The last few months have been very difficult with only a few good days or moments. As of now Brendan thinks it is funny to hit and kick another. He is over 6'2" and it is difficult to hold him down. The one new thing we have been using is a hand made Pyramid above the massage table that he lays on in the clinic. Brendan will stay after his Cranial Sacral session for at least 3-4 hours. He just does not want to leave the Pyramid. The energy in it is soothing for him. He will lay all over the floor and sleep or rest for hours. It is amazing. Brendan's family is going to be getting a few Pyramids for the house soon. We will see how this works for him. We are hoping this mischievous behavior will subside. We are confused at what is making this happen. Is it hormones since he is 12 yrs.? Is it that he is asking for more limits? We are trying to sit him down in a timeout every time we see the look.. before he hits someone or breaks something. He actually walks around the house with a big smile looking to break something. It is hard to control such a big boy. Yikes!!! Another day to come and go!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experience. Some mums have been trying Quinton Isotonic for when the kids have very bad reactions. My son is going through a CEASE therapy detox at the moment and I gave him the Isotonic this morning and he was very calmer after that.
I hope it helps! All the best for you and your son!