Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brendan's case will cover all therapies, supplements, remedies, etc.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Brendans History

Brendan was born in 1999. He was delivered by C-section. He almost died at birth due to Group B Strep. Because he had been in the NICU, the hospital had him come in for routine follow-ups every 6 months. It was at his 18 month check-up that we were advised to have him assessed for developmental delays.  Brendan was diagnosed with Autism on September 11, 2001.

Brendan suffers from food allergies (eggs, wheat, dairy, peanuts). He has asthma concurrently with a cold. He has had seizures (petit mal to grand mal). He is currently on Risperidone for behaviors. He is non-verbal and has apraxia and dyspraxia.

We have tried many therapies, seen many specialist, several DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) doctors, tried special diets, numerous tests, and we even had him baptized. My husband and I did not want to leave any stone unturned. We wanted Brendan to have the best life possible ~ at any cost. We have no regrets about all the interventions we have done.

Here's the list of therapies and biomedical interventions:
SLP (Speech therapy)
OT (Occupational therapy)
NDT (Neurodevelopmental therapy)
RDI (Relationship Developmental Intervention)
ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis)
Vitamin C by IV
Over 100 different supplements
B-12 shots
HBOT (Hyperbarics Oxygen Therapy)
AIT (Auditory Integration Therapy)
Cranial Sacral Therapy
DAN! Doctors
Neurologist (MRI)
Diets (GF/CF, low oxylate, no sugar, specific carbohydrate, raw diet)
Chelation (was attempted but he was always sick so we could never pursue this consistently)

Brendan uses many different ways to communicate: sign language, iTouch, Communication binder. However, this has been our greatest struggle and is the main contributor to his frustration which results in behaviors. His receptive language is very good. He does have a great sense of humor and is very affectionate. We are very lucky to have Brendan as our son for he has been our greatest teacher.