Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Parent update 08/30/11

This is two nights in a row that Brendan was so amped up at bedtime, that he didn't fall asleep until almost 1am. He would look so tired at 9pm and request to go to sleep. But then he would become restless, thrashing about in his bed. He wasn't mad or sad. It was like he couldn't keep himself to lay still (legs thrashing about, body slamming into the bed, etc.). At least he seemed to be having a good time! Both nights I finally got him to sleep by working on him a second time. I worked on his legs tonight to see if I could calm them down. I hope he wakes up in a good mood tomorrow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Parent update 8/29/11

Brendan had a good day. He did break one video..(sigh). Linda gave me a remedy to see if it will help him sleep through the night. Since both Kathleen and Brendan had a little hesitency in using this remedy, I asked Brendan again if he wanted the remedy. This time he quickly said 'yeah'. I asked him a second time just to make sure. Again, he said 'yeah'. So, I gave him a small sip of the lowest dose (6c). We'll see what tomorrow brings....

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Parent update 8/28/11

Off and on this weekend, Brendan was happy, then annoyed. I think he just wasn't feeling all the well due to his sleep being off for so long now. He had been up at
5am Friday and stayed up the whole day. His friends came to visit and he joined us in the living room. Lots of times, he'll stay on his computer to listen to what's going on. He put out his hand to E and she touched it. I think he put his hand out to her, because up until a few minutes before that, she had tears in her eyes. This was due to her DVD player not working. He tried again to hold hands with her, but this time she said, "sorry". He didn't get mad or anything. It was such a cute interaction. Then when they were about to get the car, M was having some difficulty. Brendan came to the door a couple of times and I told him M was having a hard time at the moment but he will be okay. As Kathleen had stated, Brendan is very in tuned to other people.

Today he said 'dirty' when his CD would not work. So, I cleaned it off, and then it was fine. Again, he has attempted this word in the past, but his words are starting to sound so much clearer. : )

Well, here's hoping he sleeps through the night.

Friday, August 26, 2011

CST Session 8/25/11

When Brendan arrived he was somewhat agitated and loud.  After a few minutes he removed his shoes and socks and went into the therapy room.  He started smiling.

As I worked his right leg - mostly knee and ankle, Linda began employing the ghHW method.  We knew he needed detoxing from his Monday night visit.  We began with lymphatic work - getting the fluids moving so any toxins coming out will move easier through the system.  Then we set the laser on detox which Brendan really liked.  We continued with the laser using cellular regeneration, blood and DNA.

He smiled pretty much throughout the whole session.  In addition periodically he would very gently place his hand on my shoulder.  I had not been feeling very well that day and he picked up on it immediately.  His compassion and empathy was immense.  I thanked him each time as he was sending me healing energy.  Brendan knows when someone is not energetically balanced and it can effect him greatly.  Each time he placed his hand on my shoulder the pain lessened - I had a headache.  By the time his session was done my headache was pretty much gone.

The student becomes the teacher.  Brendan has amazing healing energies and if harnessed correctly he can do many things.  Over the past year he has placed his hands on his mother when she did not feel well.  After much communication (over the past year) we learned most of Brendan's tendencies to headbutt or hit was because he could feel something wrong with someone.  It was like he was trying to get the problem to shift. 

Brendan continues to make amazing progress.  We expect fallout but it is minimal compared to what we dealt with months ago.  While there are tough days he is always happy at his cranial sacral appointment.  We worked the longest on his right knee and ankle than we ever had.  Brendan's system is unwinding and his body, spirit and mind are melding more. 

We look forward to see what he accomplishes next.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Parent update 8/25/11

Brendan had a good CST session using a remedy and laser. The rest of the afternoon he went from being manic (happy) and mischevious to being exhausted. During his manic times, he broke two CDs and a wooden puzzle board. He also peed in his pants three times. A couple of times I think he just waited to long. The last time he thought it was funny so I made him clean it up. Glad to get him to bed. Hoping for a more easy going, compliant child tomorrow (of course, what parent doesn't) : ) At least he was happy today and not mad. Just hope the 'breaking of things' doesn't start up again.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Parent update 08/24/11

Brendan slept soundly through the night on Monday night. He woke up happy and seemed refreshed. He did have a crying spell at school. No one is sure what triggered it. But he was fine the rest of the day and evening.

Last night (or I should say this morning), he woke up at 4am and did not go back to sleep. So, he went to school. Apparently, he fell asleep at his desk. But when he woke up he was fine. He had a good day. His videos arrived today. He has been waiting patiently all week. Having him remove a sticker as we get closer to the delivery date really seems to help. Also, we aren't stalking mailmen anymore. He has a CST session tomorrow and I believe we will be using the laser again.

Monday, August 22, 2011

CST Session 8/22/11

Tonight Brendan was up and on the computer when I arrived.  He was really happy, jumping and laughing at a program he was using.  His mom let him continue for an additional few minutes - when the time was up he shut it off, turned the lights out and we all went upstairs.  He stopped and took a few swings, brushed his teeth and off to bed.

Started with his right leg - the thigh is staying connected.  Most of the work began at his knee which he handled well.  We had to count to ten when working on the foot.  Progress has been made with the upper leg and now the concentration will stay on the lower leg and foot until the connection maintains.

From there went to his head where the pulls started in an arc shape - with the top of the arc crossing the left parietal and bottom under the right ear.  Using direction of ease (following the tissue); the arc was alleviated.

Then one hand was placed on the right side and back of the head.  The other began on the backside of the parietals with the middle finger at the center point of the head.  The pulls were shaped like the letter "X".  We had to deal with two front pulls back to center and two back pulls back to center.  In addition a sideway pull from the temporal towards the center was addressed.  While doing this Brendan fell into a deep sleep.

We continued with a frontal and nasal lift; as well as pulling the backside of the parietals outward.  His mom was surprised at how hot her hand had become.  She does a great job and continues to learn more and more. 

He definitely needs another round of detoxing using the ghHW method which we will do in a couple of days.  Overall a very good night with deep shifting in the brain and skull. 

As an aside last week I noticed Brendan had no open cuts on his arms.  He has a tendency to pick at his skin causing small areas of bleeding.  His arms look really good!

Parent update 8/22/11

Overall, Brendan had a good weekend. In the morning he was very agitated. I felt that he was still having some residual from the sour cream potato chips he ate. It caused alot of mucus and I'm sure he just didn't feel real good.

Saturday morning we went to Santa Teresa Park for a hike. Apparently, there had been a fire in the first meadow as you drive in. This bothered him. Then we parked and hit the trail. Even though he wanted to hike the trail and take pictures, he was very bothered like something was following him. So, we turned back to the car. When we got into the car, I asked him if he saw something and was it following him, he said, 'yeah'. As soon as we drove out of the park, he started to relax (although he did look back a few times). We spent the rest of the day hibernating in my room listening to his music.

Sunday, his Dad kept him busy with going to the pool and hiking at a different park. Today, he had a good day at school. He did break two CDs (and had to pay for them). But, other than that, he did fine.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Parent update 8/19/11

According to Brendan's Dad, yesterday afternoon and into the evening, Brendan was agitated off and on. Then he was weepy. His Dad suspected it was because Brendan missed me. I had to go to work and didn't get home until late. [Brendan and I just spent a whole ten days together since we were both on vacation. So, he got use to me being around all the time.] So, I just stuck like glue to him when I got home and got him off to bed. Then, he was fine.

He slept through the night. YAY!!!! He got up this morning in a good mood and was happy going to school. He had a good day at school. Got the mail without being mad that there was nothing for him in there. (whew!) Then his friend came over whom he hasn't seen in three weeks. Then we went to Memorial Park. Brendan likes to take pictures of the trees and was saying 'tree', 'big'. Then we got some chips out of the vending machine. (sigh) Unfortunately, Brendan pointed to one that I was unfamiliar with, so I had him get the Lays instead. He seemed a bit reluctant, but did it. Then as I was sitting next to him while he ate them, I just happened to glance at the bag and saw the word 'milk'. They were Sourcream and Onion Lays chips!! He had already eaten half the bag and he had a funny look on his face like he did not find them tasty. I told him I was sorry that I made him buy the wrong chip. When we got to the car, I wiped off his mouth, hands, drink bottle, and camera. I took him to 7-11 to get the right chips. By the time we got there (15 min), his lips looked puffy and he broke out with a rash all around his mouth. I gave him Benadryl right away (of coures I only had the red Benadryl and not the clear capsule - red dye could affect him as well). But, I had no choice. I also put cortisone cream on the rash. Luckily by the time we got home, the rash started to subside. Surprisingly, he did not get sleepy with the Benadryl. He is still up and happy and about ready to go to bed. Been a great day!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

CST Session 8/18/11

Brendan came with his father today.  He was wearing his headphones.  Promptly removed his shoes and socks and came got onto the therapy table.  He wanted music and we turned it on.  At first he was very vocal - making loud sounds - then calmed down. 

His father and I were catching up and Brendan has a tendency not to like being talked about.  We let him know we were updating and would be done in a couple of minutes.  He was fine.

Today we did cranial sacral and lymphatic work.  After 3-5 sessions it is always good to have one session just integrating and understanding where his body is at.  Started again on his right leg - 40% maintained.  More and more of the energetic connnection is staying.  This is a good sign as it allows Brendan to feel both feet on the ground and not just one.  His pelvis is staying balanced which is fantastic - as it tends not to when he is less energetically connected.

Did a lot of head work.  He really likes the O/A's.  We counted for the majority of the headwork.  Children need to know there is an ending as the cranial vault pressure can be great.  The greater the pressure the more heat, sweating and pulsing you get. 

Today I could feel the "circle of willis" (where the five arteries come together in the brain).  This was exciting as his brain is allowing us to get in deeper.  The ring and 4 outlets felt very healthy.  One artery felt somewhat restricted which we will continue to work on.

Lymphatic drainage makes Brendan laugh.  We did his axilla's (underarms), clavicles and parts of his face including his ears.  We count to five and do five passes.  He really likes it - but it is ticklish. 

We were able to work the frontal, parietal, temporals, O/A and even the sphenoid and nasals.  Today was a very good day.

He left happy but did put his headphones back on.  Clearly needs more detoxing of the brain which we will address next week. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Parent update 8/17/11

Brendan was a little agitated this morning. But it was because he wanted to make sure he could go to Target. I told him he could if he has gentle hands at school. [Note: We have been using Target as a reinforcer for the last year when he could make it through the school day without hitting anyone.]

He actually got to school early today, 8:30am (instead of 10am which is his norm due to his sleeping issues). I met his new teacher who seemed very nice. Brendan had a good day except at one point he did cry. According to the aide, it was because it was really noisy in the classroom. Two of the aides are the same from last year. However, the third aide was assigned to another class. He did well all day so he got to go to Target after school. Then when we got home, he checked the mail and his Barney video arrived early. He was so happy and had the biggest smile on his face. I can honestly say that I live to see my son smile. All my worries and stress just disappear when I see that smile on his face.

He did well the rest of the day. But I noticed after dinner he was looking at pictures of past therapist. He was weepy and I asked him why. He said he didn't feel well. He also pointed to one of his therapist (like he missed her although she just saw him today). Then when I got him to bed, he was crying softly. So, I had him get up and go swing since this seems to calm him alot. I asked him if he was crying because he didn't fell well, he didn't answer. I asked him if there was something at home that was making him cry, he didn't answer. Then I asked him if there was something at school that was making him cry, and he looked at me and said, 'school'. I said, Do you miss your teacher?" and he said, 'yeah'.

I got the feeling that he was feeling abandoned by so many people in his life. We have had so many therapist, doctors, teachers, come and go. It's nice to have alot of people in your life, but then there is just that many more people who leave you. I explained to him why his teacher had to leave. I didn't want him to think it was because of him. Although I wouldn't put it past him to think that. Out of the 4 schools he has attended, three of the teachers left after he had them for only one year (instead of two or three years). They left due to problems with their boss, wanting to teach at a different school, and financial reasons. I told him that many people in his life will come and go, but lots of them still visit. I reminded him that just two weeks ago his speech therapist he had in elementary school stopped by to visit and this made him very happy.

My poor little guy. It breaks my heart because he is so sensitive and aware of everything, but can't express his exact feelings. I guess the best I can, but how frustrating it is for him to rely on others to 'guess' what is bothering him or what he wants to say. Don't get me wrong, he has many tools he can use (picture icons, sign language, adaptive augmentative communication devices, computer), but none of these are quick enough, accurate enough to really capture what he wants to say. I just keep hoping that one day he will talk, or at the very least, start to type what he feels (we are working on this).

Tomorrow he has his CST session. This always helps him feel better.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Parent update 8/16/11

Well, he did not fall asleep at 2am. Instead he fell asleep at 4am and then woke up at 8am Monday morning. He was fine most of the day except for the mailbox issue. I ended up putting Barney head icons on the calendar to signify how many days it would take before his video arrive. This morning, he came downstairs, went to the calendar and plucked off a Barney head icon. No protesting. No wanting to check the mailbox. So, it seems to be working so far.

Today had to go to the doctors and have this bump under his arm looked at. He was so good through the whole thing. No protesting, no headbutting, nada! He was good all day AND he is asleep already. School starts tomorrow, so I hope he sleeps at least until 6am!!!

[Note: The reason I give details about his sleep is because most kids who have ASD have a sleeping disorder to some degree. We have tried melatonin, Benadryl, massages, music, etc.. Nothing seems to consistenly help. One day, I hope for him to get a good nights rest each night. I still worry (as I did the whole time when he was younger) that if he doesn't get enough sleep, his immune system will be affected. Luckily, he seems to be staying well even despite these restless nights of sleep.]

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Parent update 8/13/11

Brendan woke up at 5am again. But this time, he did go back to sleep until 7am. Then we took him to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk because he's been wanting to ride the carousel. We got there before the crowd. He waited patiently for his Dad to buy tickets. He was very excited to go in the ride. Then just when we we approaced the line, we bumped into his speech therapist from 5 years ago. She let Brendan and his Dad go ahead and her and I caught up on her family and mine. Apparently, her son was diagnosed with mild autism.

While I was talking to her I noticed Brendan wasn't smiling while on the ride. I wasn't sure what was up with that. When he got off, he didn't want to get back on again so we said goodbye to his speech therapist and went for a walk. We approached the bumper cars. I thought he might like to go on this since he thought it was so funny when I backed up into a concrete pole the other day. But then he headbutted me lightly twice. So, I asked if he wanted to go back onto the carousel and he did. This time I went on with him. He was mad the whole time. When we got off we sat on the bench and then he started to cry. I asked him several questions, 'did you want to go on again?', no answer. 'do you want to ride something else?', no answer. Then it hit me, "Are you upset because I was talking to your speech therapist?". He said, "yeah". I explained to him that we weren't talking about him the whole time. I told him that she commented on how tall he was and I also told her how well he was doing. But that was it. The rest of the time we were talking about her kids, our jobs, etc... After I explained thisto him, then he was fine. He is such a sensitive kiddo. Then he wanted to go. Within an hour the place was so crowded, so I don't blame him.

As we were leaving, we saw a game that he played before and thought he might like to play it. It is the one where you shoot the water into the clowns mouth. So, Brendan and I were going to play. The game started and all of sudden the music blasted on the speaker and startled him. He was in between wanting to cry to wanting to finish the game. Of course, the darn balloon wouldn't pop! It finally did and he grabbed his purple shark and we left. He held it together very well. I did get headbutted 'lightly' a couple of times because we had to cross the street amongst wall-to-wall traffic.

I was bummed that we had to leave so early. The weather was beautiful and they were going to have a Polynesian show at noon. Brendan would have seen live hula dancers (which he has never seen before, only on video - and he loves his hula girls!). Oh well, that's the way it goes...

He tried to stay awake but ended up taking a nap at 5pm and got up at 8pm. So, we are all still up. The rest of the day and evening went well. Hopefully, we'll get to bed by 2am.

Parent update 8/13/11

Brendan got up at 5am. He was in a good mood all day (except when he first checked the mailbox and it was empty). We surprised him for his birthday and took him to Roaring Railroad Camp. We all had a good time. Then we came home, had lunch, and then he took a 4.5 hour nap. He woke up happy and just went to bed at midnight. Again, another fantastic day!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Parent update 8/12/11

Brendan woke up at 5am today. I guess you could say he finally slept through the night since he fell asleep around 9:30pm last night. He woke up happy and would not go back to sleep. Usually, the first thing he likes to do when we come downstairs is surf ebay on his computer. Instead, he sat on the couch and was quiet. I asked him if he felt okay and he put his hand on his belly and said, "bell(y) ow". So I asked him if he wanted to me to work on his belly and he said yes. As I did, I started to feel nauseous. I didn't know if it was just me or if I was feeling him detox. After about 20min he said 'all done' and went to his computer.

He was in a pretty good mood this morning especially after receiving a Barney video in the mail (his early Bday gift). Then we went to Memorial Park. Had fun dodging duck poop on the pathway. Went to Jamba Juice where he waited very patiently. Then we came home. He wanted to go to the pool, but I was starting to feel ill, so we stayed home. He was looking tired, so I tried to get him down for a nap, but he didn't want to. Around 2:30pm, he finally laid down and took a nap.

He woke up around 5:30pm in a happy mood. Again, he waited patiently for his Dad to get home with the meat so we could make burgers. Waiting is NOT a strong point of Brendan's. So, I was very glad to see that he had been patient all day. Then, he let me finish cutting his hair without protest nor discomfort. There were two occasions where he could have headbutted me, but he didn't.

As I got him to bed, he wanted to me work on his head, then belly. Then he let me work on his right knee which was emitting alot of heat before he pulled it away. He let me work on his foot for about 5 min. Then he wanted my hand back on his chest and my other hand under his chest. After 20 min, he said, 'all done' and fell asleep.

Again, another great day! : )

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Parent update 8/11/11

WOW!! What a fantastic day!!! Brendan felt so good after his CST/Homepathic session today AND HE STAYED HAPPY ALL DAY/EVENING!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!! Okay, let me give you a recap of the day. Sorry, I just couldn't hold back giving you the good news up front! : )

Last night he didn't fall asleep until 3:30am. (Even though he had a late nap, he usually falls asleep by midnight). Then he woke up at 7:15am. At least he woke up happy. He did get mad when he checked the mailbox because it was empty. But the rest of the morning he was okay, but sleepy.

As you have read by the previous blog updates, he had a great session. After we left, I was looking in my rearview mirror and could see him grinning from ear to ear. This continued even after we got ice cream.

He wasn't agitated at all the rest of the day. He didn't even headbutt me. He was looking really tired around 4pm. So I tried to get him down for a nap, but no go. A couple of times I thought he fell asleep, but he was just very, very relaxed. So, we continued on with our day. Then when I tried to cut his hair (which lately he has been tolerating - but he doesn't enjoy it), he was laughing so hard I couldn't get him to stay still.

As I was getting him ready for bed, he asked me to work on his head. But as I did, he started giggling again. Then he wanted me to work on his belly. Then I felt a need to put my left hand under his back between the shoulder blades and he grabbed my right hand and put it on his chest. There wasn't as much pulsing, but alot of heat was released. He fell asleep this way.

I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. I could tell he felt good! Seeing him happy is a gift I treasure because I know all to well how quickly it can be taken away at any moment, and how bad things can get. I'm so glad he gets these moments of relief and pray that he will have more days like this. For only being 11 years old, to me, he has endured a lifetime of struggle, ailment, heartache, and challenges then some people experience in their lifetime. He deserves to feel good and be happy!!! : )

Thank you Kathleen, Linda and Tim!!!

Homeopath- 8/11/11

Yes the CST session went well. We used a new remedy Nux-v (ghHW method-glass,homeopathy & Holy Water) with the Quantum laser going thru it to Brendan's head. This remedy was chosen because we wanted to try and detox the brain. This went very well and he was happy the whole time. I have never seen Brendan put his shoes on so fast and run out the door at the end of the session. Last year it took 20 minutes. It was a very slow process. I didn't even get a chance to say good-bye. When I came from the therapy room he was already hopping into the car. Wow. I hope he has a great rest of the day!
Brendan's mother had mentioned that even though Brendan was still not sleeping well he has been happy since taking one dose of the VC remedy. This remedy is to protect him from outside energy influences. I am happy for that!

CST Session 8/11/11

Brendan arrived, removed his shoes and socks and headed straight into the therapy room.  His mom, Linda (Homeopath), Tim (high school student) and Kathleen (cranial therapist) were all involved in his session. 

Again his right leg was worked - trying to obtain a permanent energetic connection.  He had not lost it all but it was waning.  We asked Brendan if he would like Tim to work on his head and his response was "yes".  Kathleen worked his right leg and directed Tim on the left side of Brendan's head.  The same dryness, tightness and gauze pad was present; yet not as dry, tight or webbed as the left.  When Brendan had enough Linda stepped in and began using the ghHW method.

Today we dealt with his brain detoxing.  We started with lymphatic - getting the water flowing so drainage would be easier.  Brendan really liked it.  Next we went to 'detox'.  The detoxification was immense - big layers of toxins flowing out and actually getting backed up by his throat.  Kathleen manually did lymphatic work on the axillas and clavicles; along with the neck and parts of the face and ears.  As Linda continued with detoxing via ghHW Kathleen would periodically push the lymph through to prevent backup.

Initially you could see the release of toxins was getting to Brendan - but after continually lymphing Brendan would laugh.  He really enjoyed this and it made him feel really good.  We ended with a 'dna' setting which Brendan also liked.

Brendan's session was 1 hour and 15 minutes - he did very well and overall enjoyed it.  When he was ready to go he had his socks and shoes on very fast.  He was out the door as he was going for ice cream and was tired; yet excited.  He got right into the car but did not put his headphones on (for the past few months he has been wearing them while in the car). 

We await the update from his mother.  Each session is getting better and better.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Parent update 8/10/11

Brendan woke up very 3:30am! And, he did not go back to sleep. We went to Target, went on a short hike, then to my sister-in-laws pool. He was down for a nap by 1pm. He's been up from his nap since 4:30pm and, overall, has had a good day. The CST session last night and the remedy definitely seemed to help him feel better today. Thank you K and L!!!

Here's hoping he'll sleep through the night...or at least until 6am!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

CST Session 8/9/11

Tonight's session started off working on the right leg.  Immediately upon arrival it was clear Brendan's right leg was energetically disconnected again.  As the work began Brendan turned away from me - this is rare; but does happen when he is very angry or does not like what he is feeling.  We began counting and Brendan let the work be completed - all the way to his toes.  His foot released lots of heat.

After working on his right leg/foot the next place was placing a hand on the occipital area and one near his throat.  His mom placed her hand on his right frontal lobe.  We had to count - as again Brendan became agitated.  This can happen when to much internal pressure takes place.  With pressure comes heat and pulsing and sometimes can be very uncomfortable.

His mom removed her hand from his frontal lobe and I took over.  Starting from a couple of inches away you slowly back into the area as his energy allows.  Back and forth from the right frontal bone, temporal, parietal, sphenoid and occipital.  Above his right ear located on the temporal lobe you could feel what I call a 'gauze pad'.  This is when tissue has tightened and become threaded in a criss-cross pattern.  It is very dry and uncomfortable and will generate a lot of heat when working.

Throughout his head work Brendan turned towards me and stayed facing me the rest of the night.  He fell asleep while working the right side of his head.  There is definite decompression and/or expansion happening on the right side.  He was definitely feeling better and sleeping soundly when the session was over.  

Parent update 8/9/11

The last two days have been a rollercoaster for Brendan. He vascillated between being mad to happy to mad, etc... I wasn't sure if it was because of Barney, his head, his belly, his sleep being off, the solar flares, etc...

This morning he got up at 6:30am and by 10am, I was ready for the day to over with. He was so on edge. Then I remembered that his homeopath suggested I give him the remedy that we have used in the past to help deflect energy (other people's energy, negative energy). I asked him if the solar flares were still bothering him and he said 'yes'. Then I asked him if he wanted the remedy and he said 'yes'. After I gave it to him, he was pretty good the rest of the day.

He had a great CST session tonight as you will read in her blog update. He was snoring when she left... Here's hoping for a good day tomorrow!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Parent 8/7/11

Brendan slept through the night Friday night. He woke up in a good mood. We had to go to Lodi to see his RDI therapist (we try to see her once per month). What we are working on right now is "executive function". This tends to be difficult for autistic kids. Executive function is a set of mental processes that helps connect past experience with present action. Most of us use it to perform activities such as planning, organizing, strategizing, paying attention to and remembering details, and managing time and space.

Well, Brendan did very well during the session. She played games with him that she has guided him in the past. Lately, she has been slowly holding back to see what he will do. Lots of times, there may be no reaction and then she has to prompt him first nonverbally and then verbally. He only needed a few prompts during one of the games and on the other two, he did very, very well.

I cooked him lunch after we got home and told him I wasn't feeling well and was very tired. So, he signed 'sleep' and laid down on the couch. I laid down on the other couch and rested for about 30 minutes. One of the things that amazes me, when I became a parent, is how you can doze BUT still hear your child! I felt better after resting a bit and I thanked him for letting me rest.

Then we went upstairs to listen to his music....and he broke a CD. So, no more music for the rest of the day. I did allow him to watch a Barney video, but even that didn't appease him. He was fixated on his CDs.

After his bath, he was irritated because he could not listen to his music. Since I could tell he was getting more mad, I told him it was time for bed. This is of course after a few headbutts. Instead of reading to him like I do every night, I just told him good night.

I went back downstairs and watched him on the monitor. After 15 minutes, ,I could hear him crying softly. So, I checked on him. I think he felt bad for being mean to me. He seemed remourseful. I had him get up and swing in his gym a little because this usually calms him down. But he was still sad. He wanted me to lay down next to him and hold his hand, so I did. Then he asked me to 'stay'. So, I did and we both fell asleep.

He woke up at 5am. I went to work early since I had been up for awhile trying to get him to go back to sleep. He kept his Dad busy going places and was pretty good until they went to Jamba Juice. To make a long story short, he headbutted his Dad because he thought the drinks on the counter were his, but they weren't. His Dad told him to wait for their drinks, but Brendan got upset for being wrong. Under the circumstances, I told his Dad, I would have thought those drinks were theirs too.

When I got home, his Dad looked tired and went to work. Brendan and I went to my parents house for a visit. Then we came home and made brownies and cupcakes. Then I had him take a nap (5pm) because he couldn't keep his eyes open. He woke up in a good mood and the rest of the night he was happy. He is in bed, but not asleep yet..

homeopath- 8/6/11

August 5th Solar flares
Yes, it is true Autistic children react to magnetic shifts. The are very sensitive to energy. You can see them spinning, getting irritated etc. They do this to try and counteract the energy felt. Acknowledging to them that they feel something can make all the difference.

Solar flares send out bursts of electromagnetic energy that strike the Earth's magnetic field.
Let us know if you or your child felt it!!!!! Comment below.

UPDATE - GEOMAGNETIC STORM IN PROGRESS - A major geomagnetic storm is in progress following the impact of a CME on August 5th around 1800 UT. Sky watchers at all latitudes should be alert for auroras after nightfall. The best hours for aurora sightings are usually around local midnight. Reports of Northern Lights are coming in from many European countries including Germany, Denmark, Scotland and the Netherlands. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab say that the CME impact may have strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field, directly exposing satellites in geosynchronous orbit to solar wind plasma. The arriving CME left the sun on August 4th, propelled by an M9.3-category eruption in the magnetic canopy of sunspot 1261.
NIGHT-TIME SOLAR RADIO BURST: The M9-class solar flare of August 4th produced a burst of shortwave static so powerful that receivers on Earth picked it up after sunset. "A RadioJove observer in Florida recorded the burst when the sun was 38 degrees below the horizon."
"To my knowledge, receptions like this are VERY RARE." Indeed they are. This event brings to mind the iconic night-time solar radio burst of March 8, 1958. Five radio telescopes at the University of Florida picked up emissions from the sun while observing the planet Jupiter in tthe middle of the night. On the other side of the world, radio astronomers in daylit Australia confirmed that a powerful solar radio burst had taken place at that exact time. They considered the possibility that solar radio waves might have been reflected by the Moon or carried to the night side of Earth by ionospheric ducting. In tthe end, they could not conclusively explain what happened and night-time solar radio bursts remain a puzzle.
Tsunami in space - Effects of solar flares arriving on Earth. The impact of the series of eruptions on the Sun began arriving at Earth Friday and could affect some communications for a day or so.
Operators of electrical grids in the United States are working to avoid outages, but the country's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says some satellite communications and Global Positioning Systems could face problems.
Three solar flares erupted on the sun starting on Tuesday, and the strongest electromagnetic shocks were being felt Friday by the ACE spacecraft, a satellite that measures radiation bursts a few minutes before they strike Earth.
The sun is going from a quiet period into a busier cycle for solar flares, and an increase in the number of such blasts is expected over the next three to five years. Solar flares send out bursts of electromagnetic energy that strike the Earth's magnetic field. The most common impacts for the average person are the glowing auroras around the north and south poles, and those could be visible this weekend. The magnetic blasts which have been likened to a tsunami in space, can also affect electronic communications and electrical systems. A 1989 solar flare knocked out the electrical systems in Quebec, Canada, but the current solar storm is not expected to be that powerful. On a scale of one to five, it is probably a two or three. But more significant solar storms are expected in the next few years. The most powerful known solar storm occurred in 1859. There were not as many vulnerable electrical items then, but it did knock out telegraph services, even burning down some telegraph stations. Other serious solar blasts occurred in 1921 and 1940, and one on Halloween in 2003.

STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: For the third day in a row, active sunspot 1261 has unleashed a significant M-class solar flare. The latest blast at 0357 UT on August 4th registered M9.3 on the Richter Scale of Flares, almost crossing the threshold into X-territory (X-flares are the most powerful kind). The number of energetic protons around Earth has jumped nearly 100-fold as a result of this event. The eruption propelled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth.
Moving at an estimated speed of 1950 km/s, this CME is expected to sweep up an earlier CME already en route. Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab say the combined cloud should reach Earth on August 5th at 10:00 UT plus or minus 7 hours: "THE IMPACT ON EARTH IS LIKELY TO BE MAJOR." The estimated maximum geomagnetic activity index level Kp is 7 (Kp ranges from 0 - 9).
The first of three CMEs produced by the recent spate of flare activity reached Earth during the late hours of August 4th. The impact was weak and is not expected to produce strong geomagnetic storms. The other two CMEs are still on the way and, as described above, they may have merged into a single cloud that could produce significant storming when they reach Earth today. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Parent update 8/5/11

He did not sleep well. Was up at 5am, fell back to sleep for an hour. His Dad took him to the pool today. There was an older gentleman there and Brendan got upset about that. So they left the pool. Then when they got home, Brendan broke another video. His Dad isn't sure how he got it/found it. He had to pay for the broken video. So, no more videos and CD for the rest of the day..which means this will be a long, long, day.... (sigh).

His homeopath did mention that a solar flare occurred on Tuesday and would affect the earth's energy as of Friday. I remembered this and asked Brendan if the earth's energy feels different today and he said, 'yes'. Stay tuned...

He didn't protest to much the rest of the day. He had a good session with his ABA therapist. Then when he was about to take his bath (he was holding a Barney video cover), he peed on the carpet and his comforter! He thought it was funny! I DID NOT!! So, I made him clean up his mess. He didn't think it was to funny after that.
He just fell asleep 10 minutes ago. Again, I HOPE he sleep through the night....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Homeopath update 8/4/11

Just a note about the CST session today. When we got to the end of his session. It is obvious that Brendan is going thru remedies more quickly with this method. We asked Brendan what he thought and the conclusion was that Brendan was certain about it being time to move to a new remedy. A remedy that would help with detox . esp. detoxing of the brain. So I will be looking into this! Good night! Be well!

Parent update 8/4/11

Brendan had a prety good day yesterday. He did break a video and CD, but was fine otherwise. Best of all, he slept through the night!!! Yay!

This morning was in a good mood. When we went to Target we ended up walking behind this family with two very small children. This made me nervous as I have witnessed Brendan try to 'shoo' small kids out of his way or kick them. But he was totally patient walking behind them (as they were walking slow). Then when they went one way and we went the other, he just looked at them with a funny expression on his face. He seemed to very aware of the fact that these were little kids and he was bigger then they were.

Today he said very clearly, 'cookie' and 'tissue'. I have noticed that he is started to say both syllables of a two syllable word. Usually, he'll only say the last word.

After his CST/homeopathy session, I got him in the car and shut the door. Then I was talking for a few minutes to both our CST and homeopath. Then we heard this knock on the car window which was him telling me to hurry up and let's go. He's never done that before. I thought it was pretty funny.

Let's pray for another good nights sleep!

CST Session 8/4/11

Brendan came in today and was pretty quiet.  Took his shoes and socks off and went straight to the therapy room.  Laid down and is asked each time he comes if he wants music.  He said yes.  Lately he has really been liking the hemisync music.  Played throughout session.

Started with therapy work on his right leg while the homeopath shined the laser through two sheets of glass (g) with the homeopathic remedy (h) and holy water (HW) between the sheets.  Going forward this method will now be described as:  ghHW. 

ghHW began between the two parietal bones (crown chakra); immediately the temporals started activating.  It became clear the tissue was extremely tight and dry around the temporals.  We started with a setting of brain and moved to blood, fascia, muscles, cellular regeneration and relaxation.  Brendan really liked blood, cellular regeneration and relaxation.  He lets us know when it is to much and would like to stop. 

He was happy, laughing and ticklish.  He also became very quiet during the relaxation portion.  For the first time he gently kept touching the therapist hand as well as stroked her across the face.  This was a first. 

What strikes us most is since we began working with Brendan (CST and homeopathy) he was very detached; in the last month we have witnessed him to be more compassionate and better connected towards us and his environment.  Overall he recognizes his sensitivity to negative energy and is finding ways to tell us or combat it.  Brendan also let us know he gets headaches (frontal bone/forehead) when negative energy is around.  His words are clearer.

The MRS 2000+ mat was on for 24 minutes. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Parent update 8/2/11

Yesterday was okay. He was mad again at not receiving his video via mailbox, few headbutts. Then we went for a drive. When we do this, we just take off and Brendan tells me where to turn, go straight, etc. It's fun to see where we end up and to check out different neighborhoods. Well after driving through downtown San Jose and him directing me onto streets I have never been on before...we ended up at ToysRUs!! How he knew to get there from where were were is a mystery to me. He has an amazing sense of direction. Anyway, I told him he could get something if he had money. He dug his wallet out of the backpack and had enough, so in we went. The rest of the day he did fine. Since he hasn't been sleeping well, he almost fell asleep before the ABA therapist arrived. But, even then, he did fine with her.

Today was pretty good. He did get up again at 3am and fell back to sleep around 5am. So, he didn't wake up in a particular happy mood, but at least he wasn't mad. He didn't even get mad that the mailbox was empty. So, he got rewarded (50cents) big time for staying calm. Then we waited for the behavioral consultant to show up. I told Brendan that we were going to be talking about him and his progress (eg., not breaking things, regulating his emotions, etc), and he could join us at anytime. He did remarkably well. Usually he gets very agitated when people are talking about him (even if it is good). He even joined us at one point and I asked him how he felt about things. I typically ask 'yes' and 'no' questions so he can answer them.

Then, we went on an adventure looking for Lake Elizabeth. Of course I was on 880 instead of 680, so we got lost. I was U-turning, going this way and that way, took a cloveleaf to tight (he had a funny smirk on his face when this happened - you know..kinda like...Yep! Mom's a bad driver!), but he was totally fine with it and thought the whole thing was amusing to him. We did eventually find the lake, but could only stay for a brief visit because we were expecting another ABA therapist at our house. I plan told him we would come back next week (both him and I have the whole week off) and we could walk around the entire lake. As for his ABA session, he did really, really well with her considering I thought he was getting tired.

Overall good day. Just hope he starts sleeping through the night for both of our sakes!