Thursday, January 5, 2012

CST Session 1/5/12

Brendan came in today without his ear phones on; however, he would place his hands over his ears on occassion.  When the session began his mother and the homeopath left the room to prepare for the ghHW method.  While gone God became very present.  So present I asked Brendan if he could feel God's hands on his head.  He said yes and immediately put his hands there.  He became very serene.

When his mother and the homeopath returned to the room he still had his hands on his head.  I explained what was going on and Brendan left his hands there for some time.  This was the first session Brendan's entire body sunk into the table.  Usually parts of his body will sink deeper than others.

There was also a lot of work done on his arms.  Many spectrum children have stemming issues; some with their hands.  It is not that they do not know their hands are their - as they do use them - but they do not feel the connection.  Due to Brendan's relaxed state we were able to get through both arms and hands.  This takes some time as you begin in the cervical spine through the underarm, elbow, wrist, palm and ultimately every knuckle on each finger.

When the session was over Brendan set on the chair preparing to put his shoes and socks on.  As he sat there he was playing with his hands and fingers - as if he was in awe of them.  You could see he could feel the connection.  The right arm/hand is much more connected than the left one as more time was spent on the right one. 

It will be wonderful to hear how he does - especially his hands.  I believe God came into his session to spread light throughout Brendan's body and let Brendan feel what needs to be done.  There was a clear notion of finishing the parasite issue and working the base of the skull into the throat.  We will concentrate next in these areas. 

One last thing - Brendan has not had a substantial bowel movement in a few days.  His mom will update on us as to when he finally has one; as it felt like the parasites were blocking the flushing.  When the blockage breaks - we hope his mom gets an opportunity to see the 'movement' so as to determine if she could see any parasites, etc.

What a day! 

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