Friday, July 29, 2011

Parent update 7/29/11

Brendan woke up at 5am this morning, happy. As hard as I tried, he would not go back to sleep. So, we got up and got started with our morning routine. He became a little cranky around 7am. He looked sleepy, but still would not go back to sleep. So off to school he went.

He had a good day at school. He didn't even get mad after he checked the mailbox and it was empty. He was the happiest I have seen him in sometime. He only got fussy when I told him it was time to take his bath. He was so into listening to his music, but I could also tell he almost nodded off a few times. Normally, he would have headbutted me because he wasn't ready to take his bath. But he didn't. He did protest loudly, but that was it.

After his bath, he continued to listen to his music. I rewarded him throughout the day with money (quarters)for taking care of his CDs and videos. It wasn't until about 8pm, he wanted a refill on his blackbeans. I thought I would trust him and ran downstairs to refill his bowl. I also realized it was time to reward him with more quarters. But as I was halfway up the stairs, he broke a CD. SO, music time was over and he had to pay me for breaking his CD. I told him I was disappointed in him and that I still could not trust him to be left alone with his CDs/video. This is not the first time I have said this. When I reprimand him, he usually laughs OR gets mad. However, this time he truly looked remorseful.

He asked me to work on his head and belly again. Just a little heat/pulsing came out of his head. He was pretty tired, so he fell asleep within 30 minutes.

After his CST session on Monday night, he seemed calmer and more at peace. After his CST/homeopathy session yesterday, he seems happier. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see him happy again. I know tomorrow could be a different story, but I am grateful for the blessing I received today to see him smile more than he has in a long, long time.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Again! Only time will tell. I am so happy for Brendan and his parents having a GREAT DAY! Every good day is a blessing!!!
    Love & Blessings
