Brendan's mood has been up and down. One minute he's happy, the next he is mad about something. His temper is short throughout the day. He broke a brand new CD that his friend just gave to him as a Xmas gift. So, I took the rest of the movies and CDs away and had him pay me one dollar. Of course, this made him mad and he tried to kick me (while he was in a sitting position). He missed of course. He calmed down after about 15 minutes.
At night, he is in much better spirits. He is a night-owl like me. We thrive during the night and are not morning people. He is still sleeping from midnight to noon. I think after all of these years that he hardly slept, he is catching up on it all.
This is Brendan's story. Participating in this blog are his parents, his Cranial Sacral Therapist, his Homeopath and Brendan.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Yes, there has been a large energetic shift in the world since January 21 again. The autistic child will feel the shift and they are very aware of all the feelings of others around them. If you have an autistic child beware of your feelings, do not try and fix your child's problems (they feel that energetic feeling), clear your negative feelings and calm your energy and ones around you and the child will also feel the calmness and react the same.
What is Awesomism?
December 8, 2011AWESOMISM IS SEEING BEYOND the “disorder” to a brilliance of your child’s difference.
AWESOMISM IS KNOWING your child for who they really are, complete with the amazing clarity, wisdom and gifts that they are bringing to your life.
AWESOMISM IS AN OPPORTUNITY to move beyond limitation and into potentials and possibilities!
AWESOMISM IS A POWERFULLY POSITIVE way to experience autism.
THE CHILDREN OF AWESOMISM (telepathically told from autistic children) by Suzy Miller
1. Our behaviors rarely mean what you think they mean.
2. We experience so much more than meets the eye.
3. We feel our way through life, instead of think our way through.
4. What you say means very little to us unless it matches how you feel.
5. We are right-brained, creative and connected to something bigger.
6. We are communicating long before we talk.
7. We constantly reflect the inner life of those around us~ even you!
8. The best way to connect with us is by being present.
9. We are showing the world what no longer serves humanity.
10. We are different but we are not disordered.
Once you understand and apply this awareness our life together becomes an awesome gift to be shared!
Parent update 12/27/11
Hmmm......Brendan was doing okay for part of the day, then he got agitated when we were in the dining room. He kept looking about, and since I didn't see anything per se to upset him, so I got the Holy Water and sprayed it around, and then he was fine.
Then about one hour later when we were upstairs, he became mischevious. He went into my bathroom and hurled my curling iron at the shower door. For some reason he is obsessed with trying to break our shower door. I was not happy, and told him no more movies upstairs. So, we went down stairs. But, when we go into the living room, he grabbed my crafts bag and swung it around and hit it on the entertainment center. All of my beads (for making bracelets)flew out! The beads were in containers, but he hit it so hard, that it broke open the container and everything flew out. When he makes me this mad and is out of control, I tell him to lie down on the carpet. He usually lies down face down which is safer for him and me because then he can't kick or hit anything or anyone.
After he calmed down a little (about 15 min) then he got up and I gave him the MP 30C remedy. I gave it to him every hour for four hours straight. This seemed to work.
When his Dad got home later in the evening, I went out for a few hours. Amazing how a few hours away can recharge your batteries. Overall, the whole day, he would get mad at me. It didn't matter whether I said something or not, looked at him or not...he was just mad at me. We have spent 11 days straight together (with me only be gone for a total of 9 hours off and on during those days) so I think we both just needed a break from eachother. His Dad did remind me that he is 12 years old....(pre-teen attitude). Ah..yes..I remember that time in matter what your parents say or don't say, you just don't like it! ;)
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.......
Then about one hour later when we were upstairs, he became mischevious. He went into my bathroom and hurled my curling iron at the shower door. For some reason he is obsessed with trying to break our shower door. I was not happy, and told him no more movies upstairs. So, we went down stairs. But, when we go into the living room, he grabbed my crafts bag and swung it around and hit it on the entertainment center. All of my beads (for making bracelets)flew out! The beads were in containers, but he hit it so hard, that it broke open the container and everything flew out. When he makes me this mad and is out of control, I tell him to lie down on the carpet. He usually lies down face down which is safer for him and me because then he can't kick or hit anything or anyone.
After he calmed down a little (about 15 min) then he got up and I gave him the MP 30C remedy. I gave it to him every hour for four hours straight. This seemed to work.
When his Dad got home later in the evening, I went out for a few hours. Amazing how a few hours away can recharge your batteries. Overall, the whole day, he would get mad at me. It didn't matter whether I said something or not, looked at him or not...he was just mad at me. We have spent 11 days straight together (with me only be gone for a total of 9 hours off and on during those days) so I think we both just needed a break from eachother. His Dad did remind me that he is 12 years old....(pre-teen attitude). Ah..yes..I remember that time in matter what your parents say or don't say, you just don't like it! ;)
Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.......
Monday, December 26, 2011
Parent update 12/26/11
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Brendan and his Dad stayed home since they were both still recovering from being ill. I was able to go solo to drop off gifts at my parents house and visit with family for a few hours. So,that was nice.
Brendan seems to be well today. He has had some crying spells and I got one headbutt today. I think the headbutt was because I thought he would want to go for a drive (just to get out of the house), and even though he said 'yeah', I don't think he really wanted to go. He has communication tools to use and can say 'yeah' or 'nah' if he doesn't want to do something, but he doesn't always use these tools (which results in frustration and headbutts/hitting).
He enjoyed opening his gifts. But the funny part was, when he was given a 'clothes box' to open he would just look at it and say 'clothes', stare at it with no enthusiasm, and then proceed to reluctantly open it. This was the first time I've seen it do this when opening gifts. The gift bags and cards were open more heartily!
I hope this week I can get him back on schedule. Over the last month (and this continues), he wont' go to sleep until 1am or 2am. Then he gets up at 11am and won't come downstairs until noon or later. Not good once school begins. We'll see.....
Brendan seems to be well today. He has had some crying spells and I got one headbutt today. I think the headbutt was because I thought he would want to go for a drive (just to get out of the house), and even though he said 'yeah', I don't think he really wanted to go. He has communication tools to use and can say 'yeah' or 'nah' if he doesn't want to do something, but he doesn't always use these tools (which results in frustration and headbutts/hitting).
He enjoyed opening his gifts. But the funny part was, when he was given a 'clothes box' to open he would just look at it and say 'clothes', stare at it with no enthusiasm, and then proceed to reluctantly open it. This was the first time I've seen it do this when opening gifts. The gift bags and cards were open more heartily!
I hope this week I can get him back on schedule. Over the last month (and this continues), he wont' go to sleep until 1am or 2am. Then he gets up at 11am and won't come downstairs until noon or later. Not good once school begins. We'll see.....
Friday, December 23, 2011
Parent update 12/23/11
Well, I accidently gave Brendan a remedy that was too strong. I was suppose to give him the NP 1M and gave him the NP 10M. So, I've been wating to see if he will have some reaction to it. So far, he has had a few crying spells, but that's it so far. Whew! At least I hope that is it! I prayed that I was meant to give him the 10M since the 1M bottle apparently was found on the floor at Kathleen's. Makes you wonder.......
Thursday, December 22, 2011
CST Session 12/22/11
Brendan's mom called us to let us know Brendan may not be coming as he slept in. We told her to ask him if he wanted to come. When they arrived his mom said he has never gotten dressed so fast. He was happy to be here.
We started working again on the colon. He loved it and if I moved my hand he would wait for me to put it back. There were many shifts in the lower groin, abdomen and colon. As shifts occurred Brendan would smile; then go into deep concentration at times waiting for the next shift. He could still feel the small ball remaining.
His mom did the ghHW methodology while I worked his colon and Linda supported the rest of the intestines. We also were lucky to have Tim here today whom Brendan allowed to work on his head. A lot was going on for Brendan and he accepted it all.
The connection between the frontal lobe and colon has greatly subsided. There were small tugs remaining; but it is believed this may be due to the small ball remaining in his colon. We will continue to monitor this and refine what we think about the worm vs. frontal lobe relationship.
When we use the ghHW method our clients are provided a mask to protect their eyes. Today Brendan put his mask on and did not remove it until the very end of his session. He laughed intermittently and was calm and happy.
He is a wonderful kid and blossoming. We ask him many questions now and he always provides an answer. His ability to make sounds is easier and easier.
We wished him Merry Christmas and he left with his mom smiling brightly! God Bless you Brendan and may the holiday season bring you the gifts you are wishing for!
We started working again on the colon. He loved it and if I moved my hand he would wait for me to put it back. There were many shifts in the lower groin, abdomen and colon. As shifts occurred Brendan would smile; then go into deep concentration at times waiting for the next shift. He could still feel the small ball remaining.
His mom did the ghHW methodology while I worked his colon and Linda supported the rest of the intestines. We also were lucky to have Tim here today whom Brendan allowed to work on his head. A lot was going on for Brendan and he accepted it all.
The connection between the frontal lobe and colon has greatly subsided. There were small tugs remaining; but it is believed this may be due to the small ball remaining in his colon. We will continue to monitor this and refine what we think about the worm vs. frontal lobe relationship.
When we use the ghHW method our clients are provided a mask to protect their eyes. Today Brendan put his mask on and did not remove it until the very end of his session. He laughed intermittently and was calm and happy.
He is a wonderful kid and blossoming. We ask him many questions now and he always provides an answer. His ability to make sounds is easier and easier.
We wished him Merry Christmas and he left with his mom smiling brightly! God Bless you Brendan and may the holiday season bring you the gifts you are wishing for!
Parent update 12/22/11
Brendan did poop on Tuesday night. I didn't see any worm(s) per se. But there was a encasing looking thing. It looked a little like the skin of a sausage. But it was just a piece of it, not tubular.
Anyway, I asked Brendan if the worm was in his poop and he said yes. Then when he was getting ready for bed (he always pees before bedtime) he walked into the bathroom but carefully peered into the toilet (never did that before). I told him the poop and worm are gone. Then he sat on the toilet.
Yesterday (Weds), he just wanted to lay on the couch all day and watch movies. He was very tired. It's as if passing the worm exhausted him.
Today (Thurs), Kathleen and Linda worked on him. Not all of the worm has passed. I will let Kathleen explain about his frontal lobe/worm connection. I gave him hte NP remedy. Brendan is happy right now.
Anyway, I asked Brendan if the worm was in his poop and he said yes. Then when he was getting ready for bed (he always pees before bedtime) he walked into the bathroom but carefully peered into the toilet (never did that before). I told him the poop and worm are gone. Then he sat on the toilet.
Yesterday (Weds), he just wanted to lay on the couch all day and watch movies. He was very tired. It's as if passing the worm exhausted him.
Today (Thurs), Kathleen and Linda worked on him. Not all of the worm has passed. I will let Kathleen explain about his frontal lobe/worm connection. I gave him hte NP remedy. Brendan is happy right now.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Night Session 12/19/11
What a night!! Brendan's father and I had a chance to speak while Brendan prepared for bed. It is always interesting to obtain a father's perspective and I so appreciate the moments we have to share information and experiences. When I went upstairs Brendan was already in bed and pointed to the spot on the bed I sit on.
Sitting next to him I told him there were some questions I would like to ask him. Earlier in the day I had worked on a spectrum child and when using the ghHW method I saw a large "worm" moving rapidly through his body. It shocked me at first due to it's size and ability to pass through areas one would think is difficult; but it dove deep and would surface then do it again. The 'worm' was heading downward towards the abdomen.
I asked Brendan about 'worms' and he told me they were present in him as well. About a year and a half ago we started on a detox program with some of the kids and the first portion went extremely well. All kids reacted positively and there bowels improved significantly. We had won the war with the bowels. Every child who has ever done this 10 day program has had permanent changes in their ability to eliminate and/or poop.
When we got to the second portion (we have various supplements to test the kids with); we did not have the correct match for Brendan. We tried one but he ended up having an allergic reaction. Due to pressing physical outbursts we were desperately looking for the right combination to calm Brenda down. Everything we tried did not seem to work or appeased him temporarily. We kept going in other directions and never completed the second half of the protocol.
Now it comes to pass - last night while working on Brendan with his mom and the ghHW method I saw a two-headed parasite located in his colon area. We continued the ghHW method and the parasite was screaming. As we backed into his colon Brendan and I could physically feel the 'worm' shrivel up. Brendan held my hand for a long time while it was over his colon and when the worm no longer moved Brendan became very happy.
I believe children can feel the movement of these 'worms' through their body and the goal is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As we neared the end of the session Brendan stated he had to go 'poo' (most parasites/worms eliminate through the bowels). We let him go and he stayed in the bathroom for a very long time. In fact he stayed so long I left. Saying goodbye to Brendan his mom and I agreed she would look at the stool as soon as Brendan eliminated himself. Unfortunately he did not pass any stool last night; but his mother remains vigilant.
During this session we became aware of another strong connection: I had one of my hands on Brendan's frontal lobe and the other on his colon; which brought to our attention the strength of the two areas tied together (the same was felt in the other child). As the frontal lobe shifted the 'worm' shriveled. The more the frontal lobe shifted the more the 'worm' became smaller and dryer. As this was happening we realized the worm may potentially be directing the frontal lobe or better yet; the frontal lobe maybe so engaged with the activities of the 'worm' it ceases to perform other duties.
One other difference noted between the two children: Brendan did not have the gooey, slimy like substance throughout his system as did the other child. Perhaps this is why the 'worm' became like the witch from the Wizard of Oz: when the water was thrown upon the witch she melted. Perhaps with the correct remedies and connections we are seeing the shrinking and ultimate elimination of the 'worm' and all it is connected to.
We will continue to work on this and provide information as it becomes available.
Sitting next to him I told him there were some questions I would like to ask him. Earlier in the day I had worked on a spectrum child and when using the ghHW method I saw a large "worm" moving rapidly through his body. It shocked me at first due to it's size and ability to pass through areas one would think is difficult; but it dove deep and would surface then do it again. The 'worm' was heading downward towards the abdomen.
I asked Brendan about 'worms' and he told me they were present in him as well. About a year and a half ago we started on a detox program with some of the kids and the first portion went extremely well. All kids reacted positively and there bowels improved significantly. We had won the war with the bowels. Every child who has ever done this 10 day program has had permanent changes in their ability to eliminate and/or poop.
When we got to the second portion (we have various supplements to test the kids with); we did not have the correct match for Brendan. We tried one but he ended up having an allergic reaction. Due to pressing physical outbursts we were desperately looking for the right combination to calm Brenda down. Everything we tried did not seem to work or appeased him temporarily. We kept going in other directions and never completed the second half of the protocol.
Now it comes to pass - last night while working on Brendan with his mom and the ghHW method I saw a two-headed parasite located in his colon area. We continued the ghHW method and the parasite was screaming. As we backed into his colon Brendan and I could physically feel the 'worm' shrivel up. Brendan held my hand for a long time while it was over his colon and when the worm no longer moved Brendan became very happy.
I believe children can feel the movement of these 'worms' through their body and the goal is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As we neared the end of the session Brendan stated he had to go 'poo' (most parasites/worms eliminate through the bowels). We let him go and he stayed in the bathroom for a very long time. In fact he stayed so long I left. Saying goodbye to Brendan his mom and I agreed she would look at the stool as soon as Brendan eliminated himself. Unfortunately he did not pass any stool last night; but his mother remains vigilant.
During this session we became aware of another strong connection: I had one of my hands on Brendan's frontal lobe and the other on his colon; which brought to our attention the strength of the two areas tied together (the same was felt in the other child). As the frontal lobe shifted the 'worm' shriveled. The more the frontal lobe shifted the more the 'worm' became smaller and dryer. As this was happening we realized the worm may potentially be directing the frontal lobe or better yet; the frontal lobe maybe so engaged with the activities of the 'worm' it ceases to perform other duties.
One other difference noted between the two children: Brendan did not have the gooey, slimy like substance throughout his system as did the other child. Perhaps this is why the 'worm' became like the witch from the Wizard of Oz: when the water was thrown upon the witch she melted. Perhaps with the correct remedies and connections we are seeing the shrinking and ultimate elimination of the 'worm' and all it is connected to.
We will continue to work on this and provide information as it becomes available.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Parent update 12/17/11
Brendan got sick Thursday night. He started sneezing after dinner so I had my suspicion. This is probably why he slept for 12 hours the night before. He is taking cold remedies and seems to be doing okay. Just a head cold, no fever and cough so far. : )
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Parent update 12/14/11
Brendan did fantastic today!! He made it in time do to the dance skit with his class. The kids actually had to wait one hour before it was their turn to go on stage. He did his part perfectly. Then he was also part of a select group of kids who got to do the rumba at the end of the program! They got into costume which was a straw hawaiian hat and moroccas (not sure what the costumes had to do with Xmas, but who cares it was fun). He was so happy! The crowd was clapping and cheering them on. His old speech therapist and OT were also in the audience. They were so proud of him too. They loved that he was having so much fun and doing the dance moves.
he rest of his evening has gone well. He looks tired, so I am hoping he'll get to sleep before 11pm. (sigh) What a difference one week makes! :)
he rest of his evening has gone well. He looks tired, so I am hoping he'll get to sleep before 11pm. (sigh) What a difference one week makes! :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Parent update 12/13/11
Well, Brendan has been in a good mood the last few days. However, he isn't falling asleep until midnight no matter how early we get him into bed. Then he can't get up until 9:30am the next morning. He then proceeds to stay in bed until noon. When he stays in bed, he is not sleeping. He has the sheets up to his neck and just lays in bed. He seems okay, but lethargic. Needless to say, he has missed the last two days of school. He only has three days of school left until Xmas break. Not sure what is going to happen. He's suppose to be in a dance skit tomorrow with his class at the county school holiday party. But, sadly with the way things are going, he'll probably miss it.
He did have an ABA session today. His Dad said he did well and said "kick ball" to the therapist. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
He did have an ABA session today. His Dad said he did well and said "kick ball" to the therapist. We'll see what tomorrow brings....
Sunday, December 11, 2011
CST Session 12/8/11
Brendan came in today in an agitated state. He knocked a tv off the table and punched a couple of pictures. His mom told us his day started off good but when she picked him up from school - he was not himself.
Our homeopath immediately gave him a remedy to settle him down that has worked in the past; however, the remedy did nothing. Brilliant as she is our homepath asked about giving him a remedy for polar shifts. She recognized that some shifts were happening around the 12th of December and felt perhaps this could help him.
Brendan was on the table when she gave him the remedy and the results were astounding. We watched him go from a highly frustrated and irritable kid to a calm and happy child. It was amazing. She asked him if he wanted more and he said yes. We also turned on the MRS 2000 machine which is in alignment with the earth's frequency. Brendan remained calm the rest of the time he was here. We finished with cranial vault (skull) work.
When he left the homeopath handed his mom a bottle of water with the remedy in it. Brendan took it and placed it over his heart. He was clearly very happy to have this remedy. We look forward to see how he does over the next few days. This may be a remedy we try on multiple spectrum children when there are shifts.
What began as a difficult couple of hours ended in harmony. We hope Brendan continues to feel the way left.
Our homeopath immediately gave him a remedy to settle him down that has worked in the past; however, the remedy did nothing. Brilliant as she is our homepath asked about giving him a remedy for polar shifts. She recognized that some shifts were happening around the 12th of December and felt perhaps this could help him.
Brendan was on the table when she gave him the remedy and the results were astounding. We watched him go from a highly frustrated and irritable kid to a calm and happy child. It was amazing. She asked him if he wanted more and he said yes. We also turned on the MRS 2000 machine which is in alignment with the earth's frequency. Brendan remained calm the rest of the time he was here. We finished with cranial vault (skull) work.
When he left the homeopath handed his mom a bottle of water with the remedy in it. Brendan took it and placed it over his heart. He was clearly very happy to have this remedy. We look forward to see how he does over the next few days. This may be a remedy we try on multiple spectrum children when there are shifts.
What began as a difficult couple of hours ended in harmony. We hope Brendan continues to feel the way left.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Parent update 12/10/11
Today we were suppose to go to Lodi to see his RDI specialist. Unfortunately, I woke up with swollen eyes and hives all over in the middle of the night. So, I OD on Benadryl and did not wake up until 11am! Brendan also got up late. So, it was best that we didn't go.
Brendan has been off today, but no headbutting or hitting. Yay! He was very indecisive on where he wanted to go. First he wanted to go to Target, then ToysRUs. He couldn't make up his mind. After driving around, we finally ended up at Target but he was progressively agitated. He did get out of the car but was going to headbutt me and stopped. I told him to get back in the car and we left. He wanted to got to the park, so we went there instead and hiked about a mile to the creek. It was so peaceful there just listening to the water. Then we stopped off to buy a little (but live) Xmas tree. He was so happy. He also wanted to get lights and ornaments. His old ABA therapist was scheduled to Brendansit tonight so Paul and I could go out to dinner. So, I thought decorating the minitree would be fun for them.
Brendan was so happy to see her. They always have fun together. Anyway, we went to dinner and then Paul went to buy a monitor for Brendan's computer because his stopped working and I went to the dollar store near our house. The therapist called me to say that Brendan was in the bathroom and saying his belly hurt. So, I came home. When he walked out of the bathroom his whole face was swollen! I immediately gave him Benadryl and a remedy for hives. Found out his Dad had a pint of B&J ice cream in the freezer that had milk, soy, wheat and eggs! Everything he is allergice to. Oh! and it also had rum balls! Brendan had wanted some so she gave him a little. Poor Brendan! The therapist felt so bad but it wasn't her fault. It shouldn't have been in there anyway. (sigh)
So, after about one hour, the swelling started to subside. So, I got him ready for his bath. Well, he ended up getting sick to his stomach in the bath. To make a long story short, he fell asleep on his bed while his Dad and I cleaned up the mess. It was good that he got it out of his system. I will be sleeping in his room tonight to make sure the swelling goes down and he is breathing okay.
Brendan has been off today, but no headbutting or hitting. Yay! He was very indecisive on where he wanted to go. First he wanted to go to Target, then ToysRUs. He couldn't make up his mind. After driving around, we finally ended up at Target but he was progressively agitated. He did get out of the car but was going to headbutt me and stopped. I told him to get back in the car and we left. He wanted to got to the park, so we went there instead and hiked about a mile to the creek. It was so peaceful there just listening to the water. Then we stopped off to buy a little (but live) Xmas tree. He was so happy. He also wanted to get lights and ornaments. His old ABA therapist was scheduled to Brendansit tonight so Paul and I could go out to dinner. So, I thought decorating the minitree would be fun for them.
Brendan was so happy to see her. They always have fun together. Anyway, we went to dinner and then Paul went to buy a monitor for Brendan's computer because his stopped working and I went to the dollar store near our house. The therapist called me to say that Brendan was in the bathroom and saying his belly hurt. So, I came home. When he walked out of the bathroom his whole face was swollen! I immediately gave him Benadryl and a remedy for hives. Found out his Dad had a pint of B&J ice cream in the freezer that had milk, soy, wheat and eggs! Everything he is allergice to. Oh! and it also had rum balls! Brendan had wanted some so she gave him a little. Poor Brendan! The therapist felt so bad but it wasn't her fault. It shouldn't have been in there anyway. (sigh)
So, after about one hour, the swelling started to subside. So, I got him ready for his bath. Well, he ended up getting sick to his stomach in the bath. To make a long story short, he fell asleep on his bed while his Dad and I cleaned up the mess. It was good that he got it out of his system. I will be sleeping in his room tonight to make sure the swelling goes down and he is breathing okay.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Homeopath- 12/9/11
Yes yesterday was very interesting. Brendan definitely was having anger issues. BUT as I have heard from the Suzy Miller web page the reaction of Brendan does not surprise me. She says that the Autistic children can feel energy changes. It has been said by many that we are going thru a big energy shift change this next year. The Lunar eclipse is Dec 10th and the magnetic energy will most likely be altered . It does seem that Brendan is worse during these shift changes they talk about. So Yesterday I gave Brendan a remedy made from the Magnetic Poles. A very low dose 15c. It did seem to make a difference. And Brendan said it made him feel better. He wanted to take it very often in the session and held the bottle close to his chest as he exited the office. It is no doubt that Autistic children are sensitive to energetic levels and changes. Brendan is a great example of that. I wonder how many other children in our office are feeling it. I know Kathleen is feeling it and another mom that is energetically sensitive was feeling off sorts yesterday. She also took the MP remedy and felt a warmness and calming immediately. Last year at this time Dec 21, 2010 to Jan 3rd, which was another big energy shift, Brendan was very angry and broke a lot of glass. It is said they are trying to break up the energy. Suzy Miller says that Autistic children can also spin in circles or scream loud noises to break up energy. Tomorrow will be very interesting as it is the Lunar Eclipse.
Parent update 12/9/11
Yesterday (Thursday) was a disaster! In school, Brendan hit and kicked everyone, but not out of anger...he thought it was funny. Then when we got to Kathleen's he tried to break her TV and put his foot through one of her picture frames shattering the glass. He proceeded to think it was funny and hit me a couple of times...and Kathleen which is rare.
We got him on the table and put the magnetic mat on. This started to calm him down. But what really seemed to calm him down the most was the remedy Linda gave to him. I'll let her explain that in her blog. The rest of the night he was okay. I just kept giving the remedy to him until he went to bed. I reminded him that hitting and kicking people is NOT funny. It is very hurtful. Also, if he didn't behave in school the next day, he wasn't getting any treats (going to the store).
This morning his Dad reported that he seemed fine. I picked him up from school with knots in my stomach not sure what to expect. But they reported that he did fine. We ent to the store and then hung out at home waiting for his friends to arrive. He was lounging on the bed listening to his music. Then I told him we need to go downstairs because his friends were due to show up. He came downstairs and then proceeded to get mad and headbutted me very hard. I had him lay down on the carpet to calm down. Since he didn't seem to be calming down, I had to cancel his friends visit. My friends kids who are also on the spectrum were apparently also acting up and she almost had to cancel with us. I have to get the remedy to her to see if it helps her kiddos calm down.
After he had calmed down (yes, I gave him more of the remedy) he wanted to go to the park. So, I got his stuff ready. Then he proceeded to break two of his CDs that he just bought. SO, we did not go. I was not happy plus I had a headache from the headbutt. So, he stayed in theliving room and I went into the dining room to give both of us some space. After 15 minutes, he came over and signed that he was sorry. His mood has been up and down tonight. We'll see how he does tomorrow........
We got him on the table and put the magnetic mat on. This started to calm him down. But what really seemed to calm him down the most was the remedy Linda gave to him. I'll let her explain that in her blog. The rest of the night he was okay. I just kept giving the remedy to him until he went to bed. I reminded him that hitting and kicking people is NOT funny. It is very hurtful. Also, if he didn't behave in school the next day, he wasn't getting any treats (going to the store).
This morning his Dad reported that he seemed fine. I picked him up from school with knots in my stomach not sure what to expect. But they reported that he did fine. We ent to the store and then hung out at home waiting for his friends to arrive. He was lounging on the bed listening to his music. Then I told him we need to go downstairs because his friends were due to show up. He came downstairs and then proceeded to get mad and headbutted me very hard. I had him lay down on the carpet to calm down. Since he didn't seem to be calming down, I had to cancel his friends visit. My friends kids who are also on the spectrum were apparently also acting up and she almost had to cancel with us. I have to get the remedy to her to see if it helps her kiddos calm down.
After he had calmed down (yes, I gave him more of the remedy) he wanted to go to the park. So, I got his stuff ready. Then he proceeded to break two of his CDs that he just bought. SO, we did not go. I was not happy plus I had a headache from the headbutt. So, he stayed in theliving room and I went into the dining room to give both of us some space. After 15 minutes, he came over and signed that he was sorry. His mood has been up and down tonight. We'll see how he does tomorrow........
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Parent update 12/7/11
Brendan slept for 7 hours Monday night and woke up mad on Tuesday. But, by the time I took him to school, he was in better spirits.
His class is doing a dance skit for the Xmas party which his teacher said, he happily participated in. He did cranky during his afternoon ABA session. His therapist noticed that he was communicating as much by actively using his iTouch or communication binder. But then again, he was up very early and it was his first full day back in to his routine in almost two weeks.
Last night he slept for 11 hours! Had a good day overall.
His class is doing a dance skit for the Xmas party which his teacher said, he happily participated in. He did cranky during his afternoon ABA session. His therapist noticed that he was communicating as much by actively using his iTouch or communication binder. But then again, he was up very early and it was his first full day back in to his routine in almost two weeks.
Last night he slept for 11 hours! Had a good day overall.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Parent update 12/4/11
I gave Brendan the remedy yesterday afternoon and then again at night. We only had one incident yesterday at bathtime. He apparently did not want to take one and got mad about it. He headbutted me a few times. I redirected him to his commuication tools and told him to show me what he wants and that headbutting me isn't going to help me understand what he needs. He wanted to watch movies upstairs in our room. So we did. He was fine after that.
He has many tools to use to communicate. He is just quick tempered and instead of remembering that he can show me what he wants, he headbutts his displeasure.
Brendan's been a mole these last two days. He hasn't left the house. Has chosen to stay in his pajamas all day, lie in our bed (sometimes with his head under the covers) and watch movies or listen to music. He just seems to need to be in a controlled environment right now. My only concern is that he won't want to go to school tomorrow because it will be too chaotic for him after being in solitude all weekend. His mind and body just needed to rest this weekend.
He has many tools to use to communicate. He is just quick tempered and instead of remembering that he can show me what he wants, he headbutts his displeasure.
Brendan's been a mole these last two days. He hasn't left the house. Has chosen to stay in his pajamas all day, lie in our bed (sometimes with his head under the covers) and watch movies or listen to music. He just seems to need to be in a controlled environment right now. My only concern is that he won't want to go to school tomorrow because it will be too chaotic for him after being in solitude all weekend. His mind and body just needed to rest this weekend.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
12/2/11 homeopath -
I am having Brendan re-dose his constitutional remedy - np200c. to see if this calms him down. If this does not work we will try and go to a higher level. And/or add detoxing remedies sac and cup 6c as needed.
Kathleen thinks he is detoxing the Anesthesia remedies. If this is so and we add the sac and cupr 6c and do not see results we will re-dose the Anesthesia remedies one level at a time to try to push this out.
Kathleen thinks he is detoxing the Anesthesia remedies. If this is so and we add the sac and cupr 6c and do not see results we will re-dose the Anesthesia remedies one level at a time to try to push this out.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Parent update 12/2/11
Brendan slept for 11 hours! His Dad said that he didn't look puffy this morning and was in a good mood. He finally made it back to school today by 11am (he missed the last three days due to puffiness/itching).
When I picked him up, he did not look happy. When we got inside the car, he indicated that he wanted to go to Target. On the drive there, he was very quiet. Then he changed his mind and wanted to go to ToysRUs. He was fine in the store until he realized they didn't have what he wanted. He chose something else. However, this is the first time in a while that he had difficult waiting in line. He was getting very agitated and kept looking back at the DVDs. So I asked him if he wanted to select something else, he said, "yeah". So we went back to the DVDs. He looked again and ended up keeping what he had already picked. We got back in line. There was only one person in line. Unfortunnately, this elderly woman was moving like molasses. I tried to remain calm and unfazed by the extremely slow transaction. Brendan was starting to get loud and make noises. Finally it was our turn. By then, he couldn't control himself and headbutted me. He immediately stopped, looked a little shocked that he did it, and signed that he was sorry. Because I could tell he really was, I accepted his apology. We made our purchase and left.
He continued to be agitated on the drive home. Indicating he wanted to go to the park to hike. Well, I had heels on (having just come from work), so I told him we had to go home first so I could change my clothes. We made it home with him protesting all the way. [Of course after having to endure the molasses lady, I hit every single red light on the way home.] Once inside he was still a little agitated. Not wanting to keep him out of close proximity, i had him come upstairs with me so I could change. When we came back downstairs I told him we can go for a hike and then to his friends house. He signed he wanted to stay home. I said fine, cancelled our visit with his friend, but he continued to be agitated. So, I led him into the living room, got out the tunnel and he climbed inside. He calmed down after a few minutes. I just sat nearby and told him I would stay with him.
After 20 minutes, he started giggling. So, I made up a song about trees (he is currently fixated on pine trees) and it made him happy. Normally he tells me to stop singing (it's not like I have a bad voice, I use to sing in a choir for heaven's sake!). After another 10 minutes, he came out to get something to eat. Then we went to the park.
Instead of chosing the park where we go hiking, he chose to go to the park that has a vending machine inside their community center. He likes to get chips. Vending machines are a good place to teach about counting money. Anyway, we had to go in the building the long way because the side door was locked. A dance class of very small, loud, crying children was in process. He made it through the chaos of small ballerinas that were swarming the hallway, through a maze of chairs that were blocking the hallway due to redecorating for the holidays, and finally to the vending machine...all without incident...and without headphones. I think he was so determined to get to his chips, that he didn't notice the noise.
He's been fine the rest of the night so far. Yes! He is still up. Bath ritual is taking 2.5 hours again. But he seems so peaceful in the water, that I don't rush him. Who knows. Maybe it feels like he is in the womb. Hopefully, he'll get another good night of sleep.
When I picked him up, he did not look happy. When we got inside the car, he indicated that he wanted to go to Target. On the drive there, he was very quiet. Then he changed his mind and wanted to go to ToysRUs. He was fine in the store until he realized they didn't have what he wanted. He chose something else. However, this is the first time in a while that he had difficult waiting in line. He was getting very agitated and kept looking back at the DVDs. So I asked him if he wanted to select something else, he said, "yeah". So we went back to the DVDs. He looked again and ended up keeping what he had already picked. We got back in line. There was only one person in line. Unfortunnately, this elderly woman was moving like molasses. I tried to remain calm and unfazed by the extremely slow transaction. Brendan was starting to get loud and make noises. Finally it was our turn. By then, he couldn't control himself and headbutted me. He immediately stopped, looked a little shocked that he did it, and signed that he was sorry. Because I could tell he really was, I accepted his apology. We made our purchase and left.
He continued to be agitated on the drive home. Indicating he wanted to go to the park to hike. Well, I had heels on (having just come from work), so I told him we had to go home first so I could change my clothes. We made it home with him protesting all the way. [Of course after having to endure the molasses lady, I hit every single red light on the way home.] Once inside he was still a little agitated. Not wanting to keep him out of close proximity, i had him come upstairs with me so I could change. When we came back downstairs I told him we can go for a hike and then to his friends house. He signed he wanted to stay home. I said fine, cancelled our visit with his friend, but he continued to be agitated. So, I led him into the living room, got out the tunnel and he climbed inside. He calmed down after a few minutes. I just sat nearby and told him I would stay with him.
After 20 minutes, he started giggling. So, I made up a song about trees (he is currently fixated on pine trees) and it made him happy. Normally he tells me to stop singing (it's not like I have a bad voice, I use to sing in a choir for heaven's sake!). After another 10 minutes, he came out to get something to eat. Then we went to the park.
Instead of chosing the park where we go hiking, he chose to go to the park that has a vending machine inside their community center. He likes to get chips. Vending machines are a good place to teach about counting money. Anyway, we had to go in the building the long way because the side door was locked. A dance class of very small, loud, crying children was in process. He made it through the chaos of small ballerinas that were swarming the hallway, through a maze of chairs that were blocking the hallway due to redecorating for the holidays, and finally to the vending machine...all without incident...and without headphones. I think he was so determined to get to his chips, that he didn't notice the noise.
He's been fine the rest of the night so far. Yes! He is still up. Bath ritual is taking 2.5 hours again. But he seems so peaceful in the water, that I don't rush him. Who knows. Maybe it feels like he is in the womb. Hopefully, he'll get another good night of sleep.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
CST Session 12/1/11
Brendan came in for his regular session today looking tired. He went into the kids room and we could tell he was looking for something. The "tunnel" we have was folded and placed against the wall - when we pointed to it and said that was what he wanted.
In the past few months Brendan has been coming in and periodically going through this tunnel. Today was very unique as he went through the tunnel numerous times but each time stayed longer inside the tunnel. He would stop for five minutes and then move another foot; then stop for 20 minutes and again move. At one point when he started getting agitated I said "Push". He immediately came forward and was calm. It was as if we were watching him come down the birth canal (the tunnel can mimic the birth canal).
We believe in reversals. Reversals are defined as: the body mimicking a trauma or completing a biological process in order to effect recovery. When reversals are effective all aspects of the trauma reverse leaving a clean slate. Reversing any trauma is key to recovery. (More on this in an upcoming blog).
Brendan had a traumatic birth with his delivery via c-section. The first week of his life was spent in the NICU where he received various anesthesia's and underwent numerous medical procedures.
He spent the entire session going through the tunnel (we never went to the therapy room). When he left he was smiling and wanted to the take the tunnel home with him. We let him and we look forward to an update from his mom.
In the past few months Brendan has been coming in and periodically going through this tunnel. Today was very unique as he went through the tunnel numerous times but each time stayed longer inside the tunnel. He would stop for five minutes and then move another foot; then stop for 20 minutes and again move. At one point when he started getting agitated I said "Push". He immediately came forward and was calm. It was as if we were watching him come down the birth canal (the tunnel can mimic the birth canal).
We believe in reversals. Reversals are defined as: the body mimicking a trauma or completing a biological process in order to effect recovery. When reversals are effective all aspects of the trauma reverse leaving a clean slate. Reversing any trauma is key to recovery. (More on this in an upcoming blog).
Brendan had a traumatic birth with his delivery via c-section. The first week of his life was spent in the NICU where he received various anesthesia's and underwent numerous medical procedures.
He spent the entire session going through the tunnel (we never went to the therapy room). When he left he was smiling and wanted to the take the tunnel home with him. We let him and we look forward to an update from his mom.
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