.  She is much smaller than him and when he head butts her it hurts.  The head butting thing is most likely from trying to get a release of pain or as way to tell his mother that he is frustrated and to listen to him.  John also told us Brendan is very sensitive... so do things very lightly and build up.  We will be doing this with NFB and homeopathy.  We already knew this.  Especially the way Brendan can feel if remedies are good for him.  He just holds them or holds  the name on a paper.

So besides going to John I had another idea.  I had bought an intention box (UED) from Dr. Tiller, Stanford univ. and we decided to try it.  (See   The box is plugged in and we meditate for about 15 minutes with good and loving intentions.  Also including healing and pushing any spirits that are not Brendan, mom and dad to leave.  After meditating we plug the machine in the house and it sends out those thoughts continuously through out the day.  The machine needs to be re-intentioned every week.  The last few days have been remarkably better.  (For 2 weeks now Brendan is the Brendan we know and love.  calm and happy!  Mom and dad have now ordered their own UED and Kathleen and I  will be re-intentioning it weekly. )

As days get better we will be adding the vaccination remedies written on paper and putting under his pillow.  (Brendan is very  sensitive and can feel the energy of a remedy just from the intention on a paper. )

At the Cranial session today we also had Brendan hold remedies made from the Groupb Strep.  Brendan was born with Group b strep and  was very sick in ICU.  Is this still in his system?  Is the trial meds they gave him still in his system?  Did the new strep vaccine he took at ~18 months cause part of his problems?   Brendan held the remedies and would not give them back.  He rolled to his side and curled up.  Then he laid on his stomach... calm and still holding his remedies.  (He has never done this before.)  This is definitely a sign from Brendan that he needs this remedy at some point.  I gave him a liquid bottle to hold and take home with him.  He was very happy.  We do not intend to give him this remedy just yet but if he holds it and it gives him relief that is enough for now.

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