Monday, July 25, 2011

CST Session 7/25/11

Night session.  When I see Brendan I always say hello.  Tonight he clearly said hi.  Then asking him how his day was he said 'da' (which means good).  His answers to questions are right on. 

Began with his right leg - taking every opportunity to work this energetic connection.  As we started working on the right ankle he pulled his foot away - very common with spectrum children.  The pressure and pulsation can range from daunting to ticklish.  As a connection is made it is like lava flowing down the limb.  It is a very strange sensation; yet overtime children ultimately welcome it.

His mom worked his sternum which went from hot to cold numerous times.  I worked his parietal and occipital with one hand and the other went between his frontal and down to his throat.  We counted to 10 numerous times. Counting allows a child to get use to the growing pressure while recognizing the end is near.  It is a very successful tool.

His cranial vault (skull bones) on the right side expanded quickly; with the entire skull expanding by the end of the session.  In reading his mom's post, I believe headbutting comes from Brendan trying to move his own skull.  To teach a child or an adult that less pressure generates movement is difficult.  We tend to think if we squeeze something tighter we may have a quicker result - which usually is not the case; instead another trauma is created.  Be gentle with your child - let them learn about inner pressure and how if performed gently the body can respond in amazing ways.  

Brendan was sleeping by the time the session was over.  As always, looking forward to hearing how he is doing tomorrow. 

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