As you can see from my last post, I was trying to get Brendan to sleep at midnight. Well, he didn't fall asleep until 5am! Then he got up at 8am. He had two episodes of agitation today.
The first episode was regarding the Barney videos. He was surfing ebay and pointed to a Barney video. Well, we had the video he wanted. I had taken it away from him several weeks ago due to his OCD behavior. Since he has been doing well, I told him he could have it again. I guess he was mad because we still had the video all this time, but he wasn't allowed to watch it.
The second episode I couldn't figure out what triggered it. He kept headbutting me and I kept asking him different questions about the videos thinking that's what his agitation was all about. If I am right in asking the question, he will say, 'yah'. If I am not asking the right question, he just doesn't answer me. Well, he wasn't answering me. Sometimes it is better for me not to talk to him and let him be. So that's what I did for about ten minutes. Then, it came to me.
Paul had opened our back door to put something in the compost bin. Not always, but lately, everytime we open the back door, Brendan gets agitated. Paul has been slowly cleaning up the backyard because the trees were overgrown and blocking the light. This stifles the energy flow and thus, feels more like negative energy (well at least it feels that way to me and obviously to Brendan!). So I asked Brendan, do you want me to spray some Holy Water around the house. He smiled and said, "YAH!" Well, that did it. After I sprayed the house, he was fine.
He was good the rest of the day/night and fell quickly to sleep by 10pm.
This is Brendan's story. Participating in this blog are his parents, his Cranial Sacral Therapist, his Homeopath and Brendan.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Parent update 7/30/11
Brendan was up at 5am againg this morning. He sounded distressed. So, instead of trying to get him back to sleep, we just started our day. He had another great day!! He also blew me a kiss for the first time. :) He took a nap from 5-8pm and now I am going to try to get him to sleep.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Parent update 7/29/11
Brendan woke up at 5am this morning, happy. As hard as I tried, he would not go back to sleep. So, we got up and got started with our morning routine. He became a little cranky around 7am. He looked sleepy, but still would not go back to sleep. So off to school he went.
He had a good day at school. He didn't even get mad after he checked the mailbox and it was empty. He was the happiest I have seen him in sometime. He only got fussy when I told him it was time to take his bath. He was so into listening to his music, but I could also tell he almost nodded off a few times. Normally, he would have headbutted me because he wasn't ready to take his bath. But he didn't. He did protest loudly, but that was it.
After his bath, he continued to listen to his music. I rewarded him throughout the day with money (quarters)for taking care of his CDs and videos. It wasn't until about 8pm, he wanted a refill on his blackbeans. I thought I would trust him and ran downstairs to refill his bowl. I also realized it was time to reward him with more quarters. But as I was halfway up the stairs, he broke a CD. SO, music time was over and he had to pay me for breaking his CD. I told him I was disappointed in him and that I still could not trust him to be left alone with his CDs/video. This is not the first time I have said this. When I reprimand him, he usually laughs OR gets mad. However, this time he truly looked remorseful.
He asked me to work on his head and belly again. Just a little heat/pulsing came out of his head. He was pretty tired, so he fell asleep within 30 minutes.
After his CST session on Monday night, he seemed calmer and more at peace. After his CST/homeopathy session yesterday, he seems happier. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see him happy again. I know tomorrow could be a different story, but I am grateful for the blessing I received today to see him smile more than he has in a long, long time.
He had a good day at school. He didn't even get mad after he checked the mailbox and it was empty. He was the happiest I have seen him in sometime. He only got fussy when I told him it was time to take his bath. He was so into listening to his music, but I could also tell he almost nodded off a few times. Normally, he would have headbutted me because he wasn't ready to take his bath. But he didn't. He did protest loudly, but that was it.
After his bath, he continued to listen to his music. I rewarded him throughout the day with money (quarters)for taking care of his CDs and videos. It wasn't until about 8pm, he wanted a refill on his blackbeans. I thought I would trust him and ran downstairs to refill his bowl. I also realized it was time to reward him with more quarters. But as I was halfway up the stairs, he broke a CD. SO, music time was over and he had to pay me for breaking his CD. I told him I was disappointed in him and that I still could not trust him to be left alone with his CDs/video. This is not the first time I have said this. When I reprimand him, he usually laughs OR gets mad. However, this time he truly looked remorseful.
He asked me to work on his head and belly again. Just a little heat/pulsing came out of his head. He was pretty tired, so he fell asleep within 30 minutes.
After his CST session on Monday night, he seemed calmer and more at peace. After his CST/homeopathy session yesterday, he seems happier. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see him happy again. I know tomorrow could be a different story, but I am grateful for the blessing I received today to see him smile more than he has in a long, long time.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Parent update 7/28/11
Brendan went to school and seemed fine. When I picked him up, he was crying and very upset. His speech therapist said that they went for a walk and because it was hot, they went to a shaded area. Well, there were lots of crows and an owl making noise and this upset him. They said, he never got back into the groove of his day.
So as we were driving to his CST appointment (he was still upset in the car) I asked him if the crows and the owl bothered him. He said, "yes". I asked him if he saw anything. He said "yes". When I ask Brendan if he 'sees anything' he knows that I mean energy fields, spirits, etc... I asked him if they bothered him, he said,"yes". So I reminded him that he can always tell them to 'go away' and to shine his inner white light which will protect him. [Note: I know some of you may find this strange, weird, unbelievable, etc.. But trust me. This is a case of 'been there, done that' and we have to keep doing it.]
His CST session was great as noted previous to my blog. After we left his session, we went to Target. Usually, people know when we have arrived as Brendan can be very loud. But this time, he walked in calmly, got his CD, we paid for it, and he walked out. Not a peep out of him. He seemed very calm and peaceful.
When we got home, he checked the mail. He wasn't upset this time that there wasn't any videos in it. I rewarded his good behavior with fifty cents. It was about 10 minutes later when he was on his computer and ebayed a Barney video that he wanted but we didn't have, then he headbutted me once. I made him pay me one dollar and he signed that he was sorry. The rest of the day he was great! He didn't break any CDs or video! He earned one dollar for his be gentle with his CDs and videos. [Note: He does understand the concept of money. He knows that he can only buy a video if he has enough money which he earns for good behavior and helping with chores.
Tonight as he was lying in his bed. I looked at his face and the area right between his eyebrows looked like it was protruding to me. It actually looked swollen. It didn't seem to bother him, but it did bother me. So, I asked him if he wanted me to work on his head and he said, 'yes'. The heat coming out of his forehead was amazing along with all the shifting I felt (my other hand was at the back of his head). He did ask me to work on his belly, but I didn't want to do that just yet because his head was so hot. Instead I gave him a break and then when I returned to his forehead, I kept my hand an inch above it because the direct contact was too much for him. There as still lots of heat. After about 10 more minutes, the heat finally started to decrease.
Wow! What a day. Before he fell asleep, he said, "bed". He will say this to me when he wants me to sleep next to him. He usually requests this if he isn't feeling well, or in this case, I know it is because of the nightmare he had. So, I will. I pray that he has a good night sleep tonight and wake up happy.
So as we were driving to his CST appointment (he was still upset in the car) I asked him if the crows and the owl bothered him. He said, "yes". I asked him if he saw anything. He said "yes". When I ask Brendan if he 'sees anything' he knows that I mean energy fields, spirits, etc... I asked him if they bothered him, he said,"yes". So I reminded him that he can always tell them to 'go away' and to shine his inner white light which will protect him. [Note: I know some of you may find this strange, weird, unbelievable, etc.. But trust me. This is a case of 'been there, done that' and we have to keep doing it.]
His CST session was great as noted previous to my blog. After we left his session, we went to Target. Usually, people know when we have arrived as Brendan can be very loud. But this time, he walked in calmly, got his CD, we paid for it, and he walked out. Not a peep out of him. He seemed very calm and peaceful.
When we got home, he checked the mail. He wasn't upset this time that there wasn't any videos in it. I rewarded his good behavior with fifty cents. It was about 10 minutes later when he was on his computer and ebayed a Barney video that he wanted but we didn't have, then he headbutted me once. I made him pay me one dollar and he signed that he was sorry. The rest of the day he was great! He didn't break any CDs or video! He earned one dollar for his be gentle with his CDs and videos. [Note: He does understand the concept of money. He knows that he can only buy a video if he has enough money which he earns for good behavior and helping with chores.
Tonight as he was lying in his bed. I looked at his face and the area right between his eyebrows looked like it was protruding to me. It actually looked swollen. It didn't seem to bother him, but it did bother me. So, I asked him if he wanted me to work on his head and he said, 'yes'. The heat coming out of his forehead was amazing along with all the shifting I felt (my other hand was at the back of his head). He did ask me to work on his belly, but I didn't want to do that just yet because his head was so hot. Instead I gave him a break and then when I returned to his forehead, I kept my hand an inch above it because the direct contact was too much for him. There as still lots of heat. After about 10 more minutes, the heat finally started to decrease.
Wow! What a day. Before he fell asleep, he said, "bed". He will say this to me when he wants me to sleep next to him. He usually requests this if he isn't feeling well, or in this case, I know it is because of the nightmare he had. So, I will. I pray that he has a good night sleep tonight and wake up happy.
homeopath update 7/28/11
Yes today was amazing!!!!
Below is an audio presentation of Dr. Tiller talking about his work. He is the second speaker.
This is the first I have heard of mixing Quantum laser and homeopathy. I can't wait to see how Brendan is doing.
CST Session 7/28/11
What a day!!! Brendan came in with his ear phones on and patiently sat waiting for his session. Brendan's session began with Linda, the homeopath, introducing a new method for integrating homeopathic remedies.
Linda heard a talk from Dr. Tiller of Stanford speaking about the use of a quantum laser, homepathic remedies and glass. She proceeded to put the remedy between the glass and we set the laser to 'brain'; shining the laser through the glass on the top of his skull. CST work was being down on his right leg and foot. At this point we decided to film what we were doing. A little chaotic; but Brendan handled himself extremely well.
As some point a message came from God to add holy water to the remedy between the glass so we did. Brendan immediately became very calm. His eyes seemed very tired and were softly closing. Linda continued circulating the laser/remedy around his skull following funnels that could be felt. First left, then right; ultimately right center, center.
At this point the temporal portion of his brain (both sides) became very active. We started on the right as that side was not as fluffly as the left. After doing the right - which did fluff - she went to the left.
Following this it was clear a cranial vault integration needed to be done. His frontal bone was very tight with a lot of energy pushing from the brain towards the frontal bone. The frontal bone felt almost like a plate at one point - but became clear it was the bone.
Following decompression of the frontal, temporal, parietals, O/A energetic funnels started coming out of all sides. It felt the center of his brain had a trapped helix ball of energy and the energy was exiting through the closest exit.
Overall, throughout the session Brendan laughed, communicated, participated and his speech softened. He even shook the CST therapist hand saying thank you.
When he left the therapy room he put his socks and shoes back on and jumped around. It was clear his right leg and foot appeared better connected. We explained to Brendan he may feel 'air (energy)' coming out of the areas mentioned above and to ask his mother to place her hand over those spots should he need it.
When he was outside going to the car he appeared much more connected to what was going on around him. We could all see it in his eyes and demeanor; plus there were moments of deep comtemplation on his behalf. He left serene-like (for lack of a better term).
We are excited to hear the update from his parents. It was an awesome session!!!!!!! Stay tuned.
Linda heard a talk from Dr. Tiller of Stanford speaking about the use of a quantum laser, homepathic remedies and glass. She proceeded to put the remedy between the glass and we set the laser to 'brain'; shining the laser through the glass on the top of his skull. CST work was being down on his right leg and foot. At this point we decided to film what we were doing. A little chaotic; but Brendan handled himself extremely well.
As some point a message came from God to add holy water to the remedy between the glass so we did. Brendan immediately became very calm. His eyes seemed very tired and were softly closing. Linda continued circulating the laser/remedy around his skull following funnels that could be felt. First left, then right; ultimately right center, center.
At this point the temporal portion of his brain (both sides) became very active. We started on the right as that side was not as fluffly as the left. After doing the right - which did fluff - she went to the left.
Following this it was clear a cranial vault integration needed to be done. His frontal bone was very tight with a lot of energy pushing from the brain towards the frontal bone. The frontal bone felt almost like a plate at one point - but became clear it was the bone.
Following decompression of the frontal, temporal, parietals, O/A energetic funnels started coming out of all sides. It felt the center of his brain had a trapped helix ball of energy and the energy was exiting through the closest exit.
Overall, throughout the session Brendan laughed, communicated, participated and his speech softened. He even shook the CST therapist hand saying thank you.
When he left the therapy room he put his socks and shoes back on and jumped around. It was clear his right leg and foot appeared better connected. We explained to Brendan he may feel 'air (energy)' coming out of the areas mentioned above and to ask his mother to place her hand over those spots should he need it.
When he was outside going to the car he appeared much more connected to what was going on around him. We could all see it in his eyes and demeanor; plus there were moments of deep comtemplation on his behalf. He left serene-like (for lack of a better term).
We are excited to hear the update from his parents. It was an awesome session!!!!!!! Stay tuned.
Parent update 7/28/11
Brendan had a great day yesterday (Weds)!! His Dad said he did headbutt him a few times, but it wasn't out of frustration or anger. It was more like he was trying to shift his skull. Also, he didn't break any CDs!!
He finally slept through the night, but this morning, he woke up screaming! He was so upset and sobbing. I went into his room to console him. I was able to draw him out of this by reciting Barney videos! It worked. Think he had a nightmare. Poor guy! We'll see how today goes....
He finally slept through the night, but this morning, he woke up screaming! He was so upset and sobbing. I went into his room to console him. I was able to draw him out of this by reciting Barney videos! It worked. Think he had a nightmare. Poor guy! We'll see how today goes....
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Parent update 7/26/11
Brendan woke up around 2am to go to the bathroom, but then went right back to sleep. He woke up in a better mood than I have seen him in all week. He had a good day at school. Unfortunately, we found out today that his teacher will be leaving. (sigh) SUCH a bummer!! His teacher was explaining to Brendan that she was going to be leaving but that he will like his new teacher (who has already visited the class). Brendan used his iTouch tell his teacher that he was sad. We're all sad about this news...
Brendan's Dad and I have a protocol in place regarding his videos. I explained the ground rules to Brendan. He said he understood. He was good with his video today and his music CDs. No headbutting me at all. Overall, a better day than we have had all week.
Got to get him to bed. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Brendan's Dad and I have a protocol in place regarding his videos. I explained the ground rules to Brendan. He said he understood. He was good with his video today and his music CDs. No headbutting me at all. Overall, a better day than we have had all week.
Got to get him to bed. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Monday, July 25, 2011
CST Session 7/25/11
Night session. When I see Brendan I always say hello. Tonight he clearly said hi. Then asking him how his day was he said 'da' (which means good). His answers to questions are right on.
Began with his right leg - taking every opportunity to work this energetic connection. As we started working on the right ankle he pulled his foot away - very common with spectrum children. The pressure and pulsation can range from daunting to ticklish. As a connection is made it is like lava flowing down the limb. It is a very strange sensation; yet overtime children ultimately welcome it.
His mom worked his sternum which went from hot to cold numerous times. I worked his parietal and occipital with one hand and the other went between his frontal and down to his throat. We counted to 10 numerous times. Counting allows a child to get use to the growing pressure while recognizing the end is near. It is a very successful tool.
His cranial vault (skull bones) on the right side expanded quickly; with the entire skull expanding by the end of the session. In reading his mom's post, I believe headbutting comes from Brendan trying to move his own skull. To teach a child or an adult that less pressure generates movement is difficult. We tend to think if we squeeze something tighter we may have a quicker result - which usually is not the case; instead another trauma is created. Be gentle with your child - let them learn about inner pressure and how if performed gently the body can respond in amazing ways.
Brendan was sleeping by the time the session was over. As always, looking forward to hearing how he is doing tomorrow.
Began with his right leg - taking every opportunity to work this energetic connection. As we started working on the right ankle he pulled his foot away - very common with spectrum children. The pressure and pulsation can range from daunting to ticklish. As a connection is made it is like lava flowing down the limb. It is a very strange sensation; yet overtime children ultimately welcome it.
His mom worked his sternum which went from hot to cold numerous times. I worked his parietal and occipital with one hand and the other went between his frontal and down to his throat. We counted to 10 numerous times. Counting allows a child to get use to the growing pressure while recognizing the end is near. It is a very successful tool.
His cranial vault (skull bones) on the right side expanded quickly; with the entire skull expanding by the end of the session. In reading his mom's post, I believe headbutting comes from Brendan trying to move his own skull. To teach a child or an adult that less pressure generates movement is difficult. We tend to think if we squeeze something tighter we may have a quicker result - which usually is not the case; instead another trauma is created. Be gentle with your child - let them learn about inner pressure and how if performed gently the body can respond in amazing ways.
Brendan was sleeping by the time the session was over. As always, looking forward to hearing how he is doing tomorrow.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Parent update 7/24/11
Brendan was up at 5am yesterday (Saturday), he was a bit cranky. We went to Lodi to see his RDI specialist. He almost fell asleep during the session. When we got home, he checked the mailbox - and his video arrived!! SO, I knew the rest of my day would be okay. Then he hurt his toe and said, "Owwie". I asked him what toe did he hurt and he said, "big toe". He has said both words individually before, but not together. By 7:30pm, he was ready for bed. So, we both went to bed early because I knew he would be up around 1-2am.
Sure enough, he was up at 1:43am, went to the bathroom and then back to bed. I think he may have gone back to sleep. He wasn't moving on the monitor, but then I kept drifting in and out of sleep just in case he was up.
When Brendan got up a second time (around 8:15am), his Dad said that Brendan headbutted him. We are not sure why he is waking up so agitated. I was at work, but when I got home, we went to Baskin Robbins (he can have sorbet, but not dairy). I received two headbutts because we had to wait. The rest of the evening has been fine. He is off to bed. We'll see if he is agitated tomorrow morning.
Sure enough, he was up at 1:43am, went to the bathroom and then back to bed. I think he may have gone back to sleep. He wasn't moving on the monitor, but then I kept drifting in and out of sleep just in case he was up.
When Brendan got up a second time (around 8:15am), his Dad said that Brendan headbutted him. We are not sure why he is waking up so agitated. I was at work, but when I got home, we went to Baskin Robbins (he can have sorbet, but not dairy). I received two headbutts because we had to wait. The rest of the evening has been fine. He is off to bed. We'll see if he is agitated tomorrow morning.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Parent update 7/22/11
This morning started off a rough. He was obsessed thinking about the Barney video and was cranky. He just didn't look like he slept well.
School was fine. He was still cranky when I got him home, but told him he needs to be nice to me and, only if he has enough money, can he buy a Barney video. We had a visit form his old speech therapist which made him very happy. Then we went for a little hike. The rest of the evening he has been okay (still a little cranky) but not as bad as yesterday. Again, I HOPE he wakes up in a better mood tomorrow.
School was fine. He was still cranky when I got him home, but told him he needs to be nice to me and, only if he has enough money, can he buy a Barney video. We had a visit form his old speech therapist which made him very happy. Then we went for a little hike. The rest of the evening he has been okay (still a little cranky) but not as bad as yesterday. Again, I HOPE he wakes up in a better mood tomorrow.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Parent update 7/21/11
After Brendan's CST session, we went to Target and came straight home. Brendan checked the mailbox (hoping for a Barney video), but instead he received a letter from Barney(aka, Mom). [Note: Yesterday, Brendan wanted to buy another Barney video off of ebay, but I told him he would need to apologize to Barney first and ask him if he will let him have more videos. I pretended to mail the letter.] So, Brendan looked happy to see a letter from Barney (Barneys head was on it, that's how he knew who it was from). He dashed inside, I ran out to grab my purse out of the car and shut the doors when I heard him breaking something.....well he found a Barney video I had stashed in the corner in my work bag, and smashed it to pieces. I was so disappointed. I had him clean it up and then I read Barney's letter to him which said, "yes Brendan, you can buy another video, but please don't break them anymore."
Well, he did not get to order one since he already broke one.
I know breaking CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes are partly an OCD thing because he gets such a 'relief' after he does it. We are working with a Behavioral therapist to try to extinguish this behavior.
He was mostly okay for an hour while I visited with a friend of our family (one of Brendan's old therapist). After she left, we made brownies, cupcakes and enchilada pie. But it was around 5pm that he started crying. He cried (sobbed) for an hour. I asked him what was wrong. He grabbed his communication binder and pointed to the picture 'sad'. I tried to figure out what was making him said, but he couldn't tell/show me.
After he stopped crying, he started pestering me again to order a Barney video, but I told him 'No' because he had broken one already. His badgering went on for an hour until his Dad got home. By then I was exhausted so his Dad gave him a bath. Then Brendan had one of the biggest poops we have ever seen (took three flushes). He had a cupcake (likes to light a candle and have us sing Happy Birthday to him). Then he was back to badgering me again about the video. I finally told him it is time for bed. He went upstairs protesting and sat mad on his bed. Then he said, 'Bed' 'Dad'. I said, 'do you want Dad to get you to bed?" and he said 'yes'. So, I am here typing on our blog and Dad is getting Brendan to sleep.
Don't know if it was the redose of the remedy or the Barney drama. My guess is the latter. We'll see. I HOPE he wakes up in a good mood tomorrow.
Well, he did not get to order one since he already broke one.
I know breaking CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes are partly an OCD thing because he gets such a 'relief' after he does it. We are working with a Behavioral therapist to try to extinguish this behavior.
He was mostly okay for an hour while I visited with a friend of our family (one of Brendan's old therapist). After she left, we made brownies, cupcakes and enchilada pie. But it was around 5pm that he started crying. He cried (sobbed) for an hour. I asked him what was wrong. He grabbed his communication binder and pointed to the picture 'sad'. I tried to figure out what was making him said, but he couldn't tell/show me.
After he stopped crying, he started pestering me again to order a Barney video, but I told him 'No' because he had broken one already. His badgering went on for an hour until his Dad got home. By then I was exhausted so his Dad gave him a bath. Then Brendan had one of the biggest poops we have ever seen (took three flushes). He had a cupcake (likes to light a candle and have us sing Happy Birthday to him). Then he was back to badgering me again about the video. I finally told him it is time for bed. He went upstairs protesting and sat mad on his bed. Then he said, 'Bed' 'Dad'. I said, 'do you want Dad to get you to bed?" and he said 'yes'. So, I am here typing on our blog and Dad is getting Brendan to sleep.
Don't know if it was the redose of the remedy or the Barney drama. My guess is the latter. We'll see. I HOPE he wakes up in a good mood tomorrow.
CST Session 7/21/11
Brendan's session started with working with his right leg and foot. Today was the most he has ever accomplished on his right leg and foot. The limbs on autistic children, whether they be arms or legs, generally are not connected energetically. Children will use their hands and legs but never really recognizing they are connected to the rest of their body. Getting the body to energetically acknowledge the limbs will relieve motor skill and balance issues.
As his session progressed he had a lot of gas. We encourage children to continue allowing the gas and not to hold or squeeze it. Sometimes a session can get pretty smelly - but it means movement within the organs to process waste...........and that is a great thing. As children grow, there tend to be many kinks along the winding intestines. Removing these kinks allow for better waste processing and removal.
We finally reached his head and again Brendan allowed a lot of work. We continue to work his O/A area which he is appreciating more and more. He looks the extent his mom commented on how even his eyebrows were relaxing. We continue to decompress the cranial vault; T-zone, jaw, temporal and parietals.
Throughout the session, we counted and he laughed. It is great to see and hear. His words are becoming clearer.
He counted backwards again and when he had enough he said "Done". We also asked him if he wanted another dose of his remedy and he said yes. We gave the dose at the end of the session. He got off the table and left to the waiting area happily. When his mom and I met him he looked sad - like something had happened. He pointed to a small cut on his arm which his mom promptly bandaged. In the past Brendan has done a lot of skin picking - which mostly has been resolved. But he did it again today - one tiny spot - but it was the first time I was able to see how he did not like it.
Perhaps he actually felt what it really feels like to pick at one's skin. With more sensitivities coming into the limbs he finally may be able to feel this connection greater than before. We will see.
As his session progressed he had a lot of gas. We encourage children to continue allowing the gas and not to hold or squeeze it. Sometimes a session can get pretty smelly - but it means movement within the organs to process waste...........and that is a great thing. As children grow, there tend to be many kinks along the winding intestines. Removing these kinks allow for better waste processing and removal.
We finally reached his head and again Brendan allowed a lot of work. We continue to work his O/A area which he is appreciating more and more. He looks the extent his mom commented on how even his eyebrows were relaxing. We continue to decompress the cranial vault; T-zone, jaw, temporal and parietals.
Throughout the session, we counted and he laughed. It is great to see and hear. His words are becoming clearer.
He counted backwards again and when he had enough he said "Done". We also asked him if he wanted another dose of his remedy and he said yes. We gave the dose at the end of the session. He got off the table and left to the waiting area happily. When his mom and I met him he looked sad - like something had happened. He pointed to a small cut on his arm which his mom promptly bandaged. In the past Brendan has done a lot of skin picking - which mostly has been resolved. But he did it again today - one tiny spot - but it was the first time I was able to see how he did not like it.
Perhaps he actually felt what it really feels like to pick at one's skin. With more sensitivities coming into the limbs he finally may be able to feel this connection greater than before. We will see.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Parent update 7/19/11
Brendan has had two very good days. He was up at 2:30am and his bedsheets and pajama top were wet. I thought maybe he was perspiring so much because the house was 73 degrees, but maybe he was detoxing or something. I finally got him to go back to sleep around 5am.
Today I was at work all day so he was with his Dad. Good reports all around. He was fine with me when I got home, not one headbutt. He was very gently and lovey-dovey with me. He wanted me to work on his belly, and as I did, he fell asleep. Hopefully, he'll sleep through the night tonight.
Today I was at work all day so he was with his Dad. Good reports all around. He was fine with me when I got home, not one headbutt. He was very gently and lovey-dovey with me. He wanted me to work on his belly, and as I did, he fell asleep. Hopefully, he'll sleep through the night tonight.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Parent update 7/17/11
Brendan had a great day yesterday!!!! No tantrums. No headbutting. He was up since 5am. I went to work and then his Dad took him to the pool. Then he took a two hour nap and got back up at 6pm. Rest of the night was fine. Did not redose yet. When things are going well, you almost don't want to rock the boat with trying anything because peaceful and calm days are a luxury (and far and few between).
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Homeopath update 7/16/11
Just an update on what we are doing with Homeopathy. On July 13th the mother gave Brendan a redose of a remedy for his anger, S10M. It seemed as if the remedy had been negated or he had some cerebral irritation. The Cranial therapist and I cancelled the NFB work this week to see if the remedy will have an affect. Having 2 unknowns makes things too difficult. So, it seems as if the remedy is working and Brendan is calming down. I am GLAD for that!!!
At the CST appointment we discussed when Brendan should take the LAC30c again. It usually is taken weekly (I do feel his talking is related to this remedy). Brendan's mom was going to start it again today if all was going well. It has been 10 days since last dose. I will email her tonight to do this. Note...... We never give Brendan a remedy without his approval!! We will see what he says!
REMEMBER-- "It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has." Hippocrates
Friday, July 15, 2011
Parent update 7/15/11
Brendan had a great day! Yay!!! He went on a field trip at school (walked to a park near school) and did fine. His teacher shared with me that one of the other students fell asleep in class. Then when it was time to wake him up, Brendan woke him up gently. This student usually makes Brendan nervous because he is unpredictable.
We went to Target without incident. When we got home he checked the mailbox and his video (this will be his last for awhile) arrived. I told him we can watch it until his friends arrive for their weekly visit. He was totally fine with this. Lately, when they visit, he stays in the other room on his computer. But this time he stayed in the living room with us and took their picture (he has done this before). Then after they left. We watched the rest of this video. He did tear the cover (he thought this was funny), so the video was put away.
The only headbutt I got today was because we could not locate his Wiggles washcloth. But other than that, he was fine today. Again, YAY! I am extremely grateful for every day, no every minute, that we have calm and peace in our house.
We went to Target without incident. When we got home he checked the mailbox and his video (this will be his last for awhile) arrived. I told him we can watch it until his friends arrive for their weekly visit. He was totally fine with this. Lately, when they visit, he stays in the other room on his computer. But this time he stayed in the living room with us and took their picture (he has done this before). Then after they left. We watched the rest of this video. He did tear the cover (he thought this was funny), so the video was put away.
The only headbutt I got today was because we could not locate his Wiggles washcloth. But other than that, he was fine today. Again, YAY! I am extremely grateful for every day, no every minute, that we have calm and peace in our house.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Parent update 7/14/11
Brendan had a great CST session. Afterward we went to Target. As we got out of the car, he was covering his ears, so I told him he can wear his headphones if his ears hurt. He put them on but got mad at me. I think this was because I was "telling" him what to do...the preteen attitude.
As we were checking out, the clerk scanned the item, gave it to Brendan because he knows Brendan likes to bag his items himself. For some reason the item didn't scan correctly so the clerk took the bag back from Brendan to rescan it. This made Brendan headbutt me. I think he felt that 'he' did something wrong. I told him that the CD wasn't scanning correctly and we have to wait a minute. After about three minutes (which felt like eternity), the correct code was relayed to the clerk, he scanned it and we left. I told Brendan I understood why he was frustrated and that I thought he did a good job waiting.
On our drive home, he asked if we could get ice cream (for him it is a sorbet) so we went. Once again we had to wait because two people walked in in front of us. This agitated him a bit. He didn't headbutt me, but slammed his hand on the counter a few times.
When we got home, I was unloading the car while he checked the mailbox (no Barney video). He was fine that there was no video and went inside. He was sitting at his computer as I dashed out to grab his backpack. We are talking a few seconds..then I hear this breaking sound coming from the garage. I ran into the garage and he had broken (shattered really) two Barney videos. I was not happy and made him clean-up the mess. I told him that his Barney videos were off limits. I was done with the whole video OCD scene. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad (like I thought he might be). The rest of the day he was fine. In fact, he was the most calm I have seen him in the last week. We'll see if he starts up again about wanting the Barney videos. However, he isn't getting them least for a long while.....
As we were checking out, the clerk scanned the item, gave it to Brendan because he knows Brendan likes to bag his items himself. For some reason the item didn't scan correctly so the clerk took the bag back from Brendan to rescan it. This made Brendan headbutt me. I think he felt that 'he' did something wrong. I told him that the CD wasn't scanning correctly and we have to wait a minute. After about three minutes (which felt like eternity), the correct code was relayed to the clerk, he scanned it and we left. I told Brendan I understood why he was frustrated and that I thought he did a good job waiting.
On our drive home, he asked if we could get ice cream (for him it is a sorbet) so we went. Once again we had to wait because two people walked in in front of us. This agitated him a bit. He didn't headbutt me, but slammed his hand on the counter a few times.
When we got home, I was unloading the car while he checked the mailbox (no Barney video). He was fine that there was no video and went inside. He was sitting at his computer as I dashed out to grab his backpack. We are talking a few seconds..then I hear this breaking sound coming from the garage. I ran into the garage and he had broken (shattered really) two Barney videos. I was not happy and made him clean-up the mess. I told him that his Barney videos were off limits. I was done with the whole video OCD scene. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad (like I thought he might be). The rest of the day he was fine. In fact, he was the most calm I have seen him in the last week. We'll see if he starts up again about wanting the Barney videos. However, he isn't getting them least for a long while.....
CST Session 7/14/11
When Brendan came in today he had to wait (normally he does not). He was quiet, relaxed and stayed in the waiting area with his Mom and Linda (homeopath). When it was his turn he got right up and went into the therapy room. He waited a little bit more for me, which is unusual, but remained calm and happy.
We decided not to do any NFB work this week as we are still figuring out what set off his last round of agitation and frustration. Work was performed soley on his head as this is what he requested. What was most impressive was the amount of work and pressure he allowed. This was one of Brendan's longest and successful sessions as an active participant.
His frontal bones were already hot and he requested we start there. For each manipulation we counted to ten pretty much the entire time. What was the most comforting was his happiness when working his occipital/atlas (O/A) area. This was the first time he allowed repeated manipulations. As each one went deeper he would laugh. You could visibly see his face relaxing.
He also allowed work on his eyes. His left eye in particular was hot and pulled in toward the nasal bone. This is the T-zone we spoke of earlier. It is a very difficult area due to the amount of internal pressure involved to break up a restriction. Brendan successfully worked through these areas multiple times. Brendan also allowed adjustments to his sphenoid, temporal and parietal bones.
When he had enough he said "Done" and rested comfortably on the table for about 10 minutes. He was calm, relaxed and smiling.
We decided not to do any NFB work this week as we are still figuring out what set off his last round of agitation and frustration. Work was performed soley on his head as this is what he requested. What was most impressive was the amount of work and pressure he allowed. This was one of Brendan's longest and successful sessions as an active participant.
His frontal bones were already hot and he requested we start there. For each manipulation we counted to ten pretty much the entire time. What was the most comforting was his happiness when working his occipital/atlas (O/A) area. This was the first time he allowed repeated manipulations. As each one went deeper he would laugh. You could visibly see his face relaxing.
He also allowed work on his eyes. His left eye in particular was hot and pulled in toward the nasal bone. This is the T-zone we spoke of earlier. It is a very difficult area due to the amount of internal pressure involved to break up a restriction. Brendan successfully worked through these areas multiple times. Brendan also allowed adjustments to his sphenoid, temporal and parietal bones.
When he had enough he said "Done" and rested comfortably on the table for about 10 minutes. He was calm, relaxed and smiling.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Parent update 7/13/11
This morning Brendan woke up in a cranky mood. He headbutted a few times and was just irritable. He did okay at school and his afternoon session was okay. His Dad who was with him for the most part today and said that his mood kept going from okay to being mad. He broke his Barney video also.
His homeopath instructed me to give him another dose of his remedy (the one I gave to him on 6/25) to see if this would calm him down. We'll see how tomorrow morning goes.
His homeopath instructed me to give him another dose of his remedy (the one I gave to him on 6/25) to see if this would calm him down. We'll see how tomorrow morning goes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Parent update 7/12/11
Brendan slept soundly until 3:30am. He was very happy and went to the bathroom. After a couple of hours, I laid down next to him and finally got him to go back to sleep around 6:30am. He was laughing while he was dreaming...then he shouted, "Don't!". Eventually he woke up at 8:30am. He only headbutted me once because i followed him into the living room to reset the TV to VHS. He knows I am onto him with wanting to break his videos/covers, so that is why he was mad. He only stayed mad for about 5 minutes. Then when I went upstairs to get his clothes, he tore his Barney cover...yes the one he has been wanting so badly in my previous writings. He made it to school by 10:15am and so far is doing okay today.
Monday, July 11, 2011
CST Session 7/11/11
When I got to Brendan's house he was in bed and wide awake. He immediately let me put my hand under his sacrum and work his pelvis and legs. When I got to his left foot he pulled it away. I had to keep going back to his left ankle and foot. When I did his right foot - he had no problems - let me do it. This was interesting as we had put the NFB on his left middle toe (which had made him laugh) and would not let it on his right. There was a better connection on the left; yet the left was more sensitive than the right.
He got up once, went to the bathroom, swung a few times and dived back into bed. At this point I had one hand behind his head covering primarily the occipital bone and the neck. My other hand was across his neck for a while. His mom had her hand on his left frontal. We worked these areas for a bit; then I started to do his left arm; inclusive of the cervical spine, brachial plexus, shoulder and underarm. Very, very sensitive and lots of heat.
Brendan let me teach his mother how to do his right arm. His mom primarily did the brachial plexus, top of shoulder and part of the underarm. She was surprised at how much heat was generated from his right side.
The limbs (legs and arms) for autistic children tend to have sensitivities and a dulling effect. It is as if children know their arms and/or legs are there but do not feel the connection. The reconnection and/or illumination of this line must be established. The stronger the connection the less issue one tends to have. To complete this one must pass through the elbow, wrist, palm and fingers - sometimes knuckle by knuckle.
We finalized the session with his mother on the right arm and myself on the parietal bones and occipital bone. Much heat - like he had been swimming - once again came out. He was sound asleep when the session was over. We look forward to see how he is tomorrow.
He got up once, went to the bathroom, swung a few times and dived back into bed. At this point I had one hand behind his head covering primarily the occipital bone and the neck. My other hand was across his neck for a while. His mom had her hand on his left frontal. We worked these areas for a bit; then I started to do his left arm; inclusive of the cervical spine, brachial plexus, shoulder and underarm. Very, very sensitive and lots of heat.
Brendan let me teach his mother how to do his right arm. His mom primarily did the brachial plexus, top of shoulder and part of the underarm. She was surprised at how much heat was generated from his right side.
The limbs (legs and arms) for autistic children tend to have sensitivities and a dulling effect. It is as if children know their arms and/or legs are there but do not feel the connection. The reconnection and/or illumination of this line must be established. The stronger the connection the less issue one tends to have. To complete this one must pass through the elbow, wrist, palm and fingers - sometimes knuckle by knuckle.
We finalized the session with his mother on the right arm and myself on the parietal bones and occipital bone. Much heat - like he had been swimming - once again came out. He was sound asleep when the session was over. We look forward to see how he is tomorrow.
Parent update 7/11/11
So, this morning was not fun. Brendan woke up in a quiet mood. Then he obsessed again about wanting the Barney cover to a particular video. Again, I told him we don’t have it because he tore it and we threw it out. This made him very angry. Basically, he had a tantrum for 40 minutes, was vigorously scratching his head (like it was itchy) then he started stomping his feet and then his left toes. Then he was looking up to his left and screaming something which sounded like ‘don’t’. After he had calmed down, I tried to work on his left toes and head. His CST will be by tonight which will help figuring out what is going on...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Parent update 7/10/11
On a good note, Brendan said, 'cookie' and 'stew' pretty clearly. Everyday he has had a tantrum. I am considering increasing his meds. It is extremely exhausting and disheartening to have your child scream at you and headbutt you every day. Living with someone who is angry throughout the day (no matter what you do to make him happy) does take its toll after awhile. It's not fun living with a knot in your stomach because you don't know what's going to set him off. I use to be more resilient to these outbursts...making I'm just getting old...
What is he mad about? He is mad that the mailman isn't bringing him videos and apparently, I am to blame for this. I have to keep sending him to the stairwell in our house or his room until he calms down (these are the safest places where he can't hurt himself). This weekend he seems to behave better around his Dad. He does have a tendency to take turns with us. One minute he prefers his Dad and is mad at me and vice versa. His Dad has been really good this weekend about making sure I get some down time to myself. I guess he could tell how frazzled I am with all the tantrums.
What is he mad about? He is mad that the mailman isn't bringing him videos and apparently, I am to blame for this. I have to keep sending him to the stairwell in our house or his room until he calms down (these are the safest places where he can't hurt himself). This weekend he seems to behave better around his Dad. He does have a tendency to take turns with us. One minute he prefers his Dad and is mad at me and vice versa. His Dad has been really good this weekend about making sure I get some down time to myself. I guess he could tell how frazzled I am with all the tantrums.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thought 7/9/11
At Brendan's last session we placed the NFB on his middle toes; primarily left middle toe. He was really calm while it was on his left toe but did reject when putting it on his right toe. We had never done this before. Could this have aggravated him? We continue to monitor his responses.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Parent update 7/8/11
Yesterday, Brendan seemed okay and did fine during the first part of this ABA session. Then he got upset about something and kept trying to hit the therapist. He did calm down after awhile. Then they walked to the store to get some chips which they have done many times before This allows Brendan to use his communication device with the clerk who is very nice. Anyway, when they came back Brendan hands me a bag of Flamin Cheetos. Unfortunately he is not suppose to eat these because they have milk and soy. So I waited to see if he would have a reaction. For one thing, they since they were so hot, he didn't eat many. But within 20 minutes he was getting blotchy and he kept coughing. So, I gave him a remedy for allergies. After two doses his symptoms started to subside. The rest of the evening he was fine. If anything I think he learned a lesson on trying to eat something he knows he is not suppose to. Since he was with his therapist, and not us, I think he pulled one over on her.
Today, he did not go to school because he had his second eye appointment. This did not go well. First Brendan head butted me when we got out of the car (which already told me he did not want to go there). Then when we walked in, he sat next to his Dad (who got there earlier) and then he headbutted me again. He calmed down when he was watching his DVD, but I could tell he was still on edge.
To sum it up, we could not get definitive results as to whether the prism glasses could help him with close-up work since he is a little farsighted. Of course, the glasses were to close to his eyes, so that agitated him even more, even though she tried to fix them. He was agitated throughtout the appointment and toward the end of the appointment, hit the doctor. My heart just sank. It is one thing when he gets physical with me, but when it is someone else, it is extremely disheartening. I apologized I don't know how many times. The doctor said not to worry and that she has seen it all. Sadly, I don't think we'll be going back there as Brendan now views this as a place of distress. I don't know how we'll ever get him into another eye doctors office in the future. He went so willingly the first day too.
On the way home, I told Brendan that I know he was frustrated but the doctor was trying to help him, and you can't hit people. Of course he got upset upon hearing this. As we drove home, he got mad off and on and would hit the window. Then he signed that he was sorry and I asked him if he felt bad about hitting the doctor and he said 'yes'.
When we got home, I let him watch his Barney video that came in the mail today. Barely home 10 minutes and he tore the cover (when he does this, he can no longer have the cover). So I took it away and hid it. Again, he got very upset, so I sent him to his room so he could calm down. After 30 minutes, I could see him on the monitor and he was finally calm. Sadly, to my surprise, when I walked into this room to get him, there was a huge gaping hole in the wall. He obviously kicked this in with his foot. I told him no going to the store tomorrow as we will now need that money to pay to have the wall fixed.
I then called my friend to cancel his playdate this afternoon. She could tell from my voice that something had happened. I told her about the doctor appointment. Then when I told her the wall, she said calmly, "oh yeah, we've had that happened. Do you want the name of the person that can fix it?" This made me laugh. Only another family who has children on the spectrum would have a number like this handy. I found great comfort and humor in this.
Brendan has been calm now. As his homeopath mentioned, I usually ask him if he needs another dose of a remedy and he will say "yah" or "all done". I just gave him another dose of the remedy we started two weeks ago that has helped with speech. We'll see how the rest of the day goes......
Today, he did not go to school because he had his second eye appointment. This did not go well. First Brendan head butted me when we got out of the car (which already told me he did not want to go there). Then when we walked in, he sat next to his Dad (who got there earlier) and then he headbutted me again. He calmed down when he was watching his DVD, but I could tell he was still on edge.
To sum it up, we could not get definitive results as to whether the prism glasses could help him with close-up work since he is a little farsighted. Of course, the glasses were to close to his eyes, so that agitated him even more, even though she tried to fix them. He was agitated throughtout the appointment and toward the end of the appointment, hit the doctor. My heart just sank. It is one thing when he gets physical with me, but when it is someone else, it is extremely disheartening. I apologized I don't know how many times. The doctor said not to worry and that she has seen it all. Sadly, I don't think we'll be going back there as Brendan now views this as a place of distress. I don't know how we'll ever get him into another eye doctors office in the future. He went so willingly the first day too.
On the way home, I told Brendan that I know he was frustrated but the doctor was trying to help him, and you can't hit people. Of course he got upset upon hearing this. As we drove home, he got mad off and on and would hit the window. Then he signed that he was sorry and I asked him if he felt bad about hitting the doctor and he said 'yes'.
When we got home, I let him watch his Barney video that came in the mail today. Barely home 10 minutes and he tore the cover (when he does this, he can no longer have the cover). So I took it away and hid it. Again, he got very upset, so I sent him to his room so he could calm down. After 30 minutes, I could see him on the monitor and he was finally calm. Sadly, to my surprise, when I walked into this room to get him, there was a huge gaping hole in the wall. He obviously kicked this in with his foot. I told him no going to the store tomorrow as we will now need that money to pay to have the wall fixed.
I then called my friend to cancel his playdate this afternoon. She could tell from my voice that something had happened. I told her about the doctor appointment. Then when I told her the wall, she said calmly, "oh yeah, we've had that happened. Do you want the name of the person that can fix it?" This made me laugh. Only another family who has children on the spectrum would have a number like this handy. I found great comfort and humor in this.
Brendan has been calm now. As his homeopath mentioned, I usually ask him if he needs another dose of a remedy and he will say "yah" or "all done". I just gave him another dose of the remedy we started two weeks ago that has helped with speech. We'll see how the rest of the day goes......
Homeopath update 7/7/11
I attended the last CST with Brendan. I was very excited with his progress in the last month. Brendan has been given a remedy that he takes every 3 months S10M for his aggression. He has had a re-dose last month, JUNE. He is also is taking a lac30c since last month. He has only taken it 2 times. (Normally it is taken weekly.) . So far he has only taken it 2 times. I feel that this lacSAC remedy is the remedy that is bringing back his speech and will help with his vibration sensitivity. (note: This has been edited because Brendan was taking a Lac30c not a LM. (I think I lost a few marbles on vacation.)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
CST Session 7/7/11
Brendan's session began with us asking him about NFB. He wanted more immediately. We began with his left foot and got through 7 points - with one being the middle toe. Brendan chose the 'middle toe' point. He really enjoyed this and was calm while on his middle toe. We began the right foot and on the first point he started laughing - like he was ticklish. He did not allow any other points on his right foot.
The homeopath was present at the session along with his mom. While we were doing his left foot the homeopath asked about what points we were doing. I told her we were doing reflex points and she suggested we look at the reflexology chart and let Brendan pick it out. I got the reflex manual I have and went to hand it to her and Brendan took it. He then opened up the book and looked at the pictures with the toes on it and pointed. He continued to look through the book. We were all fascinated by this.
During a session many children reach out to their parents while things are shifting. The homeopath noticed Brendan reaching and asked him if she could hold his hand. He said yes. Brendan and the homeopath held hands while NFB was completed. This has never happened - he has always only held his parents hand(s).
I continued to work primarily on his sphenoid, nasal bones and left eye. Restrictions in the "T-zone" are usually extreme and generate a lot of pressure to release. The T-zone is an area encompassing a line starting from one ear passing through the eyes and nasal bones to the other ear. The stem of the T-zone goes from the nasal bones to the throat. This zone is one of the most comprised and restricted on most people.
Brendan is beginning to enjoy the O/A (occipital/atlas) release more and more. This area is usually very restricted and can hurt until a certain level of decompression is accomplished. Critical as it allows oxygen into the brain stem and takes a downward pressure off of the spine.
The pressure being generated from the human body can be intense and working with children there has to be an agreement of when you will stop. Started long ago we count to 10. This allows a child to know the pressure will stop at 10. It also allows a child to gradually except the amount of pressure needed to effect a change. As counting is done out loud, most children begin to count with you. Brendan counted from one to ten through many holds today. Fascinating is a child's ability to count faster the closer we get to 10. I, however, continue a steady, slow, rhythmic pace to 10.
When Brendan is nearing the end of his session I let him know how many things I have left (no less than 5 and no more than 10). He always counts backwards now. When we finished he said "Done" and continued to rest on the table for another 10 minutes. This is the second time he has stayed and rested.
Following his rest he said "Done" again and got up. He ran to the waiting area - never done before - and got his shoes and socks on immediately. He left jumping and very happy.
The homeopath was present at the session along with his mom. While we were doing his left foot the homeopath asked about what points we were doing. I told her we were doing reflex points and she suggested we look at the reflexology chart and let Brendan pick it out. I got the reflex manual I have and went to hand it to her and Brendan took it. He then opened up the book and looked at the pictures with the toes on it and pointed. He continued to look through the book. We were all fascinated by this.
During a session many children reach out to their parents while things are shifting. The homeopath noticed Brendan reaching and asked him if she could hold his hand. He said yes. Brendan and the homeopath held hands while NFB was completed. This has never happened - he has always only held his parents hand(s).
I continued to work primarily on his sphenoid, nasal bones and left eye. Restrictions in the "T-zone" are usually extreme and generate a lot of pressure to release. The T-zone is an area encompassing a line starting from one ear passing through the eyes and nasal bones to the other ear. The stem of the T-zone goes from the nasal bones to the throat. This zone is one of the most comprised and restricted on most people.
Brendan is beginning to enjoy the O/A (occipital/atlas) release more and more. This area is usually very restricted and can hurt until a certain level of decompression is accomplished. Critical as it allows oxygen into the brain stem and takes a downward pressure off of the spine.
The pressure being generated from the human body can be intense and working with children there has to be an agreement of when you will stop. Started long ago we count to 10. This allows a child to know the pressure will stop at 10. It also allows a child to gradually except the amount of pressure needed to effect a change. As counting is done out loud, most children begin to count with you. Brendan counted from one to ten through many holds today. Fascinating is a child's ability to count faster the closer we get to 10. I, however, continue a steady, slow, rhythmic pace to 10.
When Brendan is nearing the end of his session I let him know how many things I have left (no less than 5 and no more than 10). He always counts backwards now. When we finished he said "Done" and continued to rest on the table for another 10 minutes. This is the second time he has stayed and rested.
Following his rest he said "Done" again and got up. He ran to the waiting area - never done before - and got his shoes and socks on immediately. He left jumping and very happy.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
CST Session 6/28/11
Brendan came to his session with his father (usually once a month his dad brings him). It is interesting how things are the same yet different when his father accompanies him.
Today we decided to try something new. Brendan has neurofeedback (NFB) here as well. I had done something different with another child using NFB and asked his father if we could try the same thing with Brendan. He agreed.
After doing some cranial work on his skull we attached the NFB to his feet. Showing his father the areas of placement, his dad attached the NFB to 7 reflex points on his left foot while I ran the computer. Brendan appeared to have enjoyed this and we asked to do his right foot. He said yes. We did the same 7 points; 5 resulting in laughter and giggles and the other 2 he did not like.
When completed, cranial vault work again commenced. There was a definitive stronger connection from his left foot to his brain; the right side connection was not as strong - but was present. He was laughing and said "Done". When Brendan says 'done' he usually gets up and gets ready to go. This time he rested - very happily - on the table for about 10 minutes.
He got up and left in a very happy mood. His attitude was very upbeat. I look forward to his next session to determine if we would do this again and if so: the same spots or different ones.
Today we decided to try something new. Brendan has neurofeedback (NFB) here as well. I had done something different with another child using NFB and asked his father if we could try the same thing with Brendan. He agreed.
After doing some cranial work on his skull we attached the NFB to his feet. Showing his father the areas of placement, his dad attached the NFB to 7 reflex points on his left foot while I ran the computer. Brendan appeared to have enjoyed this and we asked to do his right foot. He said yes. We did the same 7 points; 5 resulting in laughter and giggles and the other 2 he did not like.
When completed, cranial vault work again commenced. There was a definitive stronger connection from his left foot to his brain; the right side connection was not as strong - but was present. He was laughing and said "Done". When Brendan says 'done' he usually gets up and gets ready to go. This time he rested - very happily - on the table for about 10 minutes.
He got up and left in a very happy mood. His attitude was very upbeat. I look forward to his next session to determine if we would do this again and if so: the same spots or different ones.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Parent update 7/5/2011
Hmmm...been a few days since I did an update. Last Thursday, Brendan had a good CST session. I will let her elaborate on that since I wasn't there at the time.
These last few days have been okay. He's been patiently waiting for the arrival of a Barney video we bought off of ebay. I suspect any agitation he has had these last few days has to do with 'waiting'. Now, everytime he sees a mailman, he wants to go home and check the mail. When he does check the mailbox and it is empty, he gets upset.
He did get to see fireworks last night for the first time. Typically, he is in bed by the time the fireworks start happening. But, since he was still up, we took him out (in his pajamas) and he did fine. We always have to be careful about changing his routine or trying something new, because sometimes, he'll then expect it all the time (ie, receiving a video in the mailbox, thus the mailman obsession). We didn't want him to think we are going out every night to see fireworks - and when it doesn't happen, he'll get upset. But, we took our chances. Tonight hasn't happened yet so we'll see.
Today he started summer school. Same teacher, same aides and same students, but at a different school. He usually doesn't transition well to a different school. But, he did great today!!
These last few days have been okay. He's been patiently waiting for the arrival of a Barney video we bought off of ebay. I suspect any agitation he has had these last few days has to do with 'waiting'. Now, everytime he sees a mailman, he wants to go home and check the mail. When he does check the mailbox and it is empty, he gets upset.
He did get to see fireworks last night for the first time. Typically, he is in bed by the time the fireworks start happening. But, since he was still up, we took him out (in his pajamas) and he did fine. We always have to be careful about changing his routine or trying something new, because sometimes, he'll then expect it all the time (ie, receiving a video in the mailbox, thus the mailman obsession). We didn't want him to think we are going out every night to see fireworks - and when it doesn't happen, he'll get upset. But, we took our chances. Tonight hasn't happened yet so we'll see.
Today he started summer school. Same teacher, same aides and same students, but at a different school. He usually doesn't transition well to a different school. But, he did great today!!
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