Thursday, July 28, 2011

CST Session 7/28/11

What a day!!!  Brendan came in with his ear phones on and patiently sat waiting for his session.  Brendan's session began with Linda, the homeopath, introducing a new method for integrating homeopathic remedies. 

Linda heard a talk from Dr. Tiller of Stanford speaking about the use of a quantum laser, homepathic remedies and glass.  She proceeded to put the remedy between the glass and we set the laser to 'brain'; shining the laser through the glass on the top of his skull.  CST work was being down on his right leg and foot.  At this point we decided to film what we were doing.  A little chaotic; but Brendan handled himself extremely well. 

As some point a message came from God to add holy water to the remedy between the glass so we did.  Brendan immediately became very calm.  His eyes seemed very tired and were softly closing.  Linda continued circulating the laser/remedy around his skull following funnels that could be felt.  First left, then right; ultimately right center, center.

At this point the temporal portion of his brain (both sides) became very active.  We started on the right as that side was not as fluffly as the left.  After doing the right - which did fluff - she went to the left. 

Following this it was clear a cranial vault integration needed to be done.  His frontal bone was very tight with a lot of energy pushing from the brain towards the frontal bone.  The frontal bone felt almost like a plate at one point - but became clear it was the bone. 

Following decompression of the frontal, temporal, parietals, O/A energetic funnels started coming out of all sides.  It felt the center of his brain had a trapped helix ball of energy and the energy was exiting through the closest exit.

Overall, throughout the session Brendan laughed, communicated, participated and his speech softened.  He even shook the CST therapist hand saying thank you. 

When he left the therapy room he put his socks and shoes back on and jumped around.  It was clear his right leg and foot appeared better connected.  We explained to Brendan he may feel 'air (energy)' coming out of the areas mentioned above and to ask his mother to place her hand over those spots should he need it. 

When he was outside going to the car he appeared much more connected to what was going on around him.  We could all see it in his eyes and demeanor; plus there were moments of deep comtemplation on his behalf.  He left serene-like (for lack of a better term).

We are excited to hear the update from his parents.  It was an awesome session!!!!!!!  Stay tuned.

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