Saturday, July 16, 2011

Homeopath update 7/16/11

Just an update on what we are doing with Homeopathy. On July 13th the mother gave Brendan a redose of a remedy for his anger, S10M. It seemed as if the remedy had been negated or he had some cerebral irritation. The Cranial therapist and I cancelled the NFB work this week to see if the remedy will have an affect. Having 2 unknowns makes things too difficult. So, it seems as if the remedy is working and Brendan is calming down. I am GLAD for that!!!
At the CST appointment we discussed when Brendan should take the LAC30c again. It usually is taken weekly (I do feel his talking is related to this remedy). Brendan's mom was going to start it again today if all was going well. It has been 10 days since last dose. I will email her tonight to do this. Note...... We never give Brendan a remedy without his approval!! We will see what he says!

REMEMBER-- "It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has." Hippocrates

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