Friday, April 27, 2012

4/27/12 Homeopath

The last few months have been very difficult with only a few good days or moments.  As of now Brendan thinks it is funny to hit and kick another.  He is over 6'2" and it is difficult to hold him down.   The one new thing we have been using is a hand made Pyramid above the massage table that he lays on in the clinic.  Brendan will stay after his Cranial Sacral session for at least 3-4 hours.  He just does not want to leave the Pyramid.  The energy in it is soothing for him.  He will lay all over the floor and sleep or rest for hours.  It is amazing.  Brendan's family is going to be getting a few Pyramids for the house soon. We will see how this works for him.   We are hoping this  mischievous behavior will subside.  We are confused at what is making this happen.  Is it hormones since he is 12 yrs.?  Is it that he is asking for more limits?  We are trying to sit him down in a timeout every time we see the look.. before he hits someone or breaks something. He actually walks around the house with a big smile looking to break something.   It is hard to control such a big boy.  Yikes!!! Another day to come and go!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Parent update 03/28/12

It still amazes me how one day could feel like heaven and the very next day, all hell breaks loose. As Kathleen stated, Thursday was a great day! Friday, we were back to hitting and being mischevious again. One would think we would be use to this by now, but I never get use to it. I hate always having to be on guard and to watch him go through all this turmoil. Someday, I am hopeful things will mellow out a little for all of us.

Since he was having a bad Friday, Linda suggested I give him a dose of NP. Monday, Tuesday were okay. He did try to hit at school. But, at least they didn't call me to pick him up. He did have a good ABA session with hi therapist on Tuesday afternoon.

Unfortunately, today was not a good day. Right when his Dad picked him up at school, he witnessed Brendan throw his juice which sprayed all over the aide and teacher. Then he gave his ABA therapist (one that he adores) a very hard time.

Brendan continued to give his Dad a hard time the rest of the afternoon. By the time I got home from work later in the evening, he was fine. He did put my hand on his belly. So, I asked him if his belly hurt and he said yes. I asked him if it had been hurting earlier and is that why he was having such a hard time at school and with Barbara, he said yes.

Here's hoping for a good day tomorrow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

CST Session 3/22/12

What a day!  Brendan came in and overall was in a good mood.  He started in the playroom and gradually made his way back to the therapy room.  Once there, he sat down, got up, walked around and continued this pattern for about 5 minutes.  Then he took his shoes off and got on the table.

We asked him what he wanted today and he did not respond to NFB on his feet; therefore, we did not do it.  CST, lymph and muscle work was done on his legs and pelvis.  He liked it.  Brendan is getting use to more and more touching of his feet.  This is a big deal. 

While working on him I asked him if he would like to tell us his next remedy.  Immediately he started communicating a strange word.  I tried my best to spell it while the homeopath looked it up.  Much to our surprise there was a remedy very similar to that word.  When it was written on a piece of paper sprayed with holy water Brendan held it for a very long time.  Overall, he became calm and happy. 

Another remedy was also coming up in which I translated the spelling as best I could.  When Brendan held this piece of paper the agitations and aggravations started.  It was amazing!  Brendan's mom decided this is the remedy we should do when he goes on vacation and she can deal with the aggravations that come with taking remedies.  We all agreed to schedule time and be supportive of Brendan's next step.  His mother also thought the other remedy could possibly help relax and counter negative actions when he has meltdowns and tantrums.  Perhaps they go together she said.  We will wait and see.

When the session was completed Brendan did not want to leave.  This is typical as kids feel better and better.  Brendan proceeded to walk down the hallway; then back to the therapy room, etc.  While he was doing this the next clients came in:  a mom with two autistic children (Brendan and the kids know each other). 

Brendan stayed the entire time the other kids were here.  I worked on the kids in the kids room and Brendan sat quietly in a rocking chair watching a movie and listening to music with his friends.  We all were so happy for them.  They were all enjoying themselves.

They all left together and when Brendan got outside saw the train.  He immediately ran as fast as he could to watch the train go by.  When it was done him and mom walked back to the car and left. 

It was a beautiful day!!!  We are looking for many more.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homeopath 3/2/12

Hello all,
The last few months with Brendan have been very difficult.    Postings have been to a minimum because there was too much to write and  we were just focusing on getting Brendan well.  Brendan was very violent the last few months.  (Brendan was like this before the worst was 1-2 yrs ago.) He head butts his mom  all the time and it can be very painful and damaging.  He has also broken all glass/shinny things  he can find (pictures, CD's, TV's, Computer monitors .  We are not sure why Brendan does this.  It is like he does not like the reflections or the breaking causes a frequency he likes.  We do believe there are shifts going on in the world today so maybe Brendan is too sensitive to this and needs to break up the energy.  The last month Brendan has pick up a new sport... Kicking holes in the walls.  YIKES!  This has been hard for the parents.  As their life is so difficult already with all their extra funds going towards helping Brendan.  Brendan has also been difficult in the bathtub splashing the water out of the tub and throughout the day with continuous growling and screaming.   Mom has also gotten clocked in between the eyes more than a few times.  (Remembering Brendan is over 6 feet, 12yrs old,  and his parents are much shorter.)  I have to hand it to mom and dad who love their son and will never put him in a home.  They love him and see the soo sensitive side of him.  They love their son  and so desperately want back the cute and loving boy they know is underneath on a continuous basis.

Beside trying high doses of remedies like belladonna, aconite and stramomium and his constitutional remedy we started going outside the box.  Brendan's eyes changed color when he was really mad.  It was as if it was not really him.  Even his teachers were concerned that this was not the Brendan they know.  So What is going on???  We do know that Brendan is clairvoyant and can see spirits.  You can see his eyes watching things we cannot see.  After trying to rid spirits from the house and around Brendan we contacted a Energy intuitive, John.  John was able to tell us that Brendan is like a house with all the doors and windows open, inviting all.  (Note: Brendan's verbals are very minimal so maybe this is a way for him to have friends.)   John also said that Brendan has all his filters off.  It is like a radio with all the stations on at the same time.  That definitely would cause anyone to get irritated!!   John also said that Brendan's frontal lobe is not working correctly.  And it is from Vaccinations.  He said with Brendan's Hormones changing and the frontal  lobe not working it is a problem.    John mentioned that Brendan seems like a donkey.  Likes to be around bigger animals and if he hit the bigger animals they will not react.  Smaller animals bother the donkey. (We have written the remedy made from Donkey milk on a piece of paper and it is now put under his pillow)  Maybe that is why Brendan's mother gets Brendan so irritated.  She is much smaller than him and when he head butts her it hurts.  The head butting thing is most likely from trying to get a release of pain or as way to tell his mother that he is frustrated and to listen to him.  John also told us Brendan is very sensitive... so do things very lightly and build up.  We will be doing this with NFB and homeopathy.  We already knew this.  Especially the way Brendan can feel if remedies are good for him.  He just holds them or holds  the name on a paper.

So besides going to John I had another idea.  I had bought an intention box (UED) from Dr. Tiller, Stanford univ. and we decided to try it.  (See   The box is plugged in and we meditate for about 15 minutes with good and loving intentions.  Also including healing and pushing any spirits that are not Brendan, mom and dad to leave.  After meditating we plug the machine in the house and it sends out those thoughts continuously through out the day.  The machine needs to be re-intentioned every week.  The last few days have been remarkably better.  (For 2 weeks now Brendan is the Brendan we know and love.  calm and happy!  Mom and dad have now ordered their own UED and Kathleen and I  will be re-intentioning it weekly. )

As days get better we will be adding the vaccination remedies written on paper and putting under his pillow.  (Brendan is very  sensitive and can feel the energy of a remedy just from the intention on a paper. )

At the Cranial session today we also had Brendan hold remedies made from the Groupb Strep.  Brendan was born with Group b strep and  was very sick in ICU.  Is this still in his system?  Is the trial meds they gave him still in his system?  Did the new strep vaccine he took at ~18 months cause part of his problems?   Brendan held the remedies and would not give them back.  He rolled to his side and curled up.  Then he laid on his stomach... calm and still holding his remedies.  (He has never done this before.)  This is definitely a sign from Brendan that he needs this remedy at some point.  I gave him a liquid bottle to hold and take home with him.  He was very happy.  We do not intend to give him this remedy just yet but if he holds it and it gives him relief that is enough for now.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CST Session 3/1/12

Brendan came in today and paced around the therapy room.  There were 2 cd's out and a chair was in the way.  You could tell he wanted to move the chair and get at the cd's.  He did not - which was a victory for Brendan.

He got on the table and we had an excellent session.  Considering everything that has been going on Brendan did amazingly well.  We did a lot of head work which he enjoyed.  Brendan recognizes his head does not feel right and is in pain at times - he wants so badly for the pain to go away.

The pain comes from the decompression of the cranial vault.  Layer by layer we decompress all the bones of the skull which allows for optimal growth and space for the brain.  The deeper the decompression the more pressure is generated.  We are trying to keep the bones constantly free so there is no time for pressure to build up.  This is difficult as his body will move when it is ready.  Movement does not always occur in a session - the body can continue to make changes up to 10 days following a treatment.  The more movement and freedom of Brendan's cranial vault the less agitated he gets.

Remedies are working great plus the new intention machine Linda purchased.  This has been amazing.  Each week you must recharge the machine by citing your intentions for yourself, family, etc.  We have been recharging this weekly and their is less energetic interference with Brendan.

I know this may sound strange to some but Brendan is like a radio with multiple receivors open at the same time.  This allows for the attraction of many energy sources whether Brendan likes it or realizes it.  For the last 6 months we have been going to Brendan's house and the amount of energy fields has become overwhelming.  The intention machine - over a two week period - has pushed the energy fields outside the house.  The first week it was as if they were pushed up against the wall; the second - they were in the wall; the third - outside of the house.

The impact has been so great Brendan's parents bought one.  Linda can tell you how to purchase one.  We will continue to monitor how Brendan does.  So far, with one or two minor incidences, he has returned to his happy self.  Thank you God!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Parent update 03/02/12

Brendan made it to school by 11:30am. Lunch time. :) He's so smart. Sometimes I think he plans it so she arrives a snack time or park time. For the few hours he was there, he did fine. He was okay with me for the most part. He did try to hit me while we were doing an art project. Guess he didn't want to do it! But other than that incident, he was great.

One funny thing, I was eating sitting next to him on the couch. He said "eat" and pointed to the kitchen. I said, "Am I making to much noise eating?" He said, "Yeah." So, I moved to the kitchen (he was watching his favorite video) So I was not offended.:)

Here's to a good tomorrow.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Parent update 3/1/12

Today Brendan was a little off because he woke up late (missed school) and then I had to rush him to his CST appt. So, he was a little irritated with me. He usually needs 2-3 hours to wake up before he can head out the door. He thoroughly enjoyed his session with Kathleen. Linda worked on my head due to all the headbutting that has happened lately. I definitely felt better.

Brendan requested to go to Target without all the indecisiveness I have been seeing. He picked out what he wanted and waited patiently in line. He did really well.

The rest of the night he was pretty good.l Thre were a few incidences where he got agitated and headbutted me a couple of times. But he didn't stay mad nor throw a tantrum. So that is still a huge improvement. Here's hoping he makes it to school tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Parent update 2/29/12

Brendan had a GREAT day!!! Whoo Hoo!!!! His Dad had no trouble getting him to school. He was fine at school. He was really tired when he came home, so his Dad cancelled his afternoon therapy session. Good thing because Brendan napped for about 1.5 hours. He was fine with his Dad all day. When I got home from work, he did fine with me as well. : ) What was funny was he wanted a second serving of tacos. I made him two more. I put it on the table for him and he looked at it. Then he showed me three fingers and said, "three". I said, "Oh, you wanted three tacos?" and he said, "Yeah." He didn't get mad or frustrated like he has been when something doesn't go his way. I glady gave him more tacos! : )

Today there was no hitting , no headbutting, there was a little screaming with me, but he stopped when I asked him to. He seems so calm, peaceful and happy. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is for me to write this. I was beginning to lose hope and faith that our situation would not get better.

I will have Kathleen and Linda explain about the UED which I feel made a huge difference. This is incredible!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Parent update 2/28/12

It has been a while since I have posted. Some things and events are at times, to hard to relive (or write about).

Kathleen and Linda came by last night to work on Brendan. He was already in bed. It was the most calm (and quiet) I have seen him in awhile. He did have a tear slide down his face periodically. I think this is because he feels safe with them and the tears or that of relief.

This morning Brendan woke up in a good mood although his eyes were puffy. However, as soon as he found out he was going to school, he got very agitated. He was jumping, he was hitting the wall (at least it wasnt' me). I let him get it out and told him he has to go to school. It is a hard decision to make because I don't want him to take out his aggressions at school. However, I knew that if I gave in, then he will try this behavior every morning thinking he won't have to go. Luckily one of his favorite therapist was due to work with him at school today. So I mentioned to him that she would be there. THIS is what motivated him to go. It wasn't easy. But I gave him a monetary reward for getting dressed, then brushing his teeth, then getting in the get the picture. It was hard for him to get out of the car once we got to school, but he went into class.

His Dad and I met with the school's behavioral consultant. As we were relaying all the changes in him lately, sleeping more, staying in his pajamas all day (of course who wouldn't like to do that) not wanting to go out, isn't interested in playing on his computer, doesn't want to shop on ebay, etc. Although much of these changes can be do to hormonal changes, being a pre-teen, etc. It hit me and the behavioral consultant at the same time the he could be suffering from depression. His Dad brought up a good point that because Brendan is very aware of things he may be realizing how different he is. Being a big kid doesn't help either when he towers over everyone else. So his afternoon program is going to focus more on independant skills (cooking meals) helping out more around the house. We are also going to turn the garage into a huge gym for him. Kinda of a "man-cave" where he can go and let out his aggressions or just exercise. It's going to take some work as we need to get rid of alot of stuff (willingly though). Our behavioral consultant may have someone that can watch Brendan so his Dad and I can work on the garage together to get it done faster. We will make it happen.

When I picked him up, they said that he had his moments of frustration but didn't hit anyone. So, he got to go to Target. However, he didn't realize that he walked out of class still holding this squishy ball. I told him we'll return it tomorrow. But he got upset. So, I said go ahead and take it back to class. This still made him upset and he started hit the wall. He was so mad at himself for taking the ball. He hates to think that he has made a mistake. SO, I pretended to return the ball to class (I disappeared around the corner so he didn't see me) and stuffed it into my pocket. I told him that I'm glad he hit the wall and not me.

He was fine in Target until he started to casually tear open the DVD. I told him we have to buy it first. Then he took it and tried to break it. So, I said that's it, we are going. He then grabbed a CD and threw it into the main aisle. I dragged him over and picked it up, and then we left. Yes, I know what you are thinking, I should have had him pick it up. However, not sure if he was going to have a full blown tantrum, I didn't push it. I could tell he was looking to grab and throw something else. So I grabbed him by both hands (had to dig my nails in a bit to distract him) and we left the store without further incident. Even though no words were spoken and there was no yelling, the guy who sits our in front to ask for money was about to and then stopped himself and said "ah, never mind". Traffic also stopped to let us cross in the parking lot. Thank God people sometimes get a clue. When he is like this, having people talk to him aggravates him more as well as having stop and wait. Someone was watching over us at that moment.

He actually did pretty good with this afternoons therapist. He had a few outbursts but nothing major. Then he was really good for most of the evening. No hitting, no headbutting, no screaming, no growling. Since taking a bath has been a disaster lately, I had him take a shower in our bathroom instead. This went fine. He wasn't agitated all night.. until bedtime.

Something in room set him off. He lunged for me a few times, starting screaming, hitting the wall. So, I sprayed his room with Holy water and sage. He is still up as I can hear him. But he is more calm. He is growling a little.

I am praying he has a good day tomorrow. I am hoping all will go well in the morning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Afternoon with Brendan - 2/21/12

Today Linda and I went over to Brendan's house.  He has been having ups and downs and his mom can always use a break.  When we arrived Brendan was on the computer viewing Wiggles.  He really likes Wiggles.  We talked for a bit.

Linda has leant Brendan's family a new device we are trying out - one for which you set an intention and turn it on for a week.  Every week you have to reset your intention and keep it on.  We tried it at the clinic and it cleared the air within a day.  We are still testing it and will keep you updated as to what we think about it.

Realizing Brendan has been in the house for a few days we took him outside.  We raced each other up and down the street (they live in a cul-de-sac).  We also brought his trampoline out and he jumped on it higher than I have ever seen him.  Then we went into the back yard and he swang on the swings for quite some time.  We also brought the trampoline into the backyard and he would go back and forth - between the swing and the trampoline.  Linda swang with him. 

When we left Brendan was still outside.  Getting some exercise was the greatest thing for him.  We all agreed we should keep this up.  Looking forward to seeing him on Thursday.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

CST Session 2/16/12

Brendan arrived with his father.  He calmly walked around the center - from the kid's room to the hallways to the therapy room.  He has had a difficult time lately with outbursts, growling and hitting.  Today we were trying something new. 

Brendan settled in and I placed my hand on his sacrum; while Linda put hers around his head.  We talked with him and his Dad while we waited until 2:15 p.m. when John would begin.  Brendan could sense something new was happening and we explained to him what John would be doing.

One of the things John does is he clears energy.  John informed us Brendan was like a radio with multiple receivors opened at the same time.  He could hear and feel energy coming at him from many different directions at one time.  It can be very overwhelming for Brendan.  John spent much time clearing the energies and creating a bubble around Brendan to prevent all the energies from coming in. 

During this time John also spoke with Brendan's Dad, explaining how it was very important for him and his wife to hold clear and happy energy around Brendan as much as possible.  He also told us we needed to send a lot of energy to Brendan's heart so he can feel love.  John also spent time grounding Brendan.

When the session was over Brendan did not want to leave.  He stayed in the therapy room for quite some time.  At times he would walk out but then would come back - he definitely felt comfortable and peaceful.

We have some work to do to aide Brendan in his recovery.  We need to focus on the frontal lobe as well as the connection all the way through to the heart.  This includes the throat, nose, ears, eyes, etc.  In addition he told us Brendan was like a donkey, large and gentle.  He needs to be treated very gently now - as prior to this he was classified more as "hardy".   The homeopath inquired about using a remedy from the donkey and John told us it was a good place to start.  Linda started working on that and I will begin doing more neurofeedback on his frontal lobes (short intervals and low frequencies).

We all felt good about what happened.  It felt great to receive feedback - that course we are on is correct; but alter the route.  We are excited and optimistic.  It was great to see Brendan leave so peaceful and happy. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Night Session 2/6/12

We arrived at Brendan's house around 8:30 p.m. to find him sitting on the couch with his dad.  He constantly looked up at the staircase.  He did not speak - which is rare. 

We spent much time with him - working on his back and attempting to ground him.  We then tried various remedies and finally landed on a very strong one that jolted him back into himself.  Both parents were present and saw the change in his eyes, face and behavior.  He immediately started talking.

Brendan has a way of attracting various energy fields which prove to overwhelm him.  Rather than separate he becomes engulfed.  He is extremely sensitive to all types of energy - but negative energy truly effects him at great levels.  There needs to be a constant flow of positive energy around him for Brendan to be at his best.  One other type of energy which effects Brendan is the frequency of the atmosphere.  When the atmosphere is dense Brendan can be set off.  Usually you can see his agitation begin about 3 days before a major shift of atmospheric energy.

When we left; while he appeared calm; there was this feeling of underlying agitation.  We can hope he is doing better.  We look forward to hearing how he is.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

CST Session 2/2/12

The agitation is present.  Brendan came in and we followed him to the therapy room.  When the agitation is present Brendan can throw, kick and break things.  Brendan is over 6 feet tall and quite impressive in his build - he can be very intimidating when he gets in this space.

Today the growling was present and we prayed.  We also play angel music which Brendan especially likes.  As a parent you know your child - as his parents will tell you - under agitation - this is not their child. 

We were successful in removing energy fields up to his throat.  We believed this happened because we concentrated on Brendan - letting him know it is his voice we are looking to hear, his behavior we are seeking to enjoy.  We do not give any credence to the energy with the exception of removing it.  Over and over we let Brendan know it was his voice we wanted to hear.  He even said "God in me" which was a first.  After saying it a few times a growl would appear - his eyes would change, his face contort.  We continued to reinforce. 

When Brendan left the energy remained in his throat and head. Our next session will be with dealing with his throat and head - his throat first.  When this energy/restriction passes we are all hoping it will bring out Brendan's voice.  His parents so want to hear it.

We will be working the throat and head and praying.  Please offer your prayers to Brendan for our next session.  We will keep you posted.

Blessings to all.

CST Session 1/25/12

The agitation is beginning to surface even more.  There are similar characteristics showing themselves.  In our efforts to help Brendan we have not been averse to trying new; sometimes things which may seem strange. 

Over a year ago we all went - Brendan, his mom and dad and the therapist to a Catholic priest inquiring about energy fields.  We were told by the priest energy fields only enter under physically traumatic events.  We came out of our meetings believing energy fields can enter under emotional tramua as well; an area the priest did not agree with us.  While we did not agree a wonderful circumstance arose - the unification of the family on a much stronger level.  A decision was made in which Brendan was baptized - something he really enjoyed.  For these areas we are all grateful!

His mom and others have always believed something deep within Brendan has not been dealt with.  The last week brought about the "growling" sound which comes out of Brendan.  His mom and therapist have heard it - his father has not. 

We spent this session praying and listening to music with Brendan.  Brendan is consoled and becomes very quiet and peaceful when God's authority is in essence - even if they are short moments it is noticed.  When he growls we really can feel it is not Brendan. 

We will continue to work this anchor.  We have delayered it and believe we are at the core of it.  It is an ugly place.  We removed dark energy today.  His mom and the therpaist saw orbs in the room as well.  We will be trying many things to clear this issue.  We have much hope.

CST Session 1/18/12

When Brendan came in today he appeared to be agitated - not surfacely but just below the surface.  You can sense something not good is simmering.  What activates it is unknown.  We are still delayering in hopes of finding the anchor or root.

People often ask during recovery why they go back to old thought patterns or restrictions and compressions.  I believe this is due to multiple traumas being tied to defined anchor points created usually in youth.  Once the anchor is in place it is easy for other injuries to attach itself to an anchor which used some or all of the same pathways.

We are getting closer to Brendan's main anchor point.  While many can express themselves; Brendan is just saying some words.  It is frustrating for him and you can see it.  So we move forward - continuing to decompress with hopefully as little fall out as possible.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Parent update 01/28/12

This was quite a week. On Monday night we did a prayer session with Brendan which included his Dad, Linda, Kathleen and me. He did seem more calm afterward. He is very attached to his Dad right now and looks to him for peace and calm. On Thursday, we did another prayer session him. Friday he was still a bit off, but not hitting or headbutting me as much. Today, he was much better. He has been very slow to move in the morning and needs time lounging around. His body just seems to need alot of rest right now. Hope he is healing and not growing!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Parent update 1/22/12

I know its been a week since my last post. Just haven't had the energy to post while dealing with Brendan's issues. He is still headbutting, hitting, kicking, and pushing me (and others but mainly me) and he thinks it's funny. But in the last two days, he isn't laughing when he acts like this. He is just plain mad at me.

When he gets in these moods, he is like a different if another person, spirit or entity has taken over. I don't say this lightly as we have experienced something similar before. His irises literally turn a lighter shade of brown, and when I look into his eyes, it isn't him. I know this sounds very bizarre, but I was encouraged to mention it, because there may be others that are experiencing this and think they are imagining things too. What do you do? I pray ALOT!

This week has been tough. Not only are we challenged with his behaviors but also trying to get him to school on time continues. He doesn't fall asleep until almost mindnight (or later) then he can't get up in the morning. On some days last week, he didn't make it to school until after 11am! He is missing his school work, his therapy, and he is hitting the aides at school too. He's also trying to break his communication devices.

I know Brendan's Dad and I have gone through many times like this before, but somehow, I'm having a harder time dealing with it this time. Let me explain as I'm sure there are other parents with special kids who feel the same way.

From the moment your child wakes up, your stomach is in a knot because you don't know what mood they are going to be in mad? happy? sad? Are they going to hug you this morning or take a swing at you instead? You have to be constantly on guard. Your stomach is still in a knot when they are at school because you hope they are having a good day and are not giving the teacher and aides a hard time. Then when you are out in public (especially waiting in lines at the store) you pray that the line moves quickly because if it doesn't, your child may tantrum or possibly hit the person behind them (because they are standing too close)or hit you which is horrible for others to witness. Then you have to keep them busy the rest of the day or else they get into mischeif. It is not until your child is in bed (not just in bed, but asleep) can you finally....exhale....Then you have to finish up chores or finish work projects before you can pass out from sheer exhaustion. You head feels like it just hit the pillow and before you know it, you have to get up and do it all over again. I'm finding that I just don't want to get up in the morning. I'm trying to bounce back, but it's hard. My very dear friend stopped by with flowers on Friday because she said she knew I needed something to keep me going. She lives the same life I do with her two kids so she knows how hard the days can be at times. The flowers really did bring a smile to my face. Thank you R!

Some of you with typical kids may think, "Oh, all parents with children go through this (moods, tantrums, etc)" me, walk in my shoes (or my friends shoes) for one day and you will see that it is not the same. The constant unpredictability is what is so exhausting. We love our children more then anything in the world. All we ask is for God to lighten our load a bit. And not for just a few months, but give us a few years! (sigh) I just got to keep going and hope it all makes sense at the end. I am very grateful to Kathleen and Linda for not giving up. They keep me going...thank you both!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Parent update 1/15/12

Well, these last few days, Brendan has been going into mischievous fits where he'll hit me or start trying to break things, throw things.....and think it's funny. An hour ago, I experienced this at its worst. I had to have him lie down on the carpet until he calmed down. It took 30 minutes. It's been a long day and his Dad and I are exhausted.

Up until now, we have had something to threaten Brendan with (eg., no Target, no ToysRUs, etc.) and this would make him stop in his tracks and calm down. But that horrible day has come when these threats are not working anymore. He is getting more joy out of being mischievous than going to the store or shopping on ebay.

I dread him going back to school on Tuesday. Last year at this time, it was his aggressive behavior that could cause someone harm. Now, its his mischievous behavior that can cause someone harm. He's also alot bigger now...and he knows it.

(sigh) I just don't know what to do or think anymore......hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Parent update 1/13/12

We hit a traffic jam on the way home (due to the bomb scare)and it was agonizingly slow..But, Brendan handled it very well and even laughed about it. He took his time in the store. Then we came home.

When we got inside, he wanted to listen to a CD. So, he picked the one he wanted - and then broke it. I did not get mad. I told him to pay me and clean it up. He took his time cleaning it up as he seemed to enjoy breaking each piece into smaller pieces. As he was cleaning up, I worked on covering the glass doors on our entertainment center because the word 'reflection' kept popping up to Kathleen. Brendan does not like the reflection of things it seems.

After the mess was cleaned up, he wanted to go upstairs to listen to more CD. (We have his favories locked up in our bedroom or else he'll break them all.) I told him no because he wasn't being gentle with this CDs. At that moment, I had my head bent cutting the paper. It happened so fast, but he headbutted the top of my head. I don't recall him ever headbutting the top of my head (usually my forehead). I would remember because it hurt like the dickens! I could literally feel an bump forming on the top of my head. I immediately, put ice on it and took Linda's 'headbutt' remedy.

He was fine the rest of the night until it was bedtime. He signed 'sleep' so I said okay let's go get ready for bed. When we got upstairs, he was agitated. I tried to calm him down by helping him take deep breaths and hugged him. He seemed calmer and started to smile and laugh. Then again, Wham! Another headbutt to my forehead. This one was also hard enough to cause another bump.

I got him to bed right away after this. I did not read to him. Just said goodnight. At this point, I had such a headache, I just went to bed too and prayed that maybe God and the angels could work on Brendan tonight.

This morning he finally got up early. He apparently, hit his teacher and an aide - and laughed about it. So we came straight home. Then as we were sitting on the couch listening to his music (he seemed calm and peaceful), out of nowhere he hit me and kicked me. He didn't hurt me. But I made him lay down on the floor as I could tell he was ready to do it again. I sprayed Holy Water all over him and me. After 15 mins, he seemed more calm.

So far, the rest of the night has been fine. Of course, I am getting ready to take him upstairs for bedtime. Hopefully, it will go well.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

CST Session 1/12/12

Wow.............what a day!  Brendan came in somewhat agitated.  He went into the playroom for a bit and I showed him his picture on the wall - he was surprised and happy.  He then left the room and we all went into the therapy room; where Brendan walked around checking things out.  We were all vigilant as you could feel something was not quite right.

After his walk about he laid on the table where we began body work and employing the ghHW method.  The work began on his left side with body work; while the ghHW began with lymph.  Always begin with lymph.  When we changed sides it became clear Brendan needed to connect spiritually.

In doing this we started work with each chakra; calling in God and the Arch Angels for their assistance.  We went through each one:  root - life, sacrum - joy, solar plexus - power, heart - love, throat - beauty, third eye - wisdom and crown - light.  Specific arch angels are associated with each area of energy. 

One area where the energy is particularly slow is the throat chakra.  Brendan could feel it spin.  This area is being worked repeatedly in order to break up the local restrictions which have an impact on speech. 

While this was happening the ghHW method was in use primarily around his skull and brain.  His mom and I also saw an orb.  There were many angels present which Brendan pointed to.  When the session was over Brendan was so calm and happy! 

Brendan is highly sensitive and we told him to speak to God and the angels when his energy is ebbing.  I believe a connection was made at a deeper level between him and God today. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Parent update 1/10/12

Yesterday Brendan had a good day. Today, he had a good day at school. But this afternoon was a littler rough. He really gave his therapist a hard time. He was screaming alot and laughing when the therapist ask him to stop. Then he tried to break his communication device. He also tried to damage the closet mirror doors. The therapist commented that Brendan was trying to say more words today and was frustrated that he has to use his device to communicate.

After the therapist left, Brendan wanted to listen to his CDs. He also wanted to take pictures of them. He was fine until he broke a CD. It has become such an OCD behavior that he just has to break the CD even though he knows the consequences. I took the rest of his CDs away after having him pay me $1.00. The he stood up and hit me on the shoulder. So, he was banned to lying on the floor until he settled down.

He has remained agitated off and on the rest of the night. He did want his MP remedy and he is also sleeping on the other MP remedy (written out on paper). Then he was still agitated, so I sprayed Holy Water around his room. He was more relaxed after this. God I hope he has a good day tomorrow. I'll be gone all day at work tomorrow and find it difficult to be away from him when he is feeling like this.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Parent update 1/8/12

My apologies for my delay in posting. Last week was quite a challenge getting Brendan back into his school routine. The two weeks he was off, he was very content to stay at home. Typically he wants to be out everyday and we go driving or hiking. So, it is not surprising that he wanted to continue his couch potato mode.

Thursday night, he finally had a bowel movement. Whew! It was a relief as I was getting concerned and plus that must feel awful. He did pass alot and again, I saw some membrane encasing looking stuff floating around. He slept well that night and was very late to school the next day. He has been sleeping 10-12 hours. Considering for most of his life he would only sleep 6-8 hours, I think his body is finally catching up on much needed rest. Plus, the work that is being done (ghHW) can be exhausting.

He did break a video this morning and thought it was very funny. I was too tired to get mad about it. I had him pay me $2. and threw the mess away. Now, i am trying to get him out to go on a hike, but he is stalling in the bathroom (which he has been doing lately). We'll see if I can get him out today.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

CST Session 1/5/12

Brendan came in today without his ear phones on; however, he would place his hands over his ears on occassion.  When the session began his mother and the homeopath left the room to prepare for the ghHW method.  While gone God became very present.  So present I asked Brendan if he could feel God's hands on his head.  He said yes and immediately put his hands there.  He became very serene.

When his mother and the homeopath returned to the room he still had his hands on his head.  I explained what was going on and Brendan left his hands there for some time.  This was the first session Brendan's entire body sunk into the table.  Usually parts of his body will sink deeper than others.

There was also a lot of work done on his arms.  Many spectrum children have stemming issues; some with their hands.  It is not that they do not know their hands are their - as they do use them - but they do not feel the connection.  Due to Brendan's relaxed state we were able to get through both arms and hands.  This takes some time as you begin in the cervical spine through the underarm, elbow, wrist, palm and ultimately every knuckle on each finger.

When the session was over Brendan set on the chair preparing to put his shoes and socks on.  As he sat there he was playing with his hands and fingers - as if he was in awe of them.  You could see he could feel the connection.  The right arm/hand is much more connected than the left one as more time was spent on the right one. 

It will be wonderful to hear how he does - especially his hands.  I believe God came into his session to spread light throughout Brendan's body and let Brendan feel what needs to be done.  There was a clear notion of finishing the parasite issue and working the base of the skull into the throat.  We will concentrate next in these areas. 

One last thing - Brendan has not had a substantial bowel movement in a few days.  His mom will update on us as to when he finally has one; as it felt like the parasites were blocking the flushing.  When the blockage breaks - we hope his mom gets an opportunity to see the 'movement' so as to determine if she could see any parasites, etc.

What a day! 

Homeopath update-1/5/12

Today we worked on Brendan.  He had come into the office pretty mellow but had had some kicking at school which the teachers reported.  Brendan quickly went to the room and laid down on the table.  Brendan had spent the last week trying a new homeopathic remedy made from the Magnetic North Pole(so far just with the name written on a paper in his pocket).  He had previously been taking the Magnetic South Pole with much success (but lately He was till having some head butting and on and off irritability).  His mother definitely saw a difference when the paper was in his pocket.  So today we tried the ghHW method with the Magnetic South Pole remedy.  We tried it with the 30c, then the 200c and then with the 1M.  We also added the North Pole to it.  He giggled and said he liked it.  Brendan was really quite and happy during the whole session.  He even placed his hands on his head trying to help with the cranial work.  The solar flares and the lunar/planet line up cause energy shifting around us.  The energy will be felt very strongly by Brendan and others just like him.  We need to have something ready that calms down the feeling of too much energy changing in their environment.  This can cause a lot of discomfort for the energy sensitive people.  I believe, for now, the magnetic pole remedies are a good way to lessen the discomfort.

CST Session 1/3/12

Night session.  When I arrived Brendan was tired and wanted to go upstairs to his bed for his session.  His mom worked the laser only on him while I did body work.  He had not had a bowel movement yet so we worked on his intestines and colon.  There was definitely waste in their churning to get out. 

Brendan fell asleep very quickly during the session.  We continued to work on his body and up through to his head.  He sweated a lot through his head.  Sometimes it can be so wet you feel like he just got out of a swimming pool.  If you shift the skull the wetness will disappear as quickly as it came.  Immense heat is generated during tough shifts - especially in the skull.

When I left he was sleeping soundly.  We accomplished quite a bit and look forward to hearing how he is doing.