Thursday, July 21, 2011

CST Session 7/21/11

Brendan's session started with working with his right leg and foot.  Today was the most he has ever accomplished on his right leg and foot.  The limbs on autistic children, whether they be arms or legs, generally are not connected energetically.  Children will use their hands and legs but never really recognizing they are connected to the rest of their body.  Getting the body to energetically acknowledge the limbs will relieve motor skill and balance issues.

As his session progressed he had a lot of gas.  We encourage children to continue allowing the gas and not to hold or squeeze it.  Sometimes a session can get pretty smelly - but it means movement within the organs to process waste...........and that is a great thing.  As children grow, there tend to be many kinks along the winding intestines.  Removing these kinks allow for better waste processing and removal.

We finally reached his head and again Brendan allowed a lot of work.  We continue to work his O/A area which he is appreciating more and more.  He looks the extent his mom commented on how even his eyebrows were relaxing.  We continue to decompress the cranial vault; T-zone, jaw, temporal and parietals. 

Throughout the session, we counted and he laughed.  It is great to see and hear.  His words are becoming clearer.

He counted backwards again and when he had enough he said "Done".  We also asked him if he wanted another dose of his remedy and he said yes.  We gave the dose at the end of the session.  He got off the table and left to the waiting area happily.  When his mom and I met him he looked sad - like something had happened.  He pointed to a small cut on his arm which his mom promptly bandaged.  In the past Brendan has done a lot of skin picking - which mostly has been resolved.  But he did it again today - one tiny spot - but it was the first time I was able to see how he did not like it. 

Perhaps he actually felt what it really feels like to pick at one's skin.  With more sensitivities coming into the limbs he finally may be able to feel this connection greater than before.  We will see.

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