Sunday, July 31, 2011

Parent update 7/31/11

As you can see from my last post, I was trying to get Brendan to sleep at midnight. Well, he didn't fall asleep until 5am! Then he got up at 8am. He had two episodes of agitation today.

The first episode was regarding the Barney videos. He was surfing ebay and pointed to a Barney video. Well, we had the video he wanted. I had taken it away from him several weeks ago due to his OCD behavior. Since he has been doing well, I told him he could have it again. I guess he was mad because we still had the video all this time, but he wasn't allowed to watch it.

The second episode I couldn't figure out what triggered it. He kept headbutting me and I kept asking him different questions about the videos thinking that's what his agitation was all about. If I am right in asking the question, he will say, 'yah'. If I am not asking the right question, he just doesn't answer me. Well, he wasn't answering me. Sometimes it is better for me not to talk to him and let him be. So that's what I did for about ten minutes. Then, it came to me.

Paul had opened our back door to put something in the compost bin. Not always, but lately, everytime we open the back door, Brendan gets agitated. Paul has been slowly cleaning up the backyard because the trees were overgrown and blocking the light. This stifles the energy flow and thus, feels more like negative energy (well at least it feels that way to me and obviously to Brendan!). So I asked Brendan, do you want me to spray some Holy Water around the house. He smiled and said, "YAH!" Well, that did it. After I sprayed the house, he was fine.

He was good the rest of the day/night and fell quickly to sleep by 10pm.

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